Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 662
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er, and the remains of a castle, built by Henry
II. This town is greatly frequented on account
of its mineral waters, and also for sea-bathing.
Here js an elegant iron bridge over the wide
chasm through which the stream called the Mill-
beck flows, and connecting two lofty dissevered
cliffs. The harbour is one of the best in the king-
dom, with a commodious quay, several ship-yards,
and a strong battery. 40 m. N. E. of York and
21b jf. of Loudon. Lon*. 0. 10. W lat. 54. 18-

Scarborough, a town and fort on the S. E. side
of the island of Tobago. It was taken by the
English in 1793. Long. 60. 30. W., lat. 11. 6.

Scarborough, p.v. Cumberland Co. Me. II m.
W. Portland.

Seardona, a town of Austrian Dalmatia, and a
bishop’s see; seated on the Clierca, 8 m. N. of
Scbenioo. Long. 17. 1. E., lat. 44. 29. N.

Seariino, a town of Tuscany, with a castle, seat-
ed on the sea coast, 7 m. S. of Massa.

Searpanto, an island in the Mediterranean, 18
m. long and 6 broad, lying S. W. of Rhodes. It
is mountainous and rocky, abounds in cattle and
game, and has quarries of marble. The princi-
pal town on the W. coast has a good harbour.
Long. 27. 40. E., Iat. 35. 45. N.

Scarpe, a river of France, which rises near
Aubigny, in the department of Pas de Calais,
passes by Arras, Douay, and St. Amand, and en-
ters the Scheldt at Mortagne.

Scarperia, a town of Tuscany, celebrated for its
steel manufactures, seated at the foot of the Ap-
ennines, 13 m. N. of Florence.

Scauro, the capital of the Island of Santorin,
and the see of a Latin bishop. It stands on a lofty
volcanic rock, which projects into the roadstead,
on the W. coast of the island. Long. 25. 26. E.,
lat. 16.23. N.

Schaffhausen, a canton of Switzerland, 15 m-
long and 10 broad with 32,000 inhabitants. The re-
formation was introduced here in 1529 and the re-
ligion is Calvinism. The principal article of trade
is wine, and the manufactures are inconsider-

Schaffhausen, a town of Switzerland, capital of
the above canton, is seated on the Rhine, and
owes its origin to the interruption of the naviga-
tion of that river by the cataract at Lauffen ; huts
being at first constructed for the conveniency of
unloading the merchandise from the beets, which
by degrees increased to a large town. Though a
frontier town, it has no garrison, and the fortifi.
cations are weak. The Rhine, which is here near-
ly 400 feet wide, is crossed by a kind of hanging
bridge; the road not passing over the arch, but
being suspended from it, and almost level. It
was burnt hy the French, when they evacuated
the town, after being defeated by the Austrians,
in 1799 ; but has since been rebuilt, nearly in the
same state as before. 22 m. N. by E. of Zurich
and 39 E. of Basel. Lon*. 3. 41. E., lat. 47. 39.

Seal holt, a town of Iceland, and a bishop’s see,
with a college. Long. 22. 20. W., lat. 64. 40. N.

SCtiaghticoke, ph. Rensselaer Co. N. Y. on the
Hudson, 11 m. above Troy. Pop. 3,002.

Schamaehie, a town of Persia, capital of Sohir-
van. It was formerly very large, but is now de-
cayed, above 6,000 houses having been thrown
down by an earthquake. It has manufactures
of silks and cottons, and is supplied with most
Russian commodities. It stands in a valley, be-
tween two mountains, 24 m. W. of the Caspian
Sea, and 250 N. E. of Tauris. Lon*. 51. 5. E.,
lat. 40 50. N.

Scharding, a town of Bavaria, with a fortified
castle, seated on the Inn, 7 m. S. of Passau.

Schomitz, a fortified town of Germany, in Ty-
rol, which defends a pass over the mountains of
considerable importance. It surrendered to the
French and Bavarians in 1805. It stands on the
confines of Bavaria, 12 m. N.of Inspruc/

Schauenburg, a principality of German}7, in
Westphalia. It is mountainous and woody, buf
contains much fertile l<j.nd, quarries of limestone
and freestone, and mines of alum, coal, copper,
and iron. The line of its ancient counts was ex-
tinct in 1640, and in 1647 it became the property
of the landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, of whom the
count of Lippe holds a part as a fief. Rintel is
the capital.

Schauenstein, a town of Bavaria, in the princi-
pality of Bayreuth, 18 m. N. E. of Culmbach

Schaumbcrg, a town and castle of Germany,
which gives name to a lordship in the duchy of
Nassau, 25 m. W. S. W. of Wetzlar.

Scheer, a town and castle of Wurtemberg, cap
ital of a lordship of its name ; seated on the
Danube, 36 m. S. VV. of Ulm. Long. 9. 24. xc2xa3.,
lat. 48. 5. N.

Scheibenberg, a town of Saxony, near which are
mines of silver and iron. 22 m. S. of Chemnitz.

Scheldt, a river which rises in France, in the
1 department of Aisne, passes hy Cambray, Bou-
chain, Valenciennes, Conde,Tournay, Oudenard,
Ghent, Dendermond, Antwerp, and Fort Lillo,
below which it divides into two branches. One
of these called the Eastern Scheldt, flows by Ber-
gen-op-Zoom ; the other, the Western Scheldt,
proceeds to Flushing, and both forming several
islands enter the German Ocean.

Schelestot, or Schletstat, a fortified town of
France, department of Lower Rhine, on the river
Ille, 20 m. S. W. of Strasburg.

Schella, a town of Hungary, seated on the
Waag, 25 m. N. E. of Presburg.

SchellmbeTg, a town of Saxony, frequently call-
ed Augustusburg, from a castle of that name
standing on the mountain of Schellenberg, close
by the town. It is seated on the Zschopa, 8 m. E.
of Chemnitz.

Sehellenburg, a town of Bavaria, where a victo-
ry was obtained by the allies, over the French and
Bavarians, in 1704. 12 m. W. ofNeuburg.

Schelling, an island of the Netherlands, 12 m.
long and 3 broad, lying at the entrance of the
ZuyderZee. It was taken by the British in 1799
Lon*. 5. 0. E., lat 53. 20. N.

Schellsbvrg, p.v. Bedford Co. Pa.

Schemnitz, a town of Hungary, one of the seven
mount-ain-towns, with three castles. It is fa-
mous for mines of silver and other metals; as
also for its hot baths. Near it is a high rock of
shining blue stone, mixed with green and some
spots of yellow. 80 m. E. N. E. of Presburg.
Long. 18. 56. E., lat- 48. 30. N.

Schenek, a fortress of the Netherlands, in Gueld
erland, seated in the angle where the Rhine di
videsinto two branches, the Rhine and Wahal. It
is now in ruins. 13 m. E. of Nimguen.

Schenectady, a county of New York bordering
on the Mohawk. Pop. 12,334. Schenectady is
the capital.

Schenectady, city, capital of the above county,
stands on the Mohawk, 15 m. N. W. Albany, and
was formerly a flourishing place, but the opening

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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