rimack near its mouth. It is one of the hand- somest towns in the United States, and is built on a sloping bank of the river, with regular streets and handsome houses. It extends a m. along the river, and has 7 churches, 2 banks, 2 insurance offices, and 2 newspapers. An elegant chain bridge crosses the river from the centre of the town. It had formerly a very active commerce, but it is now much declined. A fire in 181.1 destroyed be- tween two and three hundred buildings in the most compact part of the town, and the spot still remains in ruins. Ship building is carried on here, with some West India and coasting trade and fisheries. Here is also a manufacture of hosiery. The tomb of Whitefield the celebrated preacher may be seen in the Federal street church in this town, where he died in 1760. Newburyport is 32 m. N. E. Boston, 24 N. Salem, 24 S. W7. Portsmouth. Lat. 42. 49. N., loner. 70. 47. W. Pop. 6,338.
New Canaan, ph. Fairfield Co. Conn. 77 m. S. W. Hartford. Pop. 1,826.
New Canton, p.v. Buckingham Co. Va. and Hawkins Co. Ten.
Newcastle, a town of Wales, in Caermarthen- shire. It had a fine castle, now in ruins; and is seated on the Tivy, 229 m. W. N. W. of London.
Newcastle, a town of Ireland, in the county of Dublin, 10 m. AV. S. W. of Dublin.
Newcastle under Lyme, a borough in Stafford- shire, Eng. with a considerable manufacture of hats. The throwing of silk is a very considera- ble branch of trade, and here are also a cotton mill, tanneries, malt concerns, &c., and in the neigh- bourhood are some iron works. The villages around are entirely occupied with the manufac- tures of porcelain, stone-ware, &c. The princi- pal streets are broad, well paved, and lighted with gas, and the general aspect ofthe town is. much improved of late years. It stands on a branch of the Trent, 15 m. N. by W. of Stafford and 149 N. N. AV. of London.
Newcastle upon Tyne, a borough and sea-port in Northumberland, Eng. It is situate among steep hills on the Tyne, which is here a fine and deep river, so that ships of 300 and 400 tons bur- den may safely come up to the town, though the large colliers are stationed at Shields. The ha- ven is so secure that vessels, when they have passed Tynemouth Bar are in no danger either from storms or shallows. The town rises on the N. bank of the river, where the streets upon the ascent are exceedingly steep. Many of the hous- es are built of stone; but some of timber, and the rest of brick. Through this town went part of the wall which extended from sea to sea, and was built by the Romans to defend the Britons against the incursions of the Piets, after all their trained youth had been drawn from the kingdom to re- cruit the armies of their conquerors. The castle, which is old and ruinous overlooks the whole town. The exchange, churches, and other pub- lic buildings, are elegant; and the quay for land- ing goods is long and large. Here are a sur- eons hall ; a large hospital, built by the contri- ution of the ke^men, for the maintainance of the poor of their fraternity *- and several charita- ble foundations. Newcastle is situated in the centre of the collieries, which have for centu- ries supplied London, all the eastern, and most of the midland and southern parts of the kingdom with coal. This trade has been the source of great opulence to Newcastle, which, besides, ex ports large quantities of lead, salt, Balmon, butter, tallow, and grindstones; and imports wine and and fruit from the S. of Europe, and timber, iron hemp, &c., from the Baltic and Norway. Ships are sent hence to the Greenland fishery. It also possesses manufactures of steel, iron, and woo- len cloth ; and in the town and vicinity are several glass-houses. The first charter which was granted to the townsmen for dig- ging coal was by Henry III., in 1239 ; but, in 1306, the use of coal for fuel was prohibited in London, by royal proclamation, chiefly because it injured the sale of wood for fuel, .great quanti ties of which were then growing about that city , but this interdiction did not long continue, and we may consider coal as having been dug and ex ported from this place for more than 400 years. A handsome stone bridge of nine arches connects this town with the ancient borough of Gateshead. It was erected in 1781, in place of the old one which was carried away by an extraordinary flood in 1771. Newcastle was visited by the pestilen- tial cholera in 1831. It is 272 N. by A7.of London. Long. 1. 14. W., lat. 54. 57. N. |
Newcastle, a county of Delaware. Pop. 29,710, the capital is
Newcastle, formerly the seat of government of Delaware. It is seated upon the Delaware, 34 m S of Philadelphia. It has some trade in flour.
Newcastle, ph. Lincoln Me. Pop. 1,544; t. Rockingham Co. N. H. 2 m. E. Portsmouth on Great Island in the Piscataqua. Pop. 850; p.v. Mercer Co. Pa., Hanover and Botetourt Cos. Va., and Henry Co. Kentucky.
New Charleston, ph. Penobscot Co. Me.
New Chester, ph. Grafton Co. N. H. Pop. 1,090.
Newcomb, p.v. Preble Co. Ohio.
Newcomer stolen, p.v. Tuscarawas, Co. Ohio.
New Concord, p.v. Columbia Co. N. Y.
New Durham, t. Strafford Co. N. H. Pop. 1,162
New Egypt, p.v. Monmouth Co. N. J.
Newdigate, a village of Eng. in Surrey, 5 m. S E. of Darking. In the E. part of this village is a medipinal spring, of the same nature as that oi Epsom.
New Echota, the capital of the Cherokee Indi- ans. It is seated on the Coosa, in the northwest- ern part of Georgia. Here is a newspaper pub- lished in English and Cherokee.
Neio England, the name applied to the north- eastern parts of the American Union, comprising the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. This territory extends from 41. to 47. 20. N. lat. and from 66. 49. to 73. 45. W. long, and is bound- ed N. W. and N. by Canada, E. by New Bruns- wick and the Ocean : S. by the Ocean, and V/. by New York It contains about 63,000 sq. m. The surface of the country is infinitely varied, and |