Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 519
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MOR    519    MOR

Moravian Village, a village in Upper Canada,
on the Thames, between Lakes Huron and Erie.
70 m. E. Detroit. It is inhabited by about 160
Indians, and their pastors, the Moravian mission-
aries. Here General Harrison defeated the Brit-
ish in 1813.

Moraw, or Marseh, a river of the Austrian
states, which rises in the mountains between Bo-
hemia and Silesia, crosses Moravia by Olmutz
and Hradisch, and receiving the Teya, on the
confines of Austria and Hungary, separates
these two countries as far as the Danube, into
which it enters, 15 m. above Presburg. It has
commonly the latter appellation till it receives
the Teya.

Morbegno, a town of Austrian Italy, one of the
handsomest and most commercial towns in the
Milanese, seated on the Adda, 12 m. S. E. of
Chiavenna. Long. 9. 36. E., lat. 46.
8. N.

Morbeys, or Ommirabih, a river of Barbary,
which rises in Mount Atlas, flows through the
empire of Morocco, and enters the Atlantic at

Morbihan, a department in the N. W. ofFrance,
bounded N. by that of Cotes du Nord and S. by
the sea. It takes its name from a bay between
Vannes (the capital) and the island of Bellisle.
Its entrance is narrow; but it extends within,
and contains about 30 little islands.

Morcont, a town of Naples, province of Molise,
19 m. S. S. E. of Molise.

Morea, the ancient Peloponnesus, a peninsula
in the south of Greece, joined to the mam
land by the isthmus of Corinth. It is 180 m.
long and 120 broad. The soil is fertile, except
in the middle, where there are many mountains;
and it is watered by several rivers, of which the
Alpheus, Vasili Potamo, and Stromio, are the
chief. See

Moreau, ph. Saratoga Co. N. Y. on the Hudson,
opposite Glen’s Falls. Pop. 1,690.

Moreland, p.v. Tioga Co. N. Y. also townships
in Montgomery, Philadelphia and Lycoming Cos.

Morelia, a town of Spain, in Valencia, seated
among high mountains, 80 m. S. of Valencia.

Mortsville, p.v. Delaware Co. N. Y.

Moret, a town of France, department of Seine-
et-Marne, near the Seine 12 m. S. S. E. of Melun.

Murtton Hampstead, a town in Devonshire
Eng. with manufactures of woolen cloth and yarn,
a considerable trade. Here are the vestiges
of two castles, or forts; and in the vicinity are a
Drnidica.1 temole,
a large rocking stone, and a
cromlech. Iso m. W. by S. of London.

xe2x80xa2IforrtiMf*. p.t. Washington Co. Vt. ,7 m. W.
Montpelier. P^p- 816.

Morrta. a town of the Sardinian states, in
Piedmont: seated on
a small river which runs
into the Po. 13 in S. of Turin.

Morgan, a c i-nity of the AV. District of A'irgin-
ia. Pop. tf.C'i Berkley Springs is the capital. A
county of G- -rr I P-->p. 12.023. Madison is the
capital. A c-naty cf Ohio. Pop. 11,796. Me
Connelsviije :? the capital. A county of E. Ten-
nesse. Pop. 2A82 Montgomery is the capital.
A county of LLLnots. Pop. 12.709. Jacksonville is
the capital. A county of Indiana. Pop. 5,579.
Martinsville is trie eapttaL

Morgan, towns in Greene Co. Pa. and Morgan,
Butler, Knox,
Ashtabula aad Gallia Cos. Ohio.

Morganjidd, p.t. Union Co. Ken.

Morgansville, p.v. Nottaway Co. Va.

Morgantown, p.v. Berks Co. Pa., Monongalia

Co. Va., Burke Co. N. C., Blount Co. Ten., Butler
Co. Ken. and Clinton Co. Ohio.

Morges, a town of Switzerland, in the canton
of Vaud, with a castle. By its canal, goods are
sent to other parts from the lake of Geneva, on
which the town is seated, 5 m. W. S. AA’. of

Morkanae, a town of France, department of
Moselle, 21 m. S. S. E. of Mentz.

Moriah, ph. Essex Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,742.

Moriches, ph. Suffolk Co. N. Y. on Long Island.

Morigen, a town of Hanover, on the Mohr, 12
m. N. N. W. of Gottingen.

M/iritz, St., a town of the Swiss canton of Gri
sons, with a famous mineral spring, 25 m. N. N
E of Chiavenna.

Morlcwhia, a mountainous country, lying be ,
tween, and forming part ofthe provinces of Croa
tia and Dalmatia. The inhabitants are called
Morlachi, or Moro-blassi, and are said, by some to
be of Wallachian extraction. They inhabit the
pleasant valleys of Koter, along the rivers Kerha,
Cettina, Naranta, and among the inland moun-
tains of Dalmatia. The Morlachi are said to be
extremely superstitious, and ifinjured or insulted,
implacable ; but hospitable, and in a high degree
capable of gratitude : the most pleasing trait of
character among them is friendship, which they
have even made
a kyid of religious article ; for
the Sclavonian ritual contains a particular bene-
diction for the solemn union of two male, or two
female friends, in the presence of the congrega-
tion. The male friends, thus united, are called
probratimi, and the female posestreme, which
mean half-brothers and half-sisters. From these
consecrated friendships among the Morlachi, and
other nations of the same origin, arose, as it should
seem, the sworn brothers, a denomination fre-
quent among the common people in many parts of
Europe. Segna is the capital.

Morlaiz, a town ofFrance, department of Fin-
isterre, with a castle and a tide harbour. The
church of Notre Dame is a singular structure,
and the hospital very handsome. It has a consid-
erable trade in linen, hemp, and tobacco, and is
seated on a river of the same name, 30 m. E.
N. E. of Brest. Long. 3. 45. W., lat. 48. 33.


Morocco, an empire of Africa, eoinprenending
a considerable part ofthe ancient Mauritania,
bounded W. by the Atlantic, N. by the Mediter-
ranean, E. by Algiers,and S. by the Sahara. Its
greatest length is above 590 m. but it is no where
more than 260 broad. The soil though sandy '
and dry in some places, is fertile in others ; and
the fruits, as well as the pastures, are excellent
but the country is not properly cultivated. The
inhabitants are Mahomedans,of tawny complexion,
robust, and very skilful in managing a horse and
wielding a lance : they are jealous, deceitful, su-
perstitious. and cruel. There are a great number
of Christian slaves and some merchants upon
the coast, besides a multitude of Jews, who car-
ry on almost all the trade, especially by land,_
with the negroes, to whom they send large cara-
vans, which travel over vast deserts, almost des-
titute of water. Besides woolen goods, their
commodities are Morocco leather, indigo, cochi-
neal, and ostriches’ feathers ; in return for which
they have silks, muslins, calicoes, coffee, and
drugs. In the deserts are lions, leopards, goats
and serpents of several kinds. The fruits are
dates, figs, almonds, lemons, oranges, pomegra
nates, and many others. There are also much

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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