lar. It has 11 churches, 2 banks, a museum, an arcade, an athcneum, and several literary institu- tions, 2 daily and several weekly newspapers. Within the limits of the village, for such is the ti- tle of this flourishing city, are 13 large flour mills, built of stone, which grind 342,000 barrels of flour annually. Some of these mills are on a scale of magnitude not equalled elsewhere in the world. Ono of them covers more than 4 acres, and all ara considered unrivalled in the perfection of ther ma- chinery. Here are also cotton and woolen manu- factories, and saw-mills which turn out 9,000,000, feet of lumber in a year. The Genesee falls are in the northern part of the town, and the water power which tbe river affords here, is immense.
There are three bridges across the Genesee at this place ; the canal aqueduct deserves particu- lar notice. The canal strikes the river in the S. part of Rochester, and after following the eastern bank for half a mile, crosses the river in the cen- tre of the town in an aquaduct built upon 11 arch- es of hewn stone 804 feet in length ; the structure is no less worthy of admiration for its strength than its architectural beauty. From the observatory at the summit ofthe arcade may be seen in a. clear day the waters of Lake Ontario like a strip of blue cloud on the verge of the horizon. Roches- ter is 236 m. W. Albany. 396 N. Washington. Pop. 10,885.
Roehford, a town in Essex, Eng. 16 m. S E. of Chelmsford and 40 E. by N. of London.
Rochlitz, a town of Saxony, with a castle on a rock, and a handsome bridge over the Muldk, 24 m. S. E. of Leipzig.
Rock, a township of Harrison Co. Ohio 120 N. E. Columbia. Pop. 708.
Rockaway, p.v. Queens Co. N. Y. on Long Is- land ; p.v. Morris Co. N. J. 36 m. N. W. Newark.
Rockaway Valley, p.v.''Morris Co. N. J. 75 m. N. Trenton.
Rockbridge, a county of the W. District of Vir- ginia. Pop. 14,244. Lexington is the capital. This county takes its name from the celebrated natural bridge which is situated within its limits. This remarkable work of nature has been formed bv the bursting of the waters of a stream called Ce- dar creek through a wall of rock more than 200 feet in height. The bridge is 60 feet in width and the sides for the great part of their height are nearly perpendicular. A road passes over the top. The scenery it affords is exceedingly grand and romantic.
Rock Castle, a county of Kentucky. Pop. 2,875 Mount Vernon is the capital.
Rockdale, p.v. Crawford Co. Pa.
Rockford, p.v. Surry Co. N. C.; p.v. Tuscara- was Co. Ohio.
Rock Hall, p.v. Kent Co. Maryland on the E. side of the Chesapeak opposite the Patapsco.
Rockhill, ph. Bucks Co. Pa.
Rock Hill Mills,p.v. Fauquier Co. Va.
Rockingham, a county of N. Hampshire in the S. E. Pop. 44,452. Portsmouth is the capital; a county of the W. District of Virginia. Pop. 20,693. Harrisonburg is the capital; a county of N. Carolinia. Pop. 12,920. Wentworth is the capital.
Rockingham, ph. Windham Co. Vt. on the Con- necticut. 23 m. N. Brattleboroujrh. Pop. 2,272; p.v. Richmond Co. N. C.
Rockland, a county of New York, in the S. Pop. 9,388. Clarkstown is the capital; a town- ship in Sullivan Co. N. Y. Pop. 547; a township cf Berks Co. Pa.
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Rock Landing, p.v. Halifax Co N. C. on the Roanoke, 12 m. above Halifax.
Rock Mills, p.v. Pendleton Dis. S. C.
Rockport, p.v. Cuyahoga Co. Ohio, on Lake Erie. Pop. 361; p.v. Spencer Co. Ind. on the Ohio.
Rock Spring, p.v. Nelson Co. Va. 118 m. W Richmond; p.v. Pendleton Dis. S. C.
Rock River, a branch of the Mississippi in Illi nois, it is 200 m. in length.
Rock Stream, p.v. Steuben Co. N. Y.
Rockville, p.v. Bucks Co. Pa. and Parke Co Ind.
Rocky HU I, p.v. Hartford Co. Conn.; p.v. Bar ren Co. Ken.
Rocky Mount, p.v. Franklin Co. Va. 210 m S. W. Richmond; p.v. Nash Co. N. C. and Fairfield Dis. S. C.
Rocky Mountains, an immense chain in the western part of North America which may be re- garded as a continuation of the Cordilleras of Mexico. They extend Northwesterly nearly to the Frozen Ocean, and form the ridge which se- parates the waters of the great basin of the Mis- sissippi from those which fall into the Pacific Ocean.
In extent, in elevation, and in breadth, the Rocky mountains far exceed the Alleghanies of the eastern states. Their mean breadth is 200 miles, and where broadest, 300. Their height must be very great, since, when first seen by cap- tain Lewis, they were at least 150 miles distant On a nearer approach, the sublimity of the pros- pect is increased, by the appearance of range rising behind range, each yielding in height to its suc- cessor, till the most distant is mingled with the clouds. In this lofty region the ranges are cov- ered with snow in the middle of June. From this last circumstance,these mountains have been some- times denominated the Shining mountainsxe2x80x94an appellation much more appropriate than that of the Rocky or Stony mountains, a property possessed by all mountains, but peculiar to none. The longi- tudinal extent of this great chain is immense, running as far N. AV. as 60 N. lat., and perhaps to the Frozen Ocean itself. The snows and foun- tains of this enormous range, from the 38th to the 48th degree of northern latitude, feed, with never- failing supplies, the Missouri and its power- ful auxiliary streams.
A great number of lateral ranges project to the S. E., E., and N. E. of the main range. Where the Missouri enters the plains, is the most east- ern projection ; and from where the Yellow Stone leaves the snowy range, there is a range, run- ning more than 200 miles south-east,which is inter- sected by the Bighorn river. As these mountains have not yet been explored by the eye of geolo- gical science, it is impossible to say any thing respecting their component parts ; but, from any thing that we can learn from Pike and Clarke, they seem to be chiefly granitic. No volcanoes have yet been discovered amongst them; but strange unusual noises were heard from the moun- tains, by the American party, when stationed above the falls of the Missouri. These sounds seemed to come from the northwest. Since out arrival at the falls, says tbe narrative, we have repeatedly heard a strange noise coming from the mountains, a little to the north of west. It ia heard at different periods of the day and night: sometimes when the air is perfectly still and un- clouded, and consists of one stroke only, or of five or six discharges in quick succession. . It is loud, |