Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 530 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 530 Left Column
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    Mediterranean Sea (directional)
    Toulouse (directional)
Narborough (Island) (main entry)
    South Pacific Ocean
    Narborough, John
    South Sea
    Charles II
Nardo, Terra d'Otranto, Naples (main entry)
    Otranto (directional)
Narenza, Dalmatia (main entry)
    Ragusa (directional)
Narim, Tobolsk, Siberia (main entry)
    Ket River
    Oby River
    Tobolsk (directional)
Narnalla, Berar, Hindoostan (main entry)
    Ellichpour (directional)
Narni, States of the Church, Italy (main entry)
    Nera River
    Spoleto (directional)
    Rome (directional)
Naro, Val di Mazara, Sicily (main entry)
    Naro River
    Girgenti (directional)
Narova River (main entry)
    Peipus (Lake)
    Narva River
    Gulf of Finland
    Rhine River
Narraganset Bay (main entry)
    Rhode Island State
    Conanicut (Island)
    Rhode Island
Narraguagus, Washington County, Maine, United States (main entry)
    Machias (directional)
    Narraguagus River
Narsingapatam, Cattack, Hindoostan (main entry)
    Bay of bengal
    Cattack (directional)
Narva, Petersburgh, Russia (main entry)
    Basilowitz, Ivan (The Great)
    Charles XII of Sweden
    Peter the Great
    Petersburgh (directional)
Narwar, Narwar, Agra, Hindoostan (main entry)
    Sinde River
    Agra (directional)
Nasca, Lime, Peru (main entry)
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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