land and Wayne Cos. Pa , Queen Anne Co. Ma- ryland, Shenandoah, Spotsylvania and Halifax Cos. Va., Rockingham Co. N. C., Fairfield Dis. S. C., Baldwin Co. Geo., Jefferson Co. Ohio, Mar- ten Co. Ind., Maury Co. Ten., Wilkinson Co. Mis- sissippi, Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana.
Mount Prospect, p.v. Edgecombe Co. N. C.
Mount Republic, p.v. Wayne Co. Pa.
Mount Solus, p.v. Hinds Co. Mississippi.
Mount Sterling, p.v. Switzerland Co. Ind.; p.v. Montgomery Co. Ken.
Mount Upton, p.v. Chenango Co. N. Y.
Mount Vernon, ph. Kennebec Co. Me. 14 m. N. W. Augusta. Pop. 1,439 a township of Hills- borough Co. N. H. Pop. 793 ; p.v. Chester Co. Pa; ph. Knox Co. Ohio ; p.v. Rockcastle and Bul- litt Cos. Ken.; p.v. Posey and Jefferson Cos. In- diana.
Mount Vernon, once the residence of Washing- ton, and the spot where his remains are entomb ed. It is on the south side of the Potomac, in Fair- fax Co. Va., 15 m. from the city of Washington. The house is a plain wooden building surrounded by handsome lawns and gardens. The tomb is a rustic excavation in the earth with a front of brick and totally devoid of ornament.
MountviUe, p.v. Loudon Co. Va
Mount Vintage, p.v. Edgefield Dis. S. C.
Mount Washington. See White Mountains.
Mount Washington, a township of Berkshire Co. Mass. 130 m. S. W. Boston. Pop. 34-5. It forms the S. W. corner of the state of Massachusetts. Within its limits stands Mount Washington, one of the summits of the Tagkannuc ndge, about
3,000 feet high.
Mount Zion, p.v. Union Co. Ken., Hancock Co. Geo., and Monroe Co. Missouri.
MountmeUick, a town of Ireland, in Queen’s county inhabited principally by Quakers. The wool-combing, malting, and tanning business, the cotton manufacture and bleaching are carried on here. It is seated on a stream which falls in- to the Barrow, 5 m. N. of Maryborough and 42, W. S. W. of Dublin.
Mountrath, a town of Ireland, in Queen’s coun- ty. In its neighbourhood are some iron works ; but the woolen manufacture forms the principal trade. 23 m. N. of Kilkenny and 47 W. S. W. of Dublin.
Mountsorrd, a town of Leicestershire, Eng. seated on the Soar, at the foot oft a high mount or rock, of a sorrel-coloured stone, with which the town is chiefly built and paved. It is 7 m. N. of Leicester, and 102 N. W. ofLondon.
Moura. a town of Portugal, in Alemtejo, with an old castle, 34 m. S. S. E. of Evora.
Mouraon. a town of Portugal, in Alemtejo, with a castle, on tbe borders ot Spain, 23 m. xc2xa3. by S. of Evora.
Mourzouk. the capital of Fezzan, with a fort- ress, in which ts tbe saltan’s palace. It is situate on a rivulet, and supplied with water from a mul- titude of springs ar.d wells. The medley which is present to the eve. of the vast ruins of ancient buildings and the hassle cottages of earth and sand that fonn the dwelling of the present Arab inhabitants, is singularly grotesque and strange. It is surrounded by a high wall, with three gates, at which is collected a tax on all goods (provisions excepted) that are brought into the city. Its commerce, which is considerable, consists of for- eign merchandise brought by the caravans from Cairo, Bornou, Mesurata, and other smaller troops of traders. Mouraook is 290 m. S. Mesurata. |
and 700 N. W. ofBornou. Long. 15. 35. E., 1st. 27. 54. N.
Moustiers, a town ot France, in the department of Lower Alps, with a manufacture of porcelain ; seated between two craggy mountains, 9 m. E. of Riez.
Mouzon, a town in the department of Ardtnnes, with a manufacture of serges; seated on the Meuse, 9 m. S. E. of Sedan.
Mowee, one of the Sandwich islands, 162 m. in circumference. A low isthmus divides it into two circular peninsulas, of which the eastern is double the size of the western. The mountains in both rise to a great height, but the country presents an appearance of verdure and fertility. Near the W. point of the smaller peninsula is a spacious bay, with a sandy beach shaded with cocoa-nut trees. Lon*. 175. 56. W., lat. 20. 53. N
Moya, a mountain of S. America, from which, during the great earthquake in February, 1797, such a flood of water hurst forth that it totally swept away Pelile, and the celebrated plantation of St. Udefonso, where 1,000 persons perished.
Moyallen, a town of Ireland, county of Down, with a manufacture of linen. 3 m. from Porta- down and 63 from Dublin.
Moyatnntsing, t. Philadelphia Co. Pa. It is a suburb of the city on the south.
Moyznzic, a town of France, department of Meurthe, noted for its salt spring, 2 m. E. S. E. of Vic and 16 E. of Nancy.
Mozyr, a town of Russian Lithuania, in the government of Minsk, on the river Pryiiee, 150 m. S. S. E. of Minsk. Lon*. 29. 30. E., lat. 52. 10- N-
Moscislaic, a town of Russian Lithuania, in the government of Mohilef, formerly tiie capital of a palatinate. It is seated on the Sofz. 30 m. S. ol Smolensko and 64 E. by N. of Mohilef. Long. 32. 32. E., lat. 54. 28. N
Mucidan, a town of France, m tne department of Dordogne, on the river Ille, 18 m. S. W. of Perigueux.
Muck, one of the Hebrides of Scotland, 4 m. S. W. the isl. of Egg. It is 3 m. long and a m. broad , the soil in general is good, and the black cattle thrive well. Kelp is burnt on its shores, and much oil extracted from the livers of the sunflsh.
Mudania, or Mundania, a town of Turkey, in Natolia, on a gulf of the sea of Marmora. The commerce is very considerable in grain, fruit, wine, saltpetre, silk, and the manufactures of Bursa, which are brought here for exportation. It is 17 m. N. of Bursa. Long. 29. 10. E., lat. 40. 27. N.
Mugeln, Neto, a town of Saxony, in Meissen, with a castle called Rugethal- 18 m. W. by N of Meissen.
Mugia, a town of Spain, in Galicia, on the W. coast, 40 m. W. N. W. of Compostella.
Muglia, a town of Austrian Illyria, in Istria, with a castle, and a harbour for barges, 5 m. S. E. of Trieste.
Muglitz, a town of Moravia, in the circle of Olmutz, 22 m. N. N. W. of Olmutz.
Muhlberg, a town of Prussian Saxony, in the government of Merseberg, with a castle, situate on the Elbe, 30 m. N. W. of Dresden.
Muhldorf, a town of Bavaria, on the Inn, 23 m. S. S. E. of Landshut.
Muhlenberg, a county of Kentucky. Pop. 5,341. Greenville is the capital.
Muirkirk. a town of Scotland, in Ayrshire, with |