Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 500 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 500 Right Column
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Mifflintown, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, United States (main entry)
Mikalida, Natolia, Asiatic Turkey (main entry)
    Sea of Marmora
    Bursa (directional)
Milan, Italy (main entry)
    Milanese, The (synonym for Milan, Italy)
    Alps (Mountains)
    Venetian Territory
    Apennines (Mountains)
    Seccia River
    Ticino River
    Adda River
    Oglio River
    Po River
    Maggiore (Lake)
    Como (Lake)
    Lugano (Lake)
    Eugene, Prince
    Austria, House of
    Sardinian Milanese
    Cisalpine Republic
    Sardinia, King of
    Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom
    Austrian Italy
    Austrian Milanese
Milan, Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom, Italy (main entry)
    Adda River
    Ticino River
    St. Peter's at Rome
    Austrian viceroy
    Piazza di Castello
    College of St. Ambrose
    Rome (directional)
Milan, Huron County, Ohio, United States (main entry)
    Columbus (directional)
Page 500 Left column ... Page 501 Left column
Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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