Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 630
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RHO    630    RHO

Flowing by Coire, at tbe distance of a mile, the
Rhine Sere becomes navigable for rafts. It is
soon after the boundary between the Rheinthal
and a territory of Austria, and passes through the
Lake of Constance from E. to W. Leaving this
lake, it flows W. bv Schaffhausen, below which
it forms a celebrated cataract. It continues in a
westerly course to Bale, when it turns to the N. and
enters the Netherlands, in which course it waters
many considerable cities and towns, and receives
some large rivers. Below Emmerick, in the
duchy of Cleve, it divides into twin streams, the
right, which retains its name, passes on to
Utrecht, when it divides once more into two
streams : the smaller one is called the Vecht,
which runs N. into the Zuider Zee at Muyden;
and ttie other, the remains of the noble Rhine,
flows W. by Woerden to Leyden, where it di-
vides into several channels, and afterwinrds is lost
among hills of sand near the village of Catwyck.

Rhine, a province of the grand duchy of Hesse,
to the N. of the Bavarian circle of the Rhine,
comprising an area of 1,000 square m. with 155,000

Rhine, Circle of, a province of Bavaria, situate
to the W. of the Rhine, between Weissemburg
and Worms. It was ceded to Bavaria in 1814.
It contains an area of 1,800 square m. with 308,000

Rhine, Lower, a grand duchy of the Prussian
states, composed of territories taken from France
and the grand duchy of Berg in 1814, and assign-
ed to Prussia by the congress of Vienna. It is
bounded N. by the province of Cleves and Berg,
E. by Nassau and Hesse-Darmstadt, S. by tbe
French and W by the Dutch frontier. It has an
area of 5,700 square m. w7ith 950,000 inhabitants.
Aix-la-Chapelle is the capital.

Rhine, Lower and Upper, two divisions of Ger-
many, abolished in 1806.

Rhine, Lower, a department of France, con-
taining the late province of Lower Alsace. It has
an area of 1,900 square m. with 440,000 inhabi-
tants. Strasburg is the capital.

Rhine, Upper, a department of France, consist-
ing of the late province of Upper Alsace, and
containing an area of about 1,700 square m. with

320,000 inhabitants. Colmar is the capital.

Rhinebeck, p.v. Dutchess Co. N. Y. 26 m. S.
Hudson, on the Hudson. Pop. 2,938.

Rhode Island, an island in the state of the same
name, in Narraganset Bay 15 in. long from N. E.
to S. W. with a mean breadth of 2 1-2 in., con-
but it is destitute of trees, the whole island having
been laid waste by the British in the revolutiona-
ry war. It affords excellent pasturage, and main
tains more than 30,000 sheep. The town of New-
port is in the S. part.

taining about 37 sq. m.; it is a very beautiful is-
land ; the air is pure and salubrious, and the cli-
mate milder than on the continent, rendering it a
very desirable residence for invalids in summer.
The surface of the island is agreeably diversified,

Rhode Island, one of the New England States
bounded N. and E. by Massachusetts ; S. by the
ocean and
W. by Connecticut. It extends from

41.15. to 42. N. lat. and from 71. 8. to 71. 52. W.
long. 42 m. in average length and 29 in breadth
and containing 1,225 sq. m. including Nrraganset
Bay which intersects it from N. to S. and embo
soms Rhode, Connecticut, Prudence, and sever-
al other small-islands. Block Island which lies off
the coast also belongs to this state. The riven
are the Pawtucket, Pawtuxet and Pawcatuck
which flow into Narraganset Bay. There are no
mountains in the state, nor any hilly tracts, yet the
general face of the country is somewhat rough and
rocky. There are some level districts upon the
borders of Narraganset Bay, and some flats on the
Atlantic shores. The aspect of the country on
the whole is picturesque, the highest eminences,
are Mount Hope, in Bristol; Hopkins’ Hill, in
W. Greenwich ; and Woonsocket Hill, in Smith-
held but they are not remarkable for eleva-
tion. The whole state enioys a salubrious cli-
mate ; the winter in the maritime parts is sensibly
milder, and the seasons there are more uniform
than in the rest of New'England; the heat of
summer is much alleviated by refreshing sea
breezes. In other respects the climate resembles
that of Connecticut and Massachusetts. The
soil is pretty uniform ; on the continent it is gen-
erally a gravelly loam, which is tolerably fertile
but difficult of cultivation. Upon the islands, the
soil is light and productive. There are a few
pine plains in the state, but very little alluvial
land. Considerable quantities ot antnracite coal
exist in the state but the mines are little worked at
present. Iron ore occurs in the northern parts,
and there is a mine wrought at Cranston. There
are quarries of limestone at Smithfield, and the
same place affords excellent marble. Beds of ser-
pentine, are found at Newport. The mineral
treasures of this state as far as yet discovered, are
not on the whole either extensive or valuable.

Rhode Island is divided into 5 counties, Provi-
dence, Kent, Washington, Newport and Bristol.
The Pop. is 97,212. Fourteen of which are slaves.
There is no seat of government; the legislature
meet alternately at Providence, Newport, East
G-eenwich and South Kingston. The other large
towns are Bristol, Warwick and North Providence
The Blackstone canal, which
See, lies partly in this
state, and a railroad is projected from Providence te
Boston. Agricultural industry is chiefly confined
to grazing and the dairy.

The islands and shores of Narraganset bay are
celebrated for their fine cattle, their numerous
flocks of sheep, and the excellence and abundance
of their butter and cheese. Of the different kinds
of grain, maize, barley, oats and rye, are the most
/ generally cultivated.

The commerce is chiefly confined to the ports
of Newport and Providence. The foreign imports,
in 1828, amounted to 1,128,226 dollars. The ex
ports of domestic produce to 541,675 dollars, and
the shipping to 40,666 tons.

Pawtucket has the largest manufactories in the
state. The manufactures of this place are chiefly
of cotton. The mills are seated upon three falls
in Pawtucket river, and run 45,000 spindles. They
employ nearly 900 looms.

Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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