Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 525
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MUR    525    MYS

and many antiquities are worthy of notice. In
1535 a tailor, called John of Leyden, king of the
anabaptists, made himself master of the city; but
it was retaken in 1536 after 14 months’ siege,
when John and two of his associates were tortur-
ed to death with red-hot pincers. The famous
treaty, called the treaty of Westphalia, which
ended the 30 years’ war, was concluded here in
1648. In the war of 1756 this city sustained sev-
eral sieges and was taken in 1750. In 1806 the
French laid the inhabitants under a heavy contri-
bution, and stripped the churches of their plate.
Munster is seated on the Aa, 50 m. E. N. E. of
Wesel and 52 W. N. W. of Paderborn. Long.
7. 36. E., lat. 51. 58. N.

Munster, a town of Switzerland, in the cantons
of Lucerne, 12 m. N. N. W. of Lucerne.

Munster, a town of Switzerland, canton of
Grisons, 15 m. N. of Bormio.

Munster, a town of France, department of Up-
per Rhine,
6 m. W. of Colmar.

Munster, p.v. Cambria Co. Pa.

Munster Eyffiel, a town of the Prussian states,
in Westphalia, 16 m. S. S. W. of Cologne. .

Munster Mienfdtl, a town of the Prussian prov-
ince of Lowinr Rhine, 12 m. S. W. of Coblentz.

Munsterberg, a town of Prussian Silesia, in the

fovernment of Reichenbach,rich ingrain, flax,
emp and hops. It is seated on the Ohlau, 13 m.
N. W. of Neisse. Long. 17. 3. E., lat. 50. 31.

Mur, or Muhr, a river which rises in the dnchv
of Salzburg, crosses Styriapind falls into the Dratte
near Canischa, in Hungary.

Mur de Barrez, a town of France, in the de-
partment of Aveiron, 32 m. N. by E. of Rhodez.

Murano, a town of the Lombardo-Venetian
kingdom, on an island of the same name, one of
largest ofthe Lagunes of Venice. Here the fa-
mous Venetian looking-glasses are made. It is 3
m. N. by E. of Venice.

Murat, a town of France, iiNthe department of
Cantal, seated on the Alaignon near its source,
13 m. N. W. of St. Flour.

Mureia, a province of Spain bounded N. by
New Castile, E. by Valencia, W. by Andalusia
and Granada, and S. by the Mediterranean. It is
90 m. long and 58 hroad ; and the principal river
is the Segura. The soil is dry, and it produces
little corn or wine; hut oranges, citrons, lemons,
olives, almonds, mulberries, rice, pulse, and sugar
are plentiful. It has also a great deal of silk The
vale of Murcia is celebrated for the variety and
ichness of its culture.

Murci-7. tne capital of tbe foregoing province,
and a bishin's see. Tne inhabitants are compu-
ted at W.'V). A number of hands are employed
in the wor ding of bass weed, and there is also an
extensive enrol: ;h me nt for twisting silk, and a
refinerv of salt-petre. There are fine gardens
about the citv. in which are the best fruits in
Spain. It :s seated on the Segura, over which is
a bridge. 27 m. X. of Carthagena and 212 S. E.
of Madrid. Long. 1. 16. W., lat. 37. 58. N.

Murfrtes -yryugk. p.t. Rutherford Co. Ten. and
formerly the seat of
government for the state. 32
m. S. E. Nashville and Id) W. Knoxville, lat. 35.

52. N., long. co. 35. W. It fa situated in a level
and fertile country, producing wheat, cotton, and
tobacco. Also a
p.t. Hertford Ot N. C. on the

Muro, a town of Naples in Basilicata, seated at
*he foot of the Apennines, 12 m. S. E. of Conza.

Mur os, a town of Spain, in Galicia, at the

mouth of the Tambro, 29 m. W. by S. of Compcxc2xae

Murray, p.v. Gennesee Co. N. Y. 25 m. N. E

Murray Frith, a considerable inlet of the sea,
on the coast of Scotland, between Tarbetness in
Ross-shire, on the N., and Brough-Head in Mur-
rayshire on the S. It extends in a S. W. direction
as far as Inverness, and thence W. to the town
of Beaulie, where it receives the river of that

Murrayshire, or Elginshire, a county of Scot-
land, 50 m. in length and 20 along the coast:
bounded on the N. by the Frith of Murray, E. by
Banffshire, S. by Inverness-shire, and W. by that
county and Nairnshire. It is divided into 12
parishes, and the number of inhabitants is about

30,000. The S. part is mountainous and occu-
pied by forests ; hut the greater part is rich, and
produces wheat, barely, oats, and flax. The chief
rivers are the Spey, Findhorn, ana Lossie. The
county town is Elgin.

Murraysville, p.v. Alleghany Co. Pa., West-
moreland Co. Va., Buncombe Co. N. C.

Murten. See Morat.

Musa, a walled town of Arabia, in Yemen, 18
m. E. of Mocha.

Muska, a town of Prussia, in Upper Lusatia,
with a castle, seated on the Neisse 25 m. N. N W
of Gorlitz and 52 N. E. of Dresden.

Muskingum, a river of the state of Ohio, which
runs S. into the Ohio, at Marietta, where it is
280 yards wide. It is navigable by large barges
110 m. from its mouth, and by small boats 45 m.
further to the lake at its head, whence, by a short

xc2xa3>rtage, a communication is opened to Lake


Muskingum, a county of Ohio. Pop. 29,325
Zanesville is the capital.

Messelburg, a sea-port of Scotland, in Edinburg -
shire, near the mouth of the Esk, over which are
three bridges to the suburb of Fisherrow. It en-
joys many privileges, and has even incorporated
trades. Besides the parish church, here are an
episcopal chapel and four other places of worship
The principal manufactures are of salt, starch,
earthen ware, and leather. 5 m. E. of Edin-

Mustagam, or Mustygannim, a sea-port of Al-
giers, in the province of Tremecen, with three
castles, 140 m. W. S. W. of the city of Algiers.
Long. 0.30. E., lat. 36. 20. N.

Musuda, a town of Spain, in Andalusia, situate
on the river Guadalquivir, 7 m. N. E. of Jain
and 50 N. of Granada.

Muteodu, a town of Hindoostan, in Mysore,
noted for its manufacture of the glass used for
making the rings which are worn on the wrists
of the native women. It is 34 m. W. of Sera.

Muyden, a fortified town of the Netherlands, in
S. Holland, seated on the Zuyder Zee, at the in-
flux ofthe Vecht,
6 m. E. S. E. of Amsterdam.

Myconi, an island of the Grecian Archipelago,
30 m. in circumference. The soil is dry, and the
mountains are of great height. Here are plenty
of partridges, quails, woodcocks, turtledoves, rab
bits,and wheatears; also excellent grapes and figs.
The harbour is open, and deep enough for the
largest ships to ride secure from the N. wind.
Long. 25. 21. E., lat. 37. 38. N.

Myerstown,p.v. Lebanon Co. Pa., 31 m. E. Har-

Mysol, one of the Moluccas, of a triangular
form, with a bold shore. The villages are bmlt in

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