Prince William Henrys Island, an island in the Eastern Ocean, lying W. N. W. of Tench Island. It'is pretty high, well wooded, and about 70 m. in circuit. The population is estimated at 50,000. It was discovered by lieutenant Ball in t790, and a high mountain in the centre was called Mount Philip. Long. 149. 30. E., lat. 1. 32. S.xe2x80x94Also the name of an island in the Pacific Ocean, dis- covered by captain Wallis in 17G7. Long. 141. 6. W., lat. 17. 0. S.
Prince William Sound, a gulf on the N. W. coast of America, discovered by Cook in 1778, and visited and explored by Vancouver in 1794. The dress of both sexes is a sort of close robe, made of the skins of various animals, and commonly worn with the hairy side outward, sometimes reaching only to the knees, but generally to the ancles. The men often paint their faces of a black colour, and of a bright red, and sometime of a blueish or leaden hue ; but not in regular figure. The women puncture or stain the chin with black, that comes to a point on each of their cheeks. Their canoes are of two sorts ; the one large and open, the other small and covered: the framing consists of slendei pieces of wood, and the outside is composed of the skins of seals, or other sea animals stretched over the wood. Their weapons, and implements for hunting and fishing, resemble those used by the Esquimaux. The principal animals axe beaus, common and pine mar- tens, sea otters, seals, racoons, small ermines, fox- es, and the whitish cat or lynx. The birds found here are the falcon, the great king-fisher, the white-headed eagle, and the humming bird. Long. 147. 21. W.,lat. 59. 33. N.
Princes Island, an island near the W. coast of Guinea, 90 m. in circumference, discovered by the Portuguese in 1471. It is elevated and fertile, and has a town on the N. part, with a good harbour. Long. 7. 40. E., lat. 1. 40. N.
Princes Island, a small island in the Indian Ocean, near the W. entrance of the strait of Sun- da. It is visited by European ships for wood and water. Long. 104. 30. E., lat. 6. 15. S.
Prince's Islands, four small islands, in the sea cf Marmora, near the strait of Constantinople, called Prinkipo, Prote, Kalke, and Antigone. Trie first is the largest, and has a town contain- ing above 2.000 inhabitants. Long. 28. 5G. E., Lt. 40. 51. N.
Princeton, ph. Worcester Co. Mass. 52 m. W. B >stoa. Pin. 1.345. It was called Wachvsett bv the Indians, and within its limits stands the mountain if that name, which Set.
Prl-.-'t n. D.i Somerset and Middlesex Cos. N J. 4 * .n. N. E. Philadelphia. The college of New Jerre r. or Nassau Hall, is established at this place. It was founded in 1746; it has 10 instruct- ors xni l o students; the libraries have 12.1100 volnm-f-s. It :ins two vacat.ons in spring and autumn :*: 12 Treks. Commencement is in September Here is also a Theological Seminary.
FrAc<zy%. p.v Caldwell Co. Ken.; p.v. Butler Co. Oiu-r : s.t G-irson Co. Indiana.
Princuaicn. o L Schenectady Co. N. Y. Pop. 819-
Prinripato. xc2xab proTinre of Naples, divided into Princinato Citra tad Ultra, that is, the Further and Hither Principality. The former is 60 m. long and 3xc2xbb? broad : the sc:! fertile in wine, corn, oil, and saffron : and it ha* a great deal of silk, and several mineral springs. Salerno is the cap- ital. Principato Ultra is- 37 m. long and 30 broad; and the soil not fertile in corn or wine, but it produces chesnuts, and has excellent pas- tures. Avellino is the capital: |
Pristina, a town of Romania, and a bishops see, which was pillaged by the Austrians in 1689. It is seated on the Rusca, 150 m. S. by E. of Belgrade. Long. 21 36. E., lat. 42. 43. N.
Pritzwalk, a town of Prussia, in Brandenburg, seated on the Domnitz, 13 m. E. N. E. of Perie- berg. ^
Privas, a town of France, capital of the de- partment of Ardeche. It is seated on a hill, near the confluence of three small rivers, 68 m. S. ol Lyons Long. 4. 36. E., lat. 44. 45.
Procida, a island in the gulf of Naples, near that of Ischia, 8 m. in circumference, and very fertile and populous. The capital, of the same name, is a small fortified place, on a high craggy rock, by ths sea side. Long. 14. 8. E., lat. 40. 43. N.
Proctorsville, p.v. Windsor Co. Vt. 88 m. S. Montpelier.
Proilano, an island in the Mediterranean, near the W. coast of the Morea, formerly called Sphac- teria. It is 36 m. S. S. E. of Zante. Long 21 24. E., lat. 37.15. N.
Promt, a city of Birmah, province of Ava. It was formerly more considerable than at present, having been greatly reduced by frequent wars. Much teak timber is sent hence to Rangoon. It is seated on the Irrawaddy, 120 m. N. W. of Pe- gu. Long. 95. 0. E.. lat. 18. 50. N.
Prospect, ph. Waldo Co. Me., on the Penob- scot. S in.. N. E. Belfast. Pop. 2,381; ph. Prince Edward Co. Va. 105 m. S. VV. Rionmond.
Prospect Hill, p.v. Rensselaer Co. N. Y.; p.V. Fairfax Co. Va.; p.v. Caswell Co. N. C.
Prosperous, a village of Ireland, in the county of Kildare, 16 m. S. W. of Dublin. It has a con- siderable manufacture of cotton.
Prosnitz, a town of Moravia, in the circle of Olmutz, 8 m. S. S. W. of Olmutz.
Provence, a former province of France, which now forms the department of Var, Lower Alps, and Mouths of the Rhone.
j"Providence, one of the Bahama Islands, and the best of those planted by the English. It was taken by the Spaniards, in 1782, but retaken the next year. A light-house was erected, in 1804, on an eminence overlooking Nassau, the chief town. Long. 77. 20. W., lat. 25. 3. N.
Providence, an island in the Atlantic, which the Buecaniers fortified, but afterwards abandoned. It is 150 m. E. of the coast of Nicaragua. Long. 80. 44. W., lat. 13. 25. N.
Providtnce river, a stream of Rhode Island formed by the union of two rivers just above the city of Providence. It flows into Narraganset Bay, and is navigable from Providence to the sea for ships of 900 tons.
Providence, city, chief of a county of the same name in Rhode Island, is the largest place in the state and the second city in New England for population, wealth, and business. Jjt stands at the head of Narraganset Bay, which at this ex- tremity becomes narrowed to the width of a riv- er. It is built on both sides of the river, the two parts being connected by a bridge. The new iown on the W. of the river has all the bustle and liveliness, and displays the flourishing ap pearance of a commercial city. The hill on the opposite side, or East Providence, is chiefly oc cupied by private mansions, beautifully situated, and adorned with gardens and court yards. On the summit of a steep eminence stands tne col- |