Raizan, a government of Russia, formerly a province of the government of Moscow. It com- prises an area of 13,000 square m. with 1,000,000 of inhabitants, and had anciently its own princes. The soil is fertile in corn, hemp, and flax.
Raizan, the capital of the above government, an archbishops see, was formerly considerable for its extent and riches, hut was almost ruined by the Tartars in 1568. It is seated at the con- flux of the Trubesh with the Occa, 100 m. S. E. of Moscow. Long. 40. 37. E., lat. 54. 55. N.
Riba de Sella, a small sea-port of Spain, in As- turias, on the Bay of Biscay, 29 m. E. by S. of Gijon.
Ribadavia, a town of Spain, in Galicia, seated at the conflux of the Avia with the Minho, in the territorv that produces the best wine in Spain, 15 m. W. S. VV. of Orense.
Ribadeo, a sea-port of Spain, in Galicia, with a good harbour, defended by two castles. It is seated on a rock, at the mouth of the Rio de Mi- rando, 45 m. N. by E. of Lugo. Long. 6. 47. W., lat. 43. 38. N.
Riba, a town of Spain, in New Castile, on the river Xarama, 8 m. E. of Madrid.
Ribble, a river which rises in W. Yorkshire, Eng. runs across Lancashire, and enters the Irish Sea below Preston.
Ribemont, a town of France, department of Aisne, seated on an eminence near the Oise, 10 m. S. of St. Quentin.
Riberac, a town in the department of Dor- dogne, 17 m. E. of Perigueux.
Rtbnik, a town of Prussian Silesia, in the prin- cipality of Ratibor, 20 m. E. by N. ofRatibor.
Ribmk, or Rimnik, a town of European Turkey, in Wallachia. and a bishops see. Here, in 1789, the Austrians and Russians gained a great victo- ry over the Turks. It is seated on a river of the same name, 68 m. E. N. E. of Tergovist.xe2x80x94Anoth- er of the Alth, 50 m. W. by S. of Tergovist.
Ribnitz, a town of Germany, in the grand duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, seated on a bay of the Baltic, near the influx of the Recken- itz, 13 m. N. E. of Rostock.
Riceborough, p.v. Liberty Co. Geo. 34 m. S. AV. Savannah, at the head of Newport River,
Richardsville, p.v. Edgefield Dis. S. C. 74 m. W. Columbia.
Richelieu, a county of Lower Canada, or a river of the same name flowing into the St. Lawrence.
Richelieu, a town of France, departmentof Indre- et-Loire, founded by cardinal Richelieu in 1637 ; seated on the Amable and Vide, 33 m. S. S. W. of Tours.
Richmond, a borough in N. Yorkshire, Eng. It was formerly surrounded by a wall, with three gates, and had a strong castle (now in a ruinous condition), on an inaccessible mount It is the capital of a district called Richmondshire (now in- cluded in the duchy of Lancaster) which abounds in lead mines, and was formerly a county of itself. Richmond has a manufacture of woolen stockings, caps, Ac. It is seated on the Swale, over which is a bridge. 40 m. N. W. of York and 230 N. N. W. of London. Long. 1. 35. W., lat. 54. 28. N.
Richmond, a village in Surrey, Eng. with an ele- gant stone bridge over the Thames. It was anci- ently called Sheen; but Henry VII. called it Richmond, on account of his having teen earl of Richmond in Yorkshire. Here was a palace, in which Edward III., Henry VII., and queen Eli- zabeth expired. Richmond is still distinguished hy its beautiful royal gardens, which in summer are open to the public; and in these is a noble observatory. Here is an extensive royal park, call- ed Richmond, or the New Park ; surrounded by a brick wall built by Charles I. 9 m. W. S. W. of London. |
Richfield, ph. Otsego Co. N. Y. 75 m. W. Al- bany. Pop. 1,752, a township of Medina Co. Ohio. 125 m. N. E. Columbus. Pop. 653.
Richford, ph. Franklin Co. Vt. 44 m. N. E. Burlington. Pop. 704; p.v. Tioga Co. N. Y.
Rich Hill, townships in Green Co. Pa. and Muskingum Co. Ohio.
Richland, a county of Ohio. Pop. 24,007, Mansfield is the capital. A district of S. Carolina. Pop. 11,465. Columbia is the capital; ph. Os wego Co. N. Y. on Lake Ontario. Pop. 2,733 ph. Venango Co. Pa.; p.v. Onslow Co. N. C. ant townships in Belmont, Guernsey, Clinton, Jack- son and Fairfield Cos. Ohio.
Richland Creek, p.v. Giles Co. Ten. 70 rn. S. W. Murfreesborough, on a stream of the same name falling into Elk River.
Richland Hill, p.v. Feliciana Parish, Louisiana 98 m. N. W. New7 Orleans.
Richmond, a county of N. Y. consisting of Sta- ten Island. Pop. 7,084. Richmond is the capital, a county of the E. District of Virginia. Pop. 6,056. a county of N. Carolina. Pop. 9,326. Rock- ingham is the capital. A county of Georgia. Pop. 11,644. Augusta is the capital.
Richmond, ph. Lincoln Co. Me. Pop. 1,313; ph. Chittenden Co. Vt. 13 m. S. E. Burlington. Pop. 1,109 ; ph. Cheshire Co. N. H. 47 m. S. W. Con- cord. Pop. 1,301; ph. Berkshire Co. Mass. 130 m. W. Boston, 6. W. Lenox. Pop. 844 ; ph. Washington Co. R. I. 30 m. S. W. Providence. Pop. 1,362; ph. Ontario Co. N. Y. 15 m. S. W Canandaigua. Pop. 1,876; p.v. Richmond Co N. Y. on Staten Island ; p.v. Northampton Co. Pa. 16 m. from Easton ; p.v. Ross. Jefferson Cos. Ohio ; p.v. Wayne Co. Ind. ; p.v. Madison Co Ken. Richmond Co. Va. Richmond Co. N. C. and Henry Co. Alab.
Richmond city, the capital of Virginia, in Hen- rico Co. stands on the north side of Jamess river, at its lower falls, and at the head of tide winter. The town rises gradually from the water, and has a fine, picturesque appearance. The western di- vision occupies an eminence called Shockoe Hill, overlooking the lowinr town. The capitol is built upon the highest summit, and has a delightful and commanding prospect. Two bridges cross the river to Manchester, on the opposite bank. Most of the houses are of brick, and many are elegant The public buildings, beside the capitol, which is an elegant structure, are a court house, a state prison, 8 churches, an almshouse, a museum, an academy of fine arts, 3 banks, and the state ar- mory, in which are manufactured 4 or 5,000 muskets and rifles annually. One of the James river canals here empties into a basin containing a surface of two acres. There is a boat navigation for 220 m. on the river above the city. Richmond has a very flourishing trade, both inland and by sea, and enjoys extraordinary advantages bv com- munication with a rich and w7ell cultivated back country, abounding in tobacco, grain, hemp, coal, Ac. It is in lat. 37. 31. N. Ion. 77. 31. W. 123 rn. S. Washington 21 m. N. Petersburg. Pop. 16,060.
Richmondsville, p.v. Schoharie Co. N. Y
Richwoods, p.v. Morgan Co. Va.
Rideau, a river of Upper Canada, falling into the Ottawas. The Rideau Canal passes along ths |