Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 616
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PRO    616    PRU

ege, overlooking the city. The streets are lr- and built on piles driven into the sand with
regular, but there are many beautiful situations spaces between them for the sand to drift through,
and fine edifices in the city. Here is a hand- otherwise they would be completely buried. The
some arcade three stories high, with 28 rooms inhabitants live by fishing, as the cape produces
on each floor. Each front consists of an Ionic nothingtbut a scanty vegetation of coarse grass
portico, with granite pillars. Providence has 12 sufficient for the pasturage of a few cows. Pop.
churcnes, a theatre, a public library, many cot- 1,710.

ton and woolen manufactories, paper mills, dye- Ptovins, a town of France, department of Seine-
houses, &c. Its distance from the sea is 35 et-Marne, celebrated for its mineral waters. It    ^

miles, but merchant ships of the largest size can has a considerable trade in corn, and some woolen
come up to the wharves. Steam-boats pass be- manufactures, and is seated on the Vouzie, 60 m

S. E. of Paris.

Pruch. See Bruek.

Prusa, or Prusia. See Bursa.

Prussia, a large country of Europe, occupying
a great part of the N. of Germany, and extending
with little interruption from the confines of
Lithuania to those of the Netherlands. It is a
very fertile country, producing a great deal of
flax, hemp, and corn. There are a great number
of domestic animals: and the sea, the rivers, and
lakes, supply abundance of fish. Game abounds ;
and elks, wild asses, and uri, are found in the
forests : these last are of a huge size, and have
some resemblance to beeves; their hides    are ex-
tremely thick and strong, and    they are    sold to

foreigners at a great price. One of the most re-
tween Providence and New York, through Lon* markable productions of this country is yellow
Island Sound, during all the open season, and amber, which is found along the sea-coast.
nearly the whole of the summer travelling from There are two large lakes, besides the rivers Vis-
Boston to the S. passes by this route. Providence tula and Pregel. The inhabitants are generally
was founded by Roger Williams in 1636. It re- of a ^rood constitution, laborious, and robust,
tained the denomination and government of There are a great number of mechanics ; but the
a town until 1831, when a city charter was principal business is husbandry, with the feeding
adopted.    of cattle. The present monarchy of Prussia

Brown University at this place was founded consists of two distinct parts separated by the
in 1764, and was first established at Warren : it German States, and contains 105,770 sq. m. ofter-
was removed to Providence in 1770. It has been ritory, and a pop. of 12,552,278. The army
supported solely by individual patronage, and amounts to 165,000 men. The revenue is 40,    

its funds are not large. The college edifices are 000,000 dollars: the public debt 1211,000,000.
two brick buildings, containing 100 rooms for slu- Tbe government is an absolute monarchy. The
dents, and others for public purposes. The col- religion of the rojinl family is protestant, but ail
lege is    delightfully    situated on    an    eminence in    creeds are tolerated.

the    E.    part    of    the    town, which    commands a    In the 13th century Prussia    belonged    to the

beautiful prospect. The libraries contain 12,000 knights of the Teutonic order. In 1454, that part
volumes, including those belonging to literary since denominated Polish, or W. Prussia, revolt-
societies. The officers are a President and 8 Pro- ed to Casimir IV. king of Poland, and was incor-
fessors. The board of trustees is composed of 36 porated into the dominions of the republic. At
members, of whom 22 must be Baptists, 5 Qua- the same time the knights were constrained to
kers, 5 Episcopalians and four Congregationalists. hold the remaining part, called Ducal or E. Prus-
The Fellows, or Learned Faculty, are 12, of sia, as a fief of the crown of Poland. In 1525 Al-
' whom 8, including the President, must be Bap- bert, the grand master, betrayed the interests of
lists. The number of students in 1831, was 95. . his fraternity, and concluded a treaty with Sigis-
There are 3 vacations in May, September and mund, king of Poland, by which E. Prussia was
December, amounting to 13 weeks. Commence- erected into an hereditary duchy, and given to
ment is in September.    him as a Polish fief. Having adopted the tenets

Providence is a port of entry, and in 1828 of Luther, he married a princess of Denmark,
owned 20,252 tons of shipping. It is in lat. 41. and transmitted this rich inheritance to his de-
51. N.. long. 71.10. W., 30 m. N. by W. Newport, scendants : one of whom, Frederic William, was
40 S. S.
W. Boston, 74 E. Hartford. Pop. the first duke that threw off his dependence on
16.832.    Poland. The foundation of the Prussian mon-

Troridcnte, ph. Saratoga Co. N. Y. 25 m. N. archy was established by him, between 1640 and
Albanv. Pop. 1.579; also townships in Essex 1688. His son and successor, Frederic, in 1701
Co. N. J.; Luzerne, Bedford, Delaware and assumed the title of King of Prussia, which was    

Montgomery Cos. Pa.; p.v. Mecklenburg Co. soon after acknowledged by all the Christian
N. C.    powers, except Poland, which did not acknow-

Providence Inn, p.v. Chesterfield Co. Va.    ledge it till 1764. In 1742 Frederic II. acquired

Providence, a countv of Rhode Island. Pop. the duchy of Silesia from the house of Austria;    ^

47,014. Providence city is the capital.    and by his wonderful victories, and the still more

Provincetmcn, ph. Barnstable Co. Mass. on wonderful resources by which he repaired occa-
Cape Cod, at the extremity ofthe peninsula. It is sional defeats, he became the admiration of tbe
60 m. S. E. of Boston in a straight line and 116 age. In 1772 he compelled the Poles to cede to
by land. It has an excellent harbour but there him Western Prussia, excepting the cities of    .

are no wharves. The houses are of one story Dantzic and Thorn. He cultivated the arts of    *




















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