Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 647 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 647 Right Column
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    Cape Cantin
Sagan, Sagan, Prussian Silesia (main entry)
    Augustine priory
    Lutheran school
    Bober River
    Breslau (directional)
Sagar, Mysore, Hindoostan (main entry)
    Varada River
    Nagara (directional)
Sagara (Mountain) (main entry)
    Helicon (Mountain) (synonym for Sagara (Mountain))
    Gulf of Corinth
Sagg Harbour, Suffolk County, New York, United States (main entry)
    Long Island
    Southampton (directional)
    New York (directional)
Sagadahoc River (main entry)
    Maine, United States
    Androscoggin River
Saginaw Bay (main entry)
    Lake Huron
    Michigan Territory
Saginaw, Michigan Territory (main entry)
Saghalien River (main entry)
    Amour River (synonym for Saghalien River)
    Chinese Tartary
    Yablonoi Mountains
    Kerlon River
    Argun River
    Eastern Tartary
    Sea of Okotsk
    Saghalien (Island)
Saghalien (Island) (main entry)
    Tchoka (Island) (synonym for Saghalien (Island))
    Sea of Okotsk
    Jesso (Island)
    Perouse Strait
Saghalienoula Hotun, Tcitcicar, Eastern Tartary (main entry)
    Mandshur Tartars
    Saghalien River
    Tcitcicar (directional)
Sagres, Algarva, Portugal (main entry)
    Lagos (directional)
Sagus, Malwa, Hindoostan (main entry)
    Bunnass River
    Gurrah (directional)
    Agra (directional)
Page 647 Left column ... Page 648 Left column
Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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