it is the chief station of the Black Sea fleet. The city is built on the side of a hill, which divides twe of its fine basins. The old Tartar houses are small and ill-built; but along the quay are some new buildings in a good taste. It stands on part of the site of the ancient Greek city of Cherson, where was the famous temple of Diana Taurica; and considerable ruins of them are yet discover- erable. 40 m. S. S. W. of Sympheropol and 350 N. E. of Constantinople. Lono*. 33. 22. E., lat. 44. 25. N.
Sebec, a townsiiip of Penobscot Co. Me. Pop. 903.
Sebmieo, a strong sea-port of Austrian Dalmatia, and a bishop's see, with four-citadels. The cathe- dral is a magnificent fabric, and its roof is com- posed of large flat pieces of marble. The Turks have often attempted in vain to take this town. It is sealed near the mouth of the Cherca, in the gulf of Venice, 30 m. S. E. of Zara. Lono-. 16. 46. E., lat. 44.17. N.
Sebourg, a town of France, department of Nord, 5 m. E. of Valenciennes.
Sebu. See Zebu.
Sechura, a town of Peru, inhabited by Indians, who are chiefly employed in fishing or driving of mules. Here commences a sandy desert, which extends southward about 80 m. The town stands on a river of the same name, 3 m. from the ocean and 180 N. N. W. of Truxillo. Long. 81.10. E., lat. 5. 55. S.
Scckau, a town of the Austrian states, in Sty- ria, seated on the Gayle, 9 m. N. of Judenburg.
Seckingen, a town of Baden, the smallest of the Four Forest Towns. Here is a convent of Noble nuns, whose abbess was a princes of the empire. It is seated on an isle, formed by the Rhine, over which is a bridge, 11 m. W. of Basel.
Seckington, a village in Warwickshire, Eng. fa- mous for a battle, in 757, between Cuthred, king of the W. Saxons, and Ethelbald, king of the Mercians. On the N. side of its church are the ruins of a fort, and near it an artificial hill, 45 feet high. 3 m. N. L. of Tamworth.
Second Moon, a township of Beaver Co. Pa.
Sedan, a strong town of France, capital of the department of Ardennes, and formerly the seat of a Protestant university. It is deemed one of the keys of the country and has a strong castle, an arsenal, a canal foundry, and a manufacture of fine cloth. The famous' marshall Turenne was born in the castle. Sedan is seated on the Meuse, 30 m. S. E. of Charlemont. Lono-, 4. 58. E., lal.
49. 42. N.
Scdasivagur, a town of Hindoostan, the most nothern on the coast of Canara. It is seated on the N. side qf the estuary of a river, which enters into a deep bay, sheltered by three islands, one of them fortified, and the entrance defended by a fort on a lofty hill. 3 m. up the river, on the op- posite bank, are the remains of Carwar, formerly a noted place of European commerce, but totally ruined during the reign of Tippo Sultan. 50 in. F. of Gn and 95 N. N. W. of Kundapu- ra. Long. 74. 15. E. lat. 14, 51. N.
Sedhergh, a town in AV. Yorkshire, Eng. with a manufacture of cotton. 10 m. E. of kendal, 269 N. W. of London.
xe2x96xa0 Sedgwick, p.t Hancock Co. Vie. Pop. 1,606
Seehausen, a town of Prussia, in the Old Mark of Brandenburg, nearly surrounded by the river Aaland, 12 m. W. of Havelberg.
Seehonlt, p.t Bristol Co. Mass. 38. m. S. W. Boston, on Providence River. Pop. 2,134. |
Seellurg, a town of Russia, in the gove>rnmeSn of Ccurlr-nd, cn the river Dwina, 58 m. S. E of Riga.
Seelzw, a town of Brandenburg, 10 m. S. W. of Custrin.
Sedysiugh. p.v. Cattaraugus Co. N. Y. 310. m. W. Albany.
Seer, a seaport of Arabia, capital of a principali- ty in the province of Oman. It has a good har- bour, and the navy of the prince is one of the most considerable in the gulf of Persia. 108 m. W. S. W. of Julfar. Long. 54. 58. E., lat. 25. 10. N.
Seesen, a town of Germany, in the duchy of Brunswick, 14 m. S. W. of Goslar.
Seez, a town of France, department of Orne. and a bishops see. It is seated in a fine country , near the source of the Orne, 14 m. N. of Aleneon and 120 W. by S. of Paris. Long. 0. 11. E., lat 48. 36. N.
Segeberg, a town of Denmark, in the dutchy of Holstein, with a castle on a high mountain, con- sisting of Lime-stone, large quantities of which are carried to Hamburgh and Lubec. It is seat- ed on .the Trave, 15 m. W. N. W. of Lubec.
Scgedin, a strong town of Hungary, with a cas- tle, taken from the Turks in 1686. It is seated near the Teisse, opposite the influx of the Maros, 105 m. S. S. E. of Pest. Long. 20. 35. E., lat. 46 18. N.
Segeswar, a town of Transylvania, capital of a county of the same name. It is built in the form of an amphitheatre, on the side of a hill, near the river Kodel, 47 m. N. of Hermanstadt. Lon. 24. 55. E., Iat. 47. 4. N.
Segna, a seaport of Morlachia, capital of Hun- garian Dalmatia, with a fort. It was declared a free port, and erected into a bishopric, In 1785. It is seated on the gulf of Venice, 100 m. N. W. of Spoleto. Long. 15,21. E., lat. 45. 22 X.
Segni, a town of the papal states, in Campagna di Roma, and a bishops see. Organs are said- to have been invented here. It is seated on a moun- tain, 30 m. S. E. of Rome.
Scgo,a city of Negroland, the capita] of Bam- barra. It consists of four walled towns, two on each side the river Niger, which contain about
30,000 inhabitants; and, as the Moors form a con- siderable proportion, their mosques appear in ev- ery quarter. The houses are built of clay, of a square form, with flat roofs ; some of them have two stories, find many of them are white-washed The current money consists of cowries. 290 m W. S. W. cf Tombuctoo. Long. 2. 46. W., lat
14. 15. N.
Segorbe, a town of Spain, in Valencia, and a bishops see. It is seated on the side of a hill, by the river Morvedro, 35 m. N. by W. of Valencia.
Segovia, a city of Sprin, in Old Castile, capital of a province of its name, and a bishops see, witli a castle. It stands on two hills, and the vallev by which they are separated, on the S. W. side of the Erasma; and is surrounded by a strong wall, flanked with towers and ramparts. It is supplied with water by a Roman aqueduct, 3,000 paces in length, supported by 177 arches of a pro- digious height, in two rows, one above the other Here the best cloth in Spain is made. The other branches of industry are dyeing, and the manu facture of paper, pottery, and lead. The cathe dral stands on one side of the great square, and is one of the handsomest Gothic structures in Spain , besides which there are 27 other churches. The castle is seated in the highest part of the town |