Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 549
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549    NOA

nal called Khalis, which is opened when the water
is high enough; thence it is conveyed into res-
ervoirs and cisterns, and is afterwards distributed
into the fields and gardens, as occasion requires.

Nile, a township of Scioto Co. Ohio.

Nimeguen, a town of the Netherlands, in Guel-
derland, with a citadel, an ancient palace, and
several forts The churches are in general hand-
some structures; and the town-house is remark-
able for its beauty and magnificence. The inhab-
itants subsist chiefly by brewing ale, and their
trade with Germany. The city is celebrated in
history on account of several treaties of peace
concluded here, particularly in 1678. It was taken
by the French in 1794. It stands on the Waal, 35 m.
E. S. E. of Utrecht. Long. 5.51. E., lat. 51.52. N.

Nimishillen, a township of Stark Co. Ohio.

Nimptseh, a town of Prussian Silesia, which

fives name to a circle in the principality of Brieg.
t has a castle on an eminence and is seated on
the Loch, 26 m. S. W. of Breslau.

Nineveh, p.v. Frederick Co. Va.

Ning-Koue, a city of China, of the first rank, in
the province of Kiang-nan, noted for its manufac-
tures of paper, made of a species of reed. Its dis-
tinct is very hilly, hut pleasant; and the surround-
ing mountains, covered with woods, produce ex-
cellent medicinal plants. It is seated on
a river,
which runs into the Kiang-hu, 537 m. S. by E. of
Pekin. Long. 118.
25. E., lat. 31.2. N.

Ning-po, called by Europeans Liampo, an ex-
cellent sea-port of China, and
a city of the first
rank in the province of Tcbe-kiang. The silks
manufactured here are much esteemed in foreign
countries especially in Japan, where they are ex-
changed by the Chinese for copper, gold, and sil-
ver. It is’seated on the E. coast, opposite Japan,
660 m. S. S. E. of Pekin. Long. 120. 18. E., lat.
29. 58. N.

Ninguta, a city of Eastern Tartary, in the prov-
ince of Kirin, with considerable trade, particu-
larly in the valuable plant ginseng, which abounds
in the neighbourhood. It is seated on the Hurha,
110 m. N. E. of Kirin. Long. 124. 40. E., lat.

44. 30. N.

Ninian, St. a town of Scotland, in Stirlingshire,
with manufactures of leather, cotton cloth, and
nails. 2 m. S. E. of Stirling.

Ninore, a town of the Netherlands, in E. Flan-
ders, on the Dender. 13 m. W. of Brussels.

A7o, an island of the Grecian Archipelago, to
the S. of Naxia. anciently called Nos. It is 35
m. in circumference, and fertile in corn, but has
verv little wc-:-d or oil. The regular manners of
the inhabitants, who are all Greeks, revives an
idea of the simplicity of the primitive ages ;. and
their kind treatment of strangers appears to be
Lae genuine remains of ancient hospitality.

.Yitni. a town of Switzerland, in the canton of
Bern. w:tb
a manufacture of beautiful porcelain.
12 m. N. by E.
of Geneva.

Nions, a town of France, department of Drome,
a mineral spring called Pontias, and some
manufactures cf soap and woolen cloth. It is
at the foot of a chain of mountains, on the
river Aignes. 21 m. E. S. E. of Montelimart.

Niort. a town of France, capital of the depart-
ment of
Deux Sevres, with manufactures of drug-
gets, serges,
and other coarse woolen goods. It
xe2x96xa0 is seated on
the Scree Xiortoise, 31 m. E. N. E.
of Rochelle and 46 W. S. W. of Poitiers Long.

0. 33. W., lat. 46. 20. N.

Niphon, the largest island of Japan, 750 m. long
' and from 150 to 300 broad, containing 55 provinces.

It was discovered in 1542, by the Portngnese, who
were cast ashore by a tempest. The chief town
is Jedo.

Nipissing, a lake of Upper Canada lying N. E.
of Lake Huron, and flowing into it.

Nisehnei-Novogorod. See Novogorod.

Nisibin, or Nisbin, a town and fortress of Asiatic
Turkey, in Diarbeck, now greatly decayed. It is
seated in a vast plain, 78 m. S. E. of Diarbekir.

Nisida, a small island in the gulf of Naples, very
fertile, and iaid out in slopes and terraces like a
large garden. It has a harbour, called Porto
Pavone, 5 m. W. S. W. of Naples.

Niskayuna, a village in Schenectady Co. N. Y
12 m. N. W. Albany, on the Mohawk, inhabiteo
by the Shakers. It is built with great neatness
and beauty upon a level spot of about
2,000 acres, j
divided into 4 farms. The fields are fenced in
right lines, and everything displays the utmost
order and regularity. The inhabitants dress in
the usual Quaker drab, and cultivate garden stuffs,
seeds, &c. They have also manufactures of vari-
ous household wares which are executed with great
skill and excellence. All their property is held
in common. Pop. 446.

Nismes, a city of France, capital of the depart-
ment of Gard, and a bishop’s see. Here are nu-
merous monuments of antiquity, of which the
amphitheatre, built by the Romans, is the princi-
pal. There are likewise the ruins of a temple ot
Diana, and a grand tower. The Maison Quarree,
or the Square House, is one of the finest pieces of
architecture of the Corinthian order in the world.
Here are manufactures of silk, stuffs, stockings,
cloth, leather,
Ac., and a considerable trade in
silk, corn, dried fruits, oil, and wine. It is seated
in a plain, abounding in wine and oil, 75 m. N.
E. of Narbonne. Long. 4. 19. E., lat. 43. 50. N.

Nissa, a strong town of Servia. It was taken
by the Hungarians in 1737, but retaken by the
Turks the following year. It is seated on a river
of the same name, 20 m. E. of Precop and 120 S
E. of Belgrade. Long. 22. 32. E-j fat. 43. 32. N.

Jith, a river of Scotland, which rises in Ayr-
shire, flows through a part of Dumfriesshire, to
which it gives the name of Nithsdale, and enters
Solway Frith a little below Dumfries.

Nivelle, a town of the Netherlands, chief place
of an extensive district in Brabant, with a manu-
facture of cambrics; seated on the Thienne, 15
m. S. of Brussels.

Nwemois, a fate province of France, between
Burgundy, Bourbonnois, and Berry. It is pretty
fertile, contains mines of iron, and is watered by
a great number of rivers, of which the Loire,
Allier, and Yonne, are the principal. It now
forms the department of Nievre.

Nixabour, a town of Persia, in Chorasan, 80 m,

S. E. of Mesehed. Long. 61. 32. E., fat. 35.
40. N.

Nixapa, a town of Mexico, in the province of
Guaxaca, with a rich Dominican convent. The
country near it produces a great deal of indigo,
cochineal, and sugar. It is 30 m. S. E. of Anto-
quiera. Long. 97.15. W., fat. 16. 42. N.

Nixonton, p.v. Pasquotank Co. N. C. 28 m. N.
E. Edenton.

Nizampatam, a town of Hindoostan, in the cir-
car of Guntoor, at the mouth of the Kistnah, 34
m. S. W. of Masulipatam.

Nizza della Paglia, a town of Sardinia, in Pied-
mont, seated on the Belbo, 14 m. S. E. of Asti.

Noacote, a town of Hindoostan, capital cf a dis-
trict of its name, in Nepaul. It has a celebrated


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