Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 609
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arm of the sea, called Broad River, which forms
the most commodious harbour in the state, at the
town of Beaufort.

Port St. Anne. See Killough.

Port St. Julian, a harbour on the E. coast of Pat-
agonia, where ships bound for the Pacific usually
touch. Long. 08. 44. W., lat. 49. 10. S.

Port St. Mary, a sea-port of Spain, in Auda-
lusia, on the bay of Cadiz. The principal trade is
in salt. The English mad.e a descent here in 1702,
with a design to besiege Cadiz, but without suc-
cess. 10 m. N. E. of Cadiz.

Port sur Saone, a town of France, department
of Upper Saone, on the river Saone, 8 m. N. W.

Port Tobacco, ph. Charles Co. Maryland, near
the mouth of a small stream running into tbe Po-
tomac, 34 m. S. Washington.

Port Vendre, a town of France, department of
Eastern Pyrenees, with a small harbour on the
Mediterranean, defended by two forts. It is 25
m. S. S. E. of Perpignan.

Port William, p.v. Gallatin Co. Ken. 44 m. N.
W. Frankfort.

Porta.down, a town of Ireland, in the county of
Armagh, with a linen manufacture ; situate on
tne river Bann, 16 m. N. of Newry.

Portage, a county of Ohio. Pop, 15.rt27.
Ravenna is the capital.

Portage, a towship in Portage and Sandusky
Ca. Ohio.

Portalegre, a strong town of Portugal, in Al-
emtejo, and a bishop's see. It has
a manufacture
of woollen cloth, and is seated at the foot of a high
mountain, 30 m. N. of Elvas.

Portarlington, a borough of Ireland, partly in
King’s and partly in Queen’s county ; seated on
the Barrow, 31
in. N. of Kilkenny and 36 S. AV.
of Dublin.

Porter, a township of Oxford Co. Me. Pop.
811. A township of Niagara Co. N. Y. Pop.
1,890; ph. Scioto Co. Ohio.

Portici, a village 4 m. E. S. E. of the city of
Naples, on part of the site ofthe ancient Hercu-
laneum, near Mount Vesuvius. Here is a palace
of the king of Naples, enriched with a vast number
of fine statues, and other remains of antiquity,
taken out of the ruins of Herculaneum.

Portland, a peninsula in Dorsetshire Eng. con-
nected with the mainland by a ridge of pebbles,
called the Chesil Bank, extending above 7 m. up
the S. AV. coast. Between this bank and the
mainland is a narrow arm of the sea called the

F.eet. Portland Isle is 4 m. long and 2 broad,
surrounded bv inaccessible rocks, except at the
landing place, at the X. AV. end, where there is a
strong c-astle, called Portland Castle, built by
Henrv VIII. The peninsula is noted for its free-
stone*. which is used for building the finest struc-
tures. and about 9.000 tons of it are annually ex-
ported. It lies on the S. W. side of Weymouth
bav,and on its S. extremity, called Portland PoiBt,
two ligbt-honses have been erected. Long. 2. 27.
lat. 50. 31. X.

Parti and. p.t. Cumberland Co. Me. the largest
in the state, and till lately the seat of gov-
It has a good harbour on Casco Bay
a large coasting trade, with considerable for-
commerce. It has many handsome build-
among which may be mentioned the custom
and the mariners church. The town is
well built. The shipping of the port
in 1828
amounted to 56JM9 tons. On the N. E.
side of
the town stands an observatory, 70 feet in
height, and the entrance to the harbour is defended
by several forts. Pop. 12,601 - Lat. 43. 39. N.
Ion. 70. 19. W.

Portland, ph. Chatauque Co. N. Y. on Lake
Ontario with a harbour. Pop. 1,771. The light
house at the mouth of the harbour is a great cu-
riosity xe2x80xa2 it is lighted with natural gas, arising
from a spring in the neighbourhood.

Portland, a township in Huron Co. Ohio p.v.
Dallas Co. Alab.

Portland Islands, a cluster of small islands in
the S. Pacific. They are low and covered witli
wood; and the centre one is in Long. 149. 8. E.,
lat. 2. 38. S.

Porto, a small sea-port of the papal states, in
the patrimony of St. Peter. It is the see of a
bishop (who is generally a cardinal), dependent
only on the pope, and is seated on the W. side of
the Tiber, 10 m. S. W. of Rome.

Porto Bello, a sea-port of Terra Firma, on the
N. coast of the isthmus of Darien, nearly opposite
Panama on the S. coast. It is a very unhealthy
place; and the country around it swarms with
toads and other reptiles in the rainy season. Be-
fore the abolition of the trade by the galleons, in
1748, and the introduction of register ships, this
place was the great mart for the rich commerce
of Peru and Chile. The town stands close to the
sea, on the side of a mountain that surrounds the
harbour, which is safe and commodious. It was
taken in 1742 by admiral Vernon, who demol-
ished the fortifications; but it has since been
stronglv fortified. It is 60 m. N. by E. of Pana-
ma ari 300 W. of Carthagena. Long. 79. 50.
W.. hi. 9. 33. X.

Porto CabtUo. a sea-port of Venezuela, S. Amer-
ica. with a good harbour, defended by forts. It
is a flourishing place, containing a population of

8,000, and is the centre of the navigation and
commerce of Venezuela. 70 m. AV. by S. of Ja-
go de Leon. Long. 67. 32. E., lat. 10. 31. N.

Porto Farino, a sea-port of the kingdom of Tu-
nis. Long. 10. 16. E., lat. 37. 12. N.

Porto, the capital of the island of Elba,
with a good harbour, capable of containing the
largest fleets. This town is celebrated as having
been the residence of Napoleon from May 4,1814,
to February 26, 1815, when he sailed on his final
expedition to France. Its position is central in
the Mediterranean; and it perfectly commands
the coast of Italy. It is a very pretty town, built
on a shelving rock, that closes in a circular bay,
about 2 m. deep and as many in breadth. The
land all round is high and woody, and the entrance
to the bay is easy of approach. The street*
and fortifications rise one above another, like
rows of seats in an ancient amphitheatre, and:
present a most beautiful spectacle to those who
approach by water. A commodious quay com-
municates, by means of large flights of steps,
with all the streets. Porto Ferrajo was built and
fortified by Cosmo I. duke of Florence in 1548;
but the fortifications were not finished tilt 1628,
when Cosmo II. completed them with S'magnifi-
cence equal to that displayed by the old Romans
in their public undertakings; and it is now deem-
ed impregnable. The gates are decorated with
sculpture, and the rings for fastening cables to
arc of carved bronze. 7 m. S. W. of Piombino
on the coast of Italy. Long. 12.17. E., lat. 42.

53. N.

Porto Fino, a small sea-port on the coast of
Genoa, with a fort, situate between two mona
tains, 13 m. S. E. of Genoa

Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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