Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 542
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NEW    542    NEW

ment underwent various mutations, and the state
was for a time divided into East andWest Jersey.
At the revolution a single government was estab-
lished which has continued to the present day.
The constitution was formed in 1776.

JYeic Kent, a county of the E. district of Virgin-
ia. Pop. 6,457.

JYeic Lebanon, p.v. Columbia Co. N. Y. 24 m.
S. E. Albany, near the Massachusetts line. It is
inhabited by the Shakers,and has a mineral spring.
The village is delightfully situated in a valley
perfectly level at the bottom and surrounded by a
chain of highlands, the slopes of which are covered
with woods and cultivated fields, presenting a
most charming prospect. Also a p.v. Camden Co.
N. C. 220 m. N. E. Raleigh.

Jfew Lexington, p.v. Richland Co. Ohio; a
village in Knox Co. Ohio; ph. Preble Co. Ohio ;
and a village in Scott Co. Ind.

New Liberty, p.v. Owen Co. Ken., and Guern-
sey Co. Ohio.

Newbin, a township of Chester Co. Pa. on Bran-
dywine Creek.

New Lisbon, p.v. Otsego Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,232;
a village in Montgomery Co. Maryland ; p.v.
Columbiana Co. Ohio, 150 m. N. E. Columbus.

Neic London, ph. Merrimack Co. N. H. 30 m.
N. W. Concord. Pop. 913 ; a township of Ches-
ter Co. Pa. ; a village in Anne Arundel Co. Ma-
ryland, 5 m. S. W. Annapolis; p.v. Campbell Co.
Va.; a township of Huron Co. Ohio; p.v. Mad-
xe2x80xa2son Co. Ohio; p.v. Jefferson Co. Ind.; p.v. Ralls
Co. Missouri.

New London, a county of Connecticut. Pop.

New London, the capital of the above county
stands on a fine harbour, at the mouth of the
Thames. Most of the town is built at the foot of
i hill facing to the east. The streets are irregu-
lar, hut some of the buildings are handsome. The
town has somewhat declined from its former pros-
perity yet the whale fishery is considerably active
here. The harbour is defended by forts Trum-
bull and Griswold. Pop. 4,356.

New Madison, p.v. Darke Co. Ohio, 81 m. W.

New Madrid, a county of Missouri. Pop. 2,351.

New Madrid, the capital of the above county
stands on the Mississippi,50 m. below the mouth
of the Ohio. It was once a considerable place
but is now reduced to a small village.

Newman, p.v. Pike Co. Geo.

Newmarket, a town in Suffolk, Eng. 61 m. N.
E. London.

Newmarket, p.v. Rockingham Co. N. H. 15 m.
W. Portsmouth. Pop. 2,013; also towns ana vil-
lages in York Co. Pa. Dorchester Co. Md.

Spotsylvania Co. Va., Frederick Co. Md., She
nandoah Co. Va., Maryland Co. Ohio, Wash
ington Co. Ken., and Jefferson Co. Ten.

New Marlborough, ph. Berkshire Co. Mass. 48
m. S. W. Boston. Pop. 1,656.

New Milford, ph. Litchfield Co. Conn. 18 m.
S. W. Litchfield. Pop. 3,979.

New Mills, p.v. Burlington Co. N. J.

Ncwnham, a town in Gloucestershire, Eng. on
the Severn, 115 m. N. W. London.

Newnstoinn, a township of Dauphin Co. Pa.

New Orleans, a Parish of Louisiana. Pop. 46,
310, the capital is the following.

New Orleans, city, the capital of Louisiana,
stands on the Mississippi, 105 m. from its mouth
by the windings of tbe stream aftd 90 in a direct
line. The river here makes a considerable bend
to the N. E. and the city occupies the north-
western bank, although its situation is east of the
general course of the stream. The site is low and
marshy, which makes the place insalubrious, and
in the summer most of tne inhabitants remove
from the city. It is regularly built and is com-
posed of three divisions, the city proper and the
fauxbourgs or suburbs of St. Marie and Marigny.
In the city the houses are built in the French and
Spanish style, and covered with white and yellow
stucco. The fauxbourg St. Marie is built after
the American fashion, and does not differ in ap-
pearance from one of the Atlantic cities. Here
are a large catholic cathedral, a handsome pres-
byterian church, a French and English theatte,
a college, a convent of Ursuline nuns, an orphan
asylum, and many charitable institutions. The
commerce of the city is very great, as it is the
outport of all the states lying on the Mississippi
and its waters. Here are sometimes 1,500 flat
boats from the upper country loaded with all sorts
of agricultural produce ; 50 steamboats, are often
counted at a time in the river. The foreign ex-
ports consist of all the various productions of the
southern and western states, but the most impor-
tant articles are sugar and cotton. The Canal
Carohdelet extends from the Mississippi at this
place to Lake Pontchartrain 2 m. and affords a
navigation for small vessels to the ocean. A rail-
road 4 1-2 m. in length also passes between the
same places and joins the lake at an artificial har-
bour. Both these communications are perfectly
straight and the variation of level on the railroad
is only 16 inches.

The population of New Orleans is of a very
miscellaneous character. Dissipation prevails to a
high degree. Half the inhabitants are blacks ot
mulattoes, and there are more French than Ameri
cans. The neighbourhood is a swamp, and the
soil on which the city is built is so spongy that
water rises at a few feet below the surface, and
the buildings have no cellars. With all these
disadvantages added to the unhealthiness of the
spot, it continues rapidly to increase, and will
doubtless soon become one of the most important
commercial cities in the world. It was founded
by the French in 1717. The British landed an
army for the purpose of attacking it in 1814 but
were totally defeated by General Jackson, a few
miles below the city on the
8th of January

New Orleans is in fat. 29. 57. N., long. 90. 8.
VV., 322 m. by the river belowNatehez ; 1,189 be-
low St. Louis; 991 below the mouth of the Ohio ;
and 1,933 below Pittsburg. It is 1,260 m. S. W.
Washington. Pop. 46,310.

New Palz, ph. Ulster Co. N. Y. 7 m. S. Pough
keeDsic. Pop 5 105

Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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