Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 583
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PAT    xc2xa383    PAT

ufacture of considerable extent for speedily
oleaching cotton and linen cloth.

Passyunk,a township of Philadelphia Co. Pa. ad-
oining the city.

Pasto, or St. Juan de Pasto, a town of New
Granada, capital of a district of its name, seated
in a valley, 120 m. N. by E. of Quito. Long. 76.

55. W., lat. 1. 50. N.

Pastrana,a town of Spain, in New Castile, 32 m.
E. of Madrid.

Patagonia, a country in the most southern part
of S. America, bounded on the N. by Buenos
Ayres.and extending 1,100 m. on the eastern coast,
from Rio de la Plata to the straits of Magellan.
This country has no timber in the S. parts,
though the N. contains an immense quantity, and
numerous flocks of cattle. The E. coast is gen-
erally low. The natives are tall, stout, and well
made, some of them six feet live inches in height;
but their hands and feet are remarkably small.
Their colour is a kind of bronze. They have no
other clothing than skins, which they wear with
the hair inward, and a little apron of leather.
Here is found tne tougon or American ostrich,
the largest bird of the western continent, being
6 feet high. The Patagonians hunt


them on horseback and kill them with clubs. The
principal harbour is that of Port St. Julian.

Paiak, a town of Hungary, with a protestant
college, situate on the Latoreza, 25 in. S. S. E.
of Cassovia.


Patana, a city and district of Mysore. See

Patani. a town on the N. E. coast of the pen-
insula of Malaya, capital of a district of the same
name, with a well defended harbour. The inhab-
itants have some trade with the Chinese. 300 in.
N. by W. of Malacca. Long. 100. 50. E., lat.
7. o.'N.

Patapsco, a river of Maryland flowing S. E. in-
to the Chesapeak. It forms the harbour of Balti-

Pa-tay, a town of France, department of Loiret,
where the English were defeated, in 1429, by Jo-
an of Arc. 15 m. N. W. of Orleans.

Patchouge, p.v. Suffolk Co. N. Y. on Long-

Paterno, a town of Sicily, in Val di Demona,
built on the ruins of Fybla, so celebrated for its
honev- 15 m- W. of Catania.

Paterson, ph. Essex Co. N. J. on the Passaic.
Pop. 7.331. It is situated just below the falls of
the river, and has recently grown into importance
by its manufactures. There are 17 cotton facto-
ries, running 30,000 spindles ; and consuming an-
2,000?000 pounds of cotton ; a manufacture
of sail cloth with 1,600 spindles and consuming
yearly 600,000 pounds of flax ; a slitting and roll-
ing mill working annually 896,000 pounds of iron;

nail factories making yearly more than 850,006
pounds of nails; besides iron and brass founderies
and manufactures of machinery. The capital era
ployed is more than
1,000,000 dollars.

PatesciUe, p.v. Breckenridge. Co. Ken.

Patluad, a town of Scotland, in Fifeshire, 2 m
W. of Dysnart, long famous for its manufacture
of nails, and now including different branches of
weaving woolen and linen.

Patinos, or Patinos, an island in the Grecian
Archipelago, lying 26 m. S. of the Isle of Samos,
famous for being the place where St. John wrote
the Apocalypse. It is 25 m An circumference,
but produces very little, only a few valleys being
capable of cultivation; partridges, rabbits,quails,
turtles, pigeons, and snipes abound. In the
midst of the island rises a mountain, terminated
by the convent of St. John, the abbot of which
is the prince of the country. The hermitage o:
the Apocalypse is situate on the side of the
mountain between the convent and the port of
Scala. It leads to the church of the Apocalypse,
which is built against a grotto in a rock, point-
ed out as the asylum of St. John, during his ex-
ile. The inhabitants are phiefly sailors or ship-
builders ; and have some trade in cotton, and
stockings of their manufacture. Long. 26. 24.
E., lat. 37. 24. N.

Patna, a city of Hindoostan, capital of Bahar.
seated on the right bank of the Ganges, opposite
the influx of the Gunduck, and fortified with a
wall and citadel. In the citadel were confined
the British prisoners taken in 1764, by Meer Cos-
sim, nabob of Bengal, by whose order they were
brutally massacred. This occasioned the storm-
ing ofthe city since which period it has acknowl-
edged the British sway, and is the residence of
the provincial courts, &e. The buildings are high
but the streets are narrow. It is a place of con-
siderable trade. 320 m. N. W. of Calcutta. Long.
85. 10. E., lat. 24. 35. N.

Patras, a sea-port of Greece, in the Morea, and
a bishop’s see. The Jews, who are one-third of
the inhabitants, have 4 synagogues, and there are
several handsome Greek churches. The princi-
pal articles of trade are silk, leather, honey, man-
na, pomegranates, citrons, and oranges. It is
seated on the side ofa hill, near the entrance of
the *ulf of Lepanto, 14 m. S. W. of Lepanto.
Long. 21. 45. E., lat. 38. 17. N.

Patri, a town of Naples, in Terra di Lavoro,
situate near a lake of the same name, 13 m. N.
W. of Naples.

Patrica, a town of the papal states, in Campag-
na di Roma, 13 m. S. of Rome.

Patrick, a county in the E. district of Virginia.
Pop. 7,303. The Court House is 270 m. S. W.

Patrickville, p.v. Craven Co. N. C.

Patrimony of St. Peter, a province of Italy, in
the papal states, 43 m. long and 30 broad, bound-
ed N. by Orvieto, E. by Umbria and Sabina, S,
by Campagna di Roma, and S. W. by the sea.
It was granted by the emperor Constantine, to
support a church he had built in honour of St. Pe-
ter, and for the use of a bishop of Rome. The
country is fertile in corn and fruit, and produces
much alum.

Patrington, a town in E. Yorkshire, Eng. Here
the Roman road from the Piets’ wall ended ;. seat-
ed near the mouth of the Humber, 18 m. E. S fi.
of Hull and 188 N. of London.

Patschkau, a town of Prussian Silesia, on tne
river Neisse, 13 m. W. of Neisse

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