Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 595 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 595 Left Column
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    La Paz, Peru, South America
    Quito, Peru, South America
    Peruvian Army
    San Martin, General
    Cochrane, Lord
    Lima, Peru, South America
Peru, Bennington County, Vermont, United States (main entry)
    Bennington (directional)
    Peru, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, United States
    Boston (directional)
    Peru, Clinton County, New York, United States
    Lake Champlain
    Peru, Huron County, Ohio, United States
    Peru, Delaware County, Ohio, United States
Perugia, Papal States, Italy (main entry)
    Pope's Dominions
    Citta de Castello
Perugia, Perugia, Papal States, Italy (main entry)
    Tiber River
    Rome (directional)
Perugia (Lake) (main entry)
Peruvian Mountains (main entry)
    New York, United States
    Lake Champlain
    Whiteface (Mountain)
Pesaro, Urbino, Ecclesiastical States (main entry)
    Foglia River
    Gulf of Venice
    Urbino (directional)
Pescara, Abruzzo Citra, Naples (main entry)
    Pescara River
    Gulf of Venice
    Chieti (directional)
Peschiera, Veronese, Austrian Italy (main entry)
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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