mantled. It is seated xc2xa9n the Rhine, 17 m. N. of Durlach.
Philipstadt, a town of Sweden, in Wermeland, seated in a mountainous country, abounding in iron mines, between two lakes, and watered by a rivulet. 29 m. N. E. of Carlstadt and 1G0 W. by N. of Stockholm.
PhUipstown, a town of Ireland, capital of Kings county. 40 m. W. of Dublin. Long. 7. 13. VV., lat. 53. 13. N.
Phillipstown, ph. Putnam Co. N. Y. on the Hudson, nearly opposite West Point. Pop. 4,816.
Pkillipslon, ph. Worcester Co. Mass. 65 m. N. W. Boston. Pop. 932.
Philone, p.v. Franklin Co. Ohio. 14 m. from Columbus.
Phipsburg, ph. Lincoln Co. Me. on the Kenne-
bec. 20 m. S. W. Wiscasset.
Piacenza. See Piacenza.
Pianezza, a town and castle of the Sardinian states, in Piedmont, seated on the Dora, 6 m. W. of Turin.
Pianoza, an island off the coast of Tuscany, 6 m. S. of that of Elba. It is level and low, as the name imports. Long. 10. 34. E., lat. 42. 46. N.
Piare, a river of Austrian Italy, which rises in the delegation of Feltre, flows through, the Vene- tian territory, and falls into the gulf of V enice, 16 m. N. E. of Venice.
Piazza, a town of Sicily, in Val di Noto. situ- lte almost in the centre of the island, 35 m. W. N. W. of Lentini.
Picardy, a former province of France, on the English Channel, now chiefly included in the de- partment of Somme.
Pickaway, a county of Ohio. Pop. 15,935, Cir- cleville is the capital. Also a town in this Co. on the Scioto.
Pickering, a town in N. Yorkshire, Eng. It had a strong castle, in which Richard II. wa3 confined, now in ruins. The parish church is an ancient and spacious building, with a fine lofty spire; and here are meeting-houses for Indepen- dents, Wesleyans, Primitive Methodists, and Friends. 26 m. N. E. of York and 222 N. by W. of London.
Pico, one of the Azores or Western Islands. It has a volcanic mountain, called Pico, about
3.000 feet in perpendicular height, from the sur- face of the sea to the summit of the peak ; on its sides are numerous craters, several of which are now almost concealed by trees. The last erup- tion of the peak happened in 1718, and destroyed several vineyards. The island is about 80 m. in circumference, and produces a great deal of wine. Long. 28. 25. W.. lat. 38. 29. N.
PickixAu. a volcano in South America, 15,993 feet aboTe tbe sea. It is situated near Quito, 11 deg. S of the equator.
PiA.ex-f. a county of Alabama. Pop. 6,620. Pickens is the capital.
Pieiessrult. p v. Pendleton Dis. S. C.
Pitttni. a small island, between that of St. John and tbe continent of Nova Scotia, at the E. end of Northunfoeiiaad Strait. Long. 62. 15. W.p lat. 45. 50. N.
Pcili' fTA., in England, a famous barrier against the P'rcts, of which some remains are left. It be- gan at the entrance of Sol war Frith, in Cumber- land, and, passing E. by Carlisle, was continued across the island to Tynemouth.
Pidaura, a town of the Morea, the ancient
Epidaurus. It is situate on the W. coast of the gulf of Egina, 25 m. E. of Napoli di Romania. Long. 23. 22. E., lat. 37. 40. N.
Piedmont, a principality of Italy, 150 m. long and 90 broad ; bounded on the N. by the Valais,
E. by the Milanese, S. by the county of Nice and the territory of Genoa, and W. by France. It contains many high mountains, among which are rich and fruitful valleys, as populous as any part of Italy. In the mountains are rich mines of several kinds, and the forests afford a great deal of game. The principal rivers are the Po, Tana- ro, Sturia, and Doria. This country has a great trade in raw silk; and it produces corn, rice, wine, fruits, hemp, flax, and cattle. It belongs to the king of Sardinia, whose authority was re- stored in 1814. Turin is the capital
Pienza, a town of Tuscany, 25 m. S. E. of Siena.
Piercy, a township of Coos Co. N. H. Pop.
Piermont, ph. Grafton Cp. N. H. Pop. 1,042.
Pierpont, ph. Ashtabula Co. Ohio.
Pierrepoint, p.v. St. Lawrence Co. N. Y. Pop.
Pierre, St., a small island near Newfoundland, ceded to the French in 1763, for drying and curing their fish. They were dispossessed of it bv the English in 1793. Long. 56. 0. VV., lat.
46. 39. N.
Pimpe. St., a town of the island of Martinico, situate on a round bay, on the W. coast, 15 m.
N. W. of FoPtroyal. Long. 61. 21. W., lat. 14.
44. N. #
Pitrre le Mo'utier, St., a town of France, depart- ment of Nievre, 15 m. N. W. of Moulins and 150 S. of Paris.
Pittola, a village of Austrian Italy, near Man- tua, the birth-place of Virgil, to whose memory an obelisk was erected in 1797, by Bonaparte.
Pietro, St., an island in the Mediterranean, 13 m. long and 3 broad, near the S. W. coasts of Sardinia, taken by the French in 1763, bat reta- ken soon after.
Pignerjol, or Pignerola, a town of Piedmont, and a bishops see, with manufactures of woolen, silk, paper, and leather, and a trade in corn, wine, spirits, &c. It is seated on the Cluson,
20 m. S. W. of Turin.
Pike, a county of the E. District of Pennsyl- vania. Pop. 4,843. Milford is the capital; a county of Ohio. Pop. 6,024. Piketon is the capital, a county of Kentucky. Pop. 2,677. Pikeville is the capital; a county of Indiana.
Pop. 2,464. Petersburg is the capital; a county of Missouri. Pop. 6,122. Bowling Green is the capital; a county of Mississippi. Pop. 5,402. Holmesville is the capital; also towns and villages in Alleghany Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,016. Bradfoid Co. Pa., Knox, Perry, Madison, Wayne, Starke and Clark Cos. Ohio.
Pikdand, a township of Chester Co. Pa.
Pike Run, a township of Washington Co. Pa.
Pikesrille, p.v. Baltimore Co. Maryland.
Pikeville, p.v. Marion Go. Alabama.
Pilesgrove, a township of Salem Co. N. J.
Pilgram, a town of Bohemia, in the circle ol Bechin, at the source of the Iglau, 28 m. E, of Tabor.
Pillau, a sea-port* of Prussia, on the Baltic.
The harbour is good, and it is well fortified, be- ing considered as the bulwark and key of the kingdom. Here is a magazine for military stores; )
and below the gate of the-castle is a stone eques- | |