Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 646 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 646 Right Column
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Ryssen, Overyssel, Netherlands (main entry)
    Regge River
    Deventer (directional)
Ryswick, South Holland (main entry)
    Amsterdam (directional)
Rzeczica, Bohemia (main entry)
    Prague (directional)
Rzemien, Sandomir, Poland (main entry)
    Sandomir (directional)
Rzeva, Rzeva, Russian Empire (main entry)
    Volga River
Rzescow, Rzescow, Austrian Poland (main entry)
    Wisloka River
    Cracow (directional)
    Lemberg (directional)
Sabatz, Servia (main entry)
    Drave River
    Peterwardein (directional)
    Belgrade (directional)
Sabi (main entry)
Sabia, Africa (main entry)
    Mosambique Channel
    Manbona, Sabia, Africa
    Sabie, North Jutland, Denmark
    Alburg (directional)
Sabina, Pope's Dominions, Italy (main entry)
    Sabina, Papal States, Italy
    Tiber Riber
    Teverone River
    Neapolitan frontier
Sabina, Richland County, Ohio, United States (main entry)
Sabine River (main entry)
    North America
    Gulf of mexico
    Louisiana, United States
Sabioncella, Austrian Dalmatia (main entry)
    Atlantic Ocean
    Lesia (Island)
    Curzola (Island)
    Melida (Island)
    Ragusa (directional)
Sabionetta, Sabionetta, Austrian Italy (main entry)
    Cremona (directional)
Sable, Sarte, France (main entry)
    Sarte River
    Angers (directional)
Cape Sable (main entry)
    Nova Scotia
Sable River (main entry)
    New York, United States
    Lake Champlain
    Chesterfield, New York, United States
Sable (Island) (main entry)
    Atlantic Ocean
    Cape Breton (directional)
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