Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 501 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 501 Right Column
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Miller County, Arkansas, United States (main entry)
    Millersburg, Holmes County, Ohio, United States
    Millersburg, Ripley County, Indiana, United States
    Millersburg, Bourbon County, Kentucky, United States
Miller's River (main entry)
    Connecticut River
    Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States
    Franklin County, Massachusetts, United States
Millerstown, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, United States (main entry)
Millerstown, Perry County, Pennsylvania, United States (main entry)
Millerstown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, United States (main entry)
    Millfarm, Carolina County, Virginia, United States
Millsay, Bullock County, Georgia, United States (main entry)
Millsborough, Sussex County, Delaware, United States (main entry)
Millsfield, Coos County, New Hampshire, United States (main entry)
Millstone, Somerset County, New Jersey, United States (main entry)
    Princeton (directional)
    Millstone River
    Raritan River
Millsville, Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States (main entry)
    Millsville, Gennesee County, New York, United States
    Millsville, King George County, Virginia, United States
    Millsville, Butler County, Ohio, United States
Millwood, Frederick County, Virginia, United States (main entry)
    Shenandoah River
Milo, Penobscot County, Maine, United States (main entry)
Milo (Island), Grecian Archipelago (main entry)
    Melos (Island) (synonym for Milo (Island), Grecian Archipelago)
    Mediterranean Sea
    Independent Greece
    Milo, Milo (Island), Grecian Archipelago
    Candia (directional)
    Athens (directional)
Miltenberg, Leiningen, Bavarian States (main entry)
    Maine River
    Aschaffenburg (directional)
Milthorpe, Westmoreland, England, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Cetha River
    Ken River
    London (directional)
Milton, Kent, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Kent, King of
    Maidstone (directional)
    London (directional)
Milton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States (main entry)
    Boston (directional)
    Neponset River
    Milton Hill
    White Mountains
    New Hampshire, United States
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