Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 617
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PRZ    617    PUL

peace as well as war, distinguishing himself as a
poet, philosopher, and legislator, and expending
large sums in the improvement of the country.
He was succeeded by his nephew, Frederic Wil-
liam II., in 1786, who forcibly annexed to his
kingdom Dantzic and Thorn, with several con-
siderable provinces, which he styled Southern
Prussia. He had also a share in the general con-
test against France, in the early part of the revo-
lution ; but made peace with that country in
April, 1795; and died at Berlin in 1797.

His son, Frederic William III., continued on
amicable terms with France, till the dissolution
of the Germanic body in 1806, and the consequent
formation of the Confederation of the Rhine,
when, thinking himself aggrieved, he declared
war against France. This war was of short du-
ration, but of most disastrous consequence to
Prussia. By the peace of Tilsit, the whole of
the Polish dominions belonging to Prussia, with
a few exceptions, were transferred to another
prince ; and the king of Prussia had further to
renounce his right to all the territories, without
exception, situated between the Elbe and the
Rhine; to those belonging to Saxony and the
House of Anhalt on the right bank of the Elbe;
and, lastly, to the circle of Rothus, in Lower Lu
satia, which was ceded to Saxony. Thus was
Prussia reduced to the lowest rank among the
powers of Europe. On the memorable retreat of
the French armies from Russia, and the arrival
of the Russians within the territories of Prussia,
she, however, threw off her alliance with France,
joined Russia in the war, and made such extraor-
dinary efforts to retrieve her lost character, by
the magnitude of her armies and the courage
which she maintained in the field, that on the
conclusion of the war all the countries which had
been wrested from her by the treaty of Tilsit were


The kingdom is now divided into 10 provinces,
namely, E. Prussia, W. Prussia, Brandenburg,
Pomerania, Westphalia, Cleves and Berg_ Silesia,
Posen, Saxony, and Lower Rhine; which are
subdivided into 23 governments. For military
purposes, the kingdom is divided into five great
parts, viz. Prussia, Brandenburg and Pomerania,
Silesia and Prussian Poland, Saxony, and finally
Westphalia with the Lower Rhine. Berlin is the
capital of all Prussia.

Prussia, Proper, an extensive division of the
Prussian states, between the northern frontier of
Poland and the Baltic. It comprises the provin-
ces of E. and W. Prussia, divided formerly by
the Vistula, and now by a line a few m. to the E.
of that river. E. Prussia lies between 19. 20. and

24. 15. of EHon*. and 52. 32. and 56. 3. of N. lat.,
and has a superficial extent of 15,000 sq. m. with

856.000 inhabitants. It is divided into the gov-
ernments of Konigsberg and Gumbinnen. VV.
Prussia is a less extensive country, its area being

10.000 sq. in. its population 560,000. It is divided
into the governments of Dantzic and Marien-

Pruth, a river that rises in Marmarosch, in
Hungarv, crosses part of the palatinate of Lem-
burgf flows through Moldavia, and enters the
Danube above Leni, in Bessarbia.

Pruym. a town of the Prussian province of
Lower Rhine, with a princely abbey; seated on
the river Pruym, 30 m. S. S. E. of Aix-la-Chapelle.

Przesmislia.a town of Austrian Poland, capital
of a circle of its name, with a castle; seated on
the river San, 54 m. AV. by S. of Lemberg.

Przibram, a town of Bohemia, in the circle of
Beraun, with a silver mine and an iron foundery,
seated near the river Muldau, 28 m. S. S. AV. of

Pskof, or Pleskof, a government of Russia, ly-
ing between those of Livonia and Smolensko. It
comprises an area of 22,000 sq. m. with 700,000

Pskof, the capital of the above government,
and an archbishop’s see, with a strong castle. It
is seated on the river Welika, at its entrance into
the lake Tchudskoi, 80 m. S. of Narva and 170
S. by W. of Petersburgh. Lon*. 27. 52. E., .at.

57. 38. N.

Pucculoe, a town of Bengal, 40 m. N. W. of
Dacca.    xe2x80xa2

Puckholi, a town of Hindoostan, in the province
of Lahore, 86 m. S. W. of Cashmere and 145 N.
W. of Lahore. Long. 75. 5. E., lat. 33. 45. N.

Pudda, a river of Hindoostan, which rises in
the S.
W. part of Agimere, divides the provinces
of Cutch and Guzerat, and runs into the gulf of

Pudoga, a town of Russia, in the government
of Olonetz, situate on the E. coast of the lake of
Onezkoe, 103 m. E. of Olonetz. Lon*. 36. 30.
E., lat. 61. 36. N.

Puebla, a town of Spain, in Galicia, seated near
the Atlantic, 29 m. S. S. W. of Cornpostella.

Puebla de los Angelos, a city of Mexico, capital
of a province of its name. The streets are broad
and straight, and the buildings in general of stone,
lofty and elegant. In the centre of the city is a
large square, adorned on three sides with uniform
porticoes, where are shops filled with rich com-
modities, and on the other with the cathedral,
which has a beautiful front, and two lofty towers.
Besides the cathedral, there are several other
churches and convents, well built and finely
adorned. A small river runs through the towin,
and the adjacent valley produces vines and all
sorts of European fruits. It is 80 m. E. S. E. of
Mexico. Long. 99. 22. W., lat. 19. 30. N.

Puebla Nuova, a town of Mexico, in the prov-
ince of Veragna, seated near the Pacific Ocean,
100 m. W. of St. Jago. Lon*. 83. 0. W., lat. 8.

34. N.

Puebla de Sanabria, a town of Spain in the prov-
ince of Leon, 45 m. S. W. of Astorga.

Puente, a town of Spain, in Navarre, on the
river Agra, 8 m. S. S. W. of Pamplona.

Puerto Bello, Puero Rico, &c. See Porto.

Puglia, the ancient Apulia, containing the three
provinces of Capitanata, Bari, and Otranto, on
the E. side of the kingdom of Naples.

Pugbtoum, p.v. Chester Co. Pa.

Pulaski, a county of Georgia. Pop. 4,899.
Hartford is the capital; a county of Kentucky.
Pop. 9,522. Somerset is the capital; a county
of Arkansas. Pop. 2.395. Little Rock is the
capital; also a p.v. Giles Co. Term.

Pul/iely, a town of Wales, in Caernarvonshire,
seated on an inlet of Cardigan Bay, between two
rivers, 16 m. S. of Caernarvon and 243 N. W. of

Pulo Condore, see Condore; and so with other
islands that have sometimes Pulo [Island] prefixed.

Pullicate, a town of Hindoostan, in the Carna-
tic, on the sea-coast, and at the S. end of a large
lake to which it gives name, 23 rn. N. of Madras.

Pultcney, ph. Steuben Co. N. Y. 30 m. S. Ca-
nandaigua. Pop. 1,730.

Pulteneyville, p.v. Wayne Co. N. Y. on Lake

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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