Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 584 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 584 Right Column
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    Montelimar (directional)
Paula, Calabria Citra, Naples (main entry)
    Cosenza (directional)
Paulograd, Catharinenslaf, Russia (main entry)
    Catharinenslaf (directional)
Pausa, Voigtland, Saxony (main entry)
    Plauen (directional)
Pausilippo (Mountain) (main entry)
    Naples (directional)
Pauzk, Pomerelia, West Prussia (main entry)
    Gulf of Dantzic
    Dantzic (directional)
Pavia, Milan, Austrian Italy (main entry)
    Garden of the Milanese
    Pavia, Pavia, Milan, Austrian Italy
    Pavia, Lombardy
    Tesino River
    Po River
    Milan (directional)
Pavoasan, Isle of St. Thomas (main entry)
Pawlings, Dutchess County, New York, United States (main entry)
Pawlet, Rutland County, Vermont, United States (main entry)
    Bennington (directional)
Pawnees (main entry)
    Missouri Territory
    Grand Pawnees
    Loup Fork
    Missouri River
    Republican Pawnees
    Republican Pawnees
    Loup Pawnees
    Loup Pawnees
Pawtucket River (main entry)
    Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States
    Seekonk River
    Providence, Rhode Island, United States (directional)
Pawtucket, Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States (main entry)
    Pawtucket River
    Rhode Island, United States
    North Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, United States
Pawtuxet River (main entry)
    Narraganset Bay
    Providence (directional)
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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