Montgomery, ph. Franklin Co. Vt. Pop. 460 , p.t. Hampden Co. Mass. 12 m. N. W. Spring- field. Pop. 579; ph. Orange Co. N. Y. Pop. 3,887. Also towns and villages in Somerset Co. N. J., Montgomery and Franklin Cos. Pa., Rich- mond and Franklin Co. Ohio, and Montgomery Co. Alabama.
Montgomery, a borough of Wales, capital of Montgomeryshire. Here are the ruins of a cas- tle which was destroyed in the civil wars. Of late years the town has received considerable improve- ments ; the market-house has beeneularged, and a new county gaol erected ; many of the buildings are large and handsome. It stands on the side of a hill, at a short distance from the Severn, 168 m. N. W. of London.
Montgomeryshire, a county of Wales, 36 m. long and 34 broad. Though barren and moun- tainous in many parts, it has a greater mixture of fertile vale and plain than several of the Welsh counties. Its riches proceed from its sheep and wool, the hilly tract being almost entirely sheep- walks ; and the flocks, like those of Spain, are driven from distapt parts to feed on them during the summer. This county also affords mineral treasures, particularly lead ; and it abounds with slate and lime ; but there is no coal. Its princi- pal rivers are the Plynlimmon, Severn, Vymew, and Tannat, all of which are noted for affording a varietv of fish, particularly salmon.
Montoomerytille, p.v. Gibson Co. Indiana.
Mont a it yon, a town of France, in the depart- ment of Lower Charente, 43 m. S. S. E. of Saintes.
Montieello, ph. Sullivan Co. N. Y. 40 m. W. Newburg; ph. Fairfield Dis. S. C. 35 m. N. Co- lumbia ; p.v. Jasper Co. Geo. 32 m. N. W. Mil- ledgeville, p.v. Lawrence Co. Mississippi. 10 m. E. Natchez; ph. Wayne Co. Ken. 100 m. S. Frank- fort ; p.v. Lawrence Co. Arkansas. Also the seat of the late President Jefferson, Albermarle Co. Va. 2 m. E. Charlottesville.
Montiel, a town of Spain in New Castile, 22 m. W. of Alcaraz and 70 E. S. E. of Calatrava.
Montignac, a town of France, in the department of Dordogne, on the Vezere, 21 m. E. S. E. of Perigeux.
Monti Ha, a town of Spain in Cordova, 18 m. S. S. E. of Cordova.
Monir-lliers, a town of France, department of L >w-?r Seine, on the small river Lazarde, 6 m. N. of Havre.
M aL v. a town of the Prussian province of L-i ver R .ne. with a fortified castle on a hill; sit- uate a in -ng ragged rocks, 16 m. S. S. E. of Aix-
a town of France, in the department of Lower Charente, 40 m. S. S. E. of Saintes.
.V rvwdf. a town of France, department of Up- p/>r Pvronfes. with a regular fortress on a rock, at the ;'xe2x80xa2> -t of the Pyrenees, for the protection of the frontier*- Its 40 m. W. by S. of Perpignan and 439 S. nf Parrs. Long. 2. 5. E., lat. 42. 30. N.
M-jni'uevn. item of France, department of Al- lier. with maa-xfactnres of lace, ribands, serge, &c., seated on the Cher. 35 m. VV. S. W. of Mou- lins.
MontlmA. a town of France, department of Ain, on the Seraine, 9 m. S. xc2xa3. of Trevoux.
Mimtmaramlt a town of France, department of Allier, 28 m. S W. xc2xaef Moulin*.
Montmcdy, a town of France, department of Meuse, seated on the river Chiere. which divides it into Upper and Lower Town, 21 m. N. of Ver- dun. |
Montmirel, a town, of France, department oi Marne, rendered memorable for two severe bat- tles fought n its vicinity between the French and the allies on the 12th and 14th of February, 1814. It is 33 m. W. by S. of Chalons sur Marne and 55 E. of Paris.
Montmorenei, a small stream flowing into the St. Lawrence from the N. 9 m. below Quebec. Here is a beautiful cataract with a perpendicular descent of 246 feet.
Montmorency, a town of France, department of Seine-et-Ofae, 10 m. N. of Paris.
Montmorillon, a town of France, department of . Vienne, seated on the Gartempe, 25 m. S. E. of Poitiers.
Montana, a town of Austrian Illyria, in Istria, 16 m. E. S. E. of Umago.
Montpelier, one of the largest, richest, and most beautiful cities of France, in the department of Herault, and a bishops see, with a university in which is a celebrated school of medicine, and a botanic garden, the first establishment in Europe. Here are also one of the great provincial schools, a special school of medicine erected in 1801, an anatomical theatre, an extensive library, a liter- ary society, &c. The town-house is remarkable for its halls, which are embellished with fine paint- ings. The number of inhabitants is computed at 33,990. Its trade consists in silks, blankets, car- pets, cotton goods, gauzes, hides, &c. The air is extremely healthy, and a great number of invalids flock hither from all parts. Montpelier is the seat of the departmental administration, and is situa- ted on an eminence between the small rivers Lez and Merdanson, about 5 m. from the Mediterra- nean, with which it communicates by the Canal de Grave. 30 m. S. W. of Nismes and 47 N. E. of Narbonne. Long. 3. 58. E., lat. 43. 37. N.
Montpelier, ph. Caledonia Co,_ Vermont, and the seat of government for the state. It has a central situation on Onion river; the site is low and surrounded by hills. The town has consider- able manufactures and 2 weekly newspapers. Pop. 1,792.
Montpelier, p.v. Hanover Co. Va. and Rich- mond, Co. N. C. Also the seat of President Madi- son in Orange Co. Va.
Montreal, a district of Lower Canada, compri- sing the counties of York, Effingham, Leinster, Warwick, Huntingdon, Kent, Surrey, Bedford, Richelieu, and Montreal.
Montreal, a fertile island and county of Low- er Canada in the river St. Lawrence, 30 m. long and 10 broad; surrendered by the French to the English in 1760.
Montreal, city, stands on the eastern side of the above island. It makes a fine appearance from a dis- tance with its compact mass of buildings, roofed with sheets of tin, and overtopped by church spires glittering with the same metal. Behind it rises a mountain spotted with orchards. The houses are mostly of stone, or plastered to resemble it, and are low with a heavy look; the streets are narrow. The cathedral is the largest church in North America except that of Mexico; it is 255 feet long and 134 wide and is capable of contain- ing 10,000 people. The college is a large edifice of stone, and has 300 students. The General Hos- pital or Convent of the Grey Sisters was establish- ed in 1753 and is under the management of a Supe- rior and 19 Nuns. The other objects worthy of notice axe Nelsons Monument, the Museum, and the Parade, a beautiful public ground. This city is the principal depot ofthe Northwestern Fur |