Penzance, a sea-port in Cornwall, Eng. It was burnt by the Spaniards in 1593, but soon rebuilt, and made one of the tin-coinage towns. Its trade is considerable, and consists chiefly in pilchards and other fish, and in shipping lead, tin, and cop- per, which abound in the vicinity. In conse- quence of the mildness and salubrity of the air, and the agreeableness of its situation, Penzance is much frequented by invalids, for whose accom- modation there are cold and hot sea-water baths, &c. It is seated on a creek of Mount Bay, 10 m. N. E. of the Lands End and 280 W. by S. of London.
Peoria Lake, in Illinois, an expansion of the river Illinois, 20 m. in length and 2 in breadth. It is vtry deep and has no perceptible current. Here is a settlement called Peoria, on its banks.
Pepin Lake, an expansion of the Mississippi, 100 m. below the falls of St. Anthony. 24 m. long and from 2 to 4 broad.
Pepperell, ph. Middlesex Co. Mass. 40 m. N. IV. Boston. Pop. 1,440.
Pequigny, a town of France, department of Somme; memorable for an interview and treaty between Louis XI. of France and Edward IV. of England, in 1475, on a bridge built for that pur- pose. It is seated on the river Somme, 15 m. S E. of Abbeville
Perak, a sea-port of Malaya, capital of a king- dom on the W. coast. It is seated on a river of the same name, 180 m. N. W. of Malacca. Long.
100. 0. E., lat. 4. 23. N.
Pcray, St., a town of France,'department of Ardeche, noted for its wines. It is seated on the Rhone opposite Valence, 32 m. N. of Viviers.
Perdido, a river separating Florida from Ala- bama and flowing into the Gulf ofxe2x80x98Mexico.
Perdu Mount, a lofty mountain of the Pyrenees, with a double summit, of which the higher is computed at 11,000 feet above the sea. It is of very difficult access, as the calcareous rock often assumes the form of perpendicular walls, from 100 to 600 feet in height; and glaciers increase the difficulty. About 2,000 feet from the summit is a lake, which throws its waters to the E., into the Spanish valley of Beoussa.
Perga, a town of Albania, on the gulf of Ven- ice. 25 m. AV. N. AV. of Arta.
Pergamar, a town of Romania, and a bishops see, 60 m. S. W. of Adrianople. Long. 25. 55. E., lat. 41. 10. N.
Peraramo, a town of Natolia, and a bishops see, with a palace and a castle. It is not so con- siderable as formerly, but has nine mosques, and occupies an oblong circumference of 3 m. at the foot of a mountain. Here parchment was inven- ted. It is seated on the Germasti, 15 m. from its mouth and 37 N. of Smyrna. Long. 27. 27. E., .at. 39. 5. N.
Peria. a town of Persia, in the province of Irac, 90 in. AA7. of Ispahan. Long. 51. 25. E., lat. 32. 20. X.
Periac. a town of France, department of Aude, celebrated for its salt works. It is seated on a lake of its name, 6 m. S. W. of Narbonne.
Periapatam, a town of Hindoostan, in Mysore. The environs are rich and beautiful, and abound in sandal wood. It is 40 m. W. by S. of Serin- gapatam. ,
Ptriers, a town ofFrance, department of Man- che, 9 m. N. of Coutances.
Perigcrd, a former province of France, now forming the department of Dordogne. |
Perigueux, a town of France, capital of the de- partment of Dordogne, and a bishops see. Here are the ruins of a temple of Venus, an amphithea tre, &c. It is seated on the river Ule, 50 m. S W. of Limoges. Long. 0. 43. E., lat. 45. 11
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Perinda, a town of Hindoostan, capital of a district of its name, in the province of Dowlatabad, 188 m. N. W. of Hydrabad. Long. 75. 50. E., lat. 18. 33. N.
Perindura, a town of Hindoostan, in the pro- vince of Coimbetore, 12 m. S. S. W. of Bhawani- kudal.
Perleberg, a town of Prussia, in Brandenburg with considerable cloth manufactures. It is seat ed on the Stepenitz, 42 m. AV. N. W. of Ruppin. Long. 12. 3. E., lat. 53. 8. N.
Perkinsonsville, a village of Amelia Co. Va.
Perkiomen, a township of Montgomery Co. Pa. on a river of the same name, 25 m N. Fhiladel.
Perm, a government of Russia, formerly a prov inceofKasan. It is divided into two pi evinces, Perm and Catharinenburg, the capitals of which are ofthe same name.
Perm, a town Russia, capital of a government and province of the same name. It is seated on the Kama, at the influx of the Zegochekha, 620 m. E. by N. of Moscow and 810 E. by S. of Pe tersburg. Long. 55. 10. E., lat. 57. 55. N.
Permacoil, a town ofxe2x80xa2 Hindoostan, in the Car natic, situate on a mountain, 20 m. N. N. W. of Pondicherry.
Pernxilla, a town of Hindoostan, in Guzerat, 38 m. S. of Surat.
Pernambuco, or Fernamhuco, a province of Bra zil, bounded N. and E. by the Atlantic Ocean, S. by Bahia, and E. by the desert territory. It is about 470 m. from N. to S. and 370 from E. to W. and abounds in sugar-cane, cotton, and Brazil wood.
Pernambuco, the capital of the above province, consists of three divisions. Recife, St. Antonio, and Boa 7ista. The two former are situated on two flat sand banks, surrounded by the sea, and con- nected together by a bridge, partly of stone and partly of wood ; the other division is connected, with Boa AYsta, situated on the continent, by a narrow wooden bridge. The greatest part of the extent of sand between Olinda, a town about a league distant, on the same sand bank as Recife, and the lattef, remains uncovered, is open to the sea, and the surf there is very violent. The tide enters between the bridges, and encircles the mid- dle compartment. The first division of the town is composed of brick houses, of three, four, and even five stories in height: most of the streets are nar- row and there are no public buildings that require notice. St. Antonio, the principal division of the town, is composed chiefly of large houses and broad streets. It contains the governors palace (formerly the Jesuits convent), the treasury, the town hall and prison, the barracks, and the Fran ciscan, Carmelite, and Penha convents. It com prises several squares, and has to a certain degree a gay and lively appearance. The river Capibar ibe discharges its waters into the channel between St. Antonia and Boa Vista. The harbour belong ing to Recife, called the Mosqueiro, situated on flie outward bank, is formed by a reef of rocks, which runs parallel with the town, at a very small distance. Pernambuco is daily increasing in opu- lence and importance, and European fashions pre- vail. Long. 35. 20. AV., lat. 8. 13. S.
Pernau, a fortified town of Russia, in Livonia with a castle ; seated near the mouth of a river of |