Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 530
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NAS    530    NAT

able for its noble choir. It is 5 m. from the Med-
iterranean and 80 E. S. E. of Toulouse. Long. 3.
0. E., lat. 43. 11. N.

Narborough,' an uninhabited island in the S.
Pacific, on the coast of Chile, where Sir John Nar-
bnrough refreshed his men when sent to the South
Sea. in the reign of Charles II. Long. 74. 35. W.,
lat.'45. 0. N. xe2x80xa2

Nardo, a town of Naples, in Terra d’ Otranto,
xe2x80xa2 22 m. W. by N. of Otranto.

Nartnza, a town of Dalmatia, and a bishop’s
see ; seated on a river of the same name, 42 m.
N. N. W. of Ragusa.

Narim, a town of Siberia, in the government of
Tobolsk, surrounded by pallisades and wooden
towers. The environs abound with foxes, ermines,
and sables. It is seated at the conflux of the Ket
with the Oby, 400 m. E by N. of Tobolsk. Long.
81. 15. E., lat. 59. 10. N

Narnalla, a town and fortress of Hindoostan,
province of Berar, 33 m. W. N. W of Ellich-

Narni, a town of Italy, in the states of the
church. Here are the ruins of a marble bridge,
built by Augustus ; and also of an aqueduct that
brouoht water from a spring at the distance of 15
m. It is seated on the Nera, 20 m. S. S. W. of
Spoleto, and 40 N. of Romfe.

Naro, a town of Sicily, in Val di Mazara, on a
river of the same name, 11 m. E. of Girgenti.

Narova, a river of Russia, which issues from
the lake Peipus, flows to Narva, and enters the
gulf of Finland
8 m. below that town. It has two
cataracts, pompously described by travellers;
but they are far inferior to that of the Rhine at

Narraganset, Bay, in Rhode Island State, ex-
tends from N. to S. dividing the state into two
parts. It is separated into several distinct chan-
nels by the islands which it embosoms. The
largest are Conanicut and Rhode Island. The
length of the bay is about 30 m. and its breadth

15. It affords many excellent harbours and is ac-
cessible at all seasons of the year. It receives
many rivers, and the cities of Providence and
Newport with other small towns lie upon its

Narraguagus, p.v. Washington Co. Me. 37
m. W. Machias, on a river of the same name.

Narsingapalam, a town of Hindoostan, in the
territory of Cattack, near the coast of the bay of
Bengal, 44 m. S. of Cattack.

Narva, a strong town of Russia, in the govern-
ment of Petersburgh. The houses are built of
brick and stuccoed white; and it lias more the
appearance of a German than of a Russian town.
In the suburb called Ivangorod are the stupendous
remains of an ancient fortress, built by Ivan Ba-
eilowitz the Great, which impend over the steep
banks of the Narova. In 1700 Charles XII. of
Sweden obtained a victory here over Peter the
Great. Five years after, the czar took the town
by assault; and. by his own personal exertions,
saved it from pillage and massacre. The princi-
pal exports are hemp, flax, timber, and corn. It
is situate on the Narova,
8 m. from its mouth and
85 W. S. W. of Petershur*h. Long. 27. 52. E.,
lat. 59. 18. N.

Narioar, a town of Hindoostan, capital of a fer-
tile district of the same name, in the province of
Agra; seated near the Sinde, 115 m. S. of Agra.
Long. 78. 17. E.,lat. 25. 40. N.

Nasca, a sea-port of Peru, in the audience of
Lima. It has a good harbour, and stands in a ter -
ritory fertile in wine and sugar, 220 m. S. S E.
of Lima. Long. 75.10. W., lat. 14. 45. S.

Naseby, a village in Northamptonshire, Eng. fa-
mous for the decisive victory gained by the army
of the parliament over that of Charles I. in 1645.
12 m. N. N. W. of Northampton.

Nash, a county of N. Carolina. Pop. 8,492.
Nashville is the capital.

Nashua, ahranch of the Merrimack, rising in
Worcester County Mass. and falling into tne
Merrimack at Dunstable, N. H. It is 40 m. long
Nashuan, one ofthe Elizabeth Islands, on the
S. side of Buzzard s Bay, in Dukes Co. Mas.

Nashville, ph. Davidson Co. Tennessee, and the
seat of government for the state. It is seated on
the S. branch of Cumberland river near some high
bluffs. The site is pleasant and healthy and the
town is much visited during the hot season hy
people from the lower country. Hejre is a branch
of the United States Bank. The Cumberland is
navigable to this place by steam-boats. The Uni-
versity of Nashville was founded in 1806. It has
4 instructers and 95 students, the libraries have
3,250 vols. It has two vacations of 11 weeks.
Pop. 5,566.

Nashville, p.v. Nash Co. N. C. 50 m. N. E.

Nuskow, a town of Denmark, in the island of
Laaland, with a convenient harbour, seated on a
bay of the same name, 15 m. W. by N. of Marieboe.

Nassau, an independent duchy -of Germany,
formed ofthe several principalities which formerly
bore this name. It is bounded by the Prussian
territory on the Lower Rhine and the states of the
princes of Hesse. It contains mines of iron, cop-
per. and lead, and the soil is fertile in some places,
but the surface is for the most part woody and
mountainous. The rearing of cattle and the cul-
ture of the vine are the principal occupations of
tire inhabitants. The duke of Nassau holds the
13th place at the smaller assembly of the German
diet and has two voles in the full assembly.

Nassau, a town of Germany, in the above duchy,
the only place belonging in common to the duke
of Nassau and the king of the Netherlands. Op-
posite the town, on the other side of the river, and
on a high mountain, formerly stood Nassauberg,
a place of great antiquity, and the original seat of
the Nassau family. Nassau is 32 m. W. N. W.
of Frankfort. Long. 7. 52. E.. lat. 50. 16. N.

Nassau, ph. Rensselaer Co. N. Y. 15 m. S. E
Albany. Pop. 3,254.

Nassau, an island in the Indian Ocean, on the
W. side of the island of Sumatra, about 120 m. in
circumference. It abounds with forests, and pre-
sents an enchanting verdure. The inhabitants
are dissimilar from their neighbours; for they
approach the simplicity of manners and personal
appearance of the Otaheitans, while their color is
like that of the Malays. Long. 99. 40. E., lat. 2

50. S.    '

Aassuck, a town of Hindoostan, in the province
of Guzerat, 95 m. S. S. W. of Surat. Long. 73.

49. E., lat. 19. 50. N.    I

Nata, a sea-port of Terra Firma, in the province
of Panama, seated in a fertile country, on the bay
of Panama,
68 rn. S. W. of Panama. Long. 81 5
W., lat.
8. 36. N.

Natal, a country on the S. E. coast of Africa,
tying N. E. of the Cape of Good Hope, inhabited
by a tribe of Caffres. It is about 500 m. in length,
and near the middle is a river and also a bay of
the same name. Long. 31. 30. E.. lat. 29. 0. S.
Natchez, ph. Adams Co. Mississippi, on the

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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