Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 669
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SEI    669    SEL

RJid has 16 rooms richly adorned with tapestry, in certain signs and ceremonies; but, unlike the
and ornaments of marble and porphyry. The Hindoos, they admit proselytes, although those
royal chapel is magnificently gilded, and embel-    from among the Mahometans are    not    much    es-

lished with very fine paintings. The mint, for    teemed. Their capital is-Lahore,

some years the only one in Spain, is surrounded Seil, an island of Scotland, one of the Hebrides,
by the river, on which are mills, employed in 3 m. long and 2 broad, separated from the main-
coining. Segovia was occupied by the French    land by a narrow strait, over which is a bridge,

in 1808, but was evacuated in 1813. 43 m. N. N.    Seine, a river of France, which rises in the

W. of Madrid. Lon. 4. 12. W., lat 41. 3. N. department of Cote d’Or, flows by Troyes, Melun
Segovia,, New, a town of Mexico, in Nicaragua, Paris, and Rouen, and enters the English Chan-
seated near the source of a river of its name, nel at Havre de Grace.

which flows into the Carribean Sea, 90 m. N. by    Seine, a department of France, the smallest, but

E. of Leon. Long. 87. 5. W., lat. 13. 45. N. by no means the least important, in the kingdom.

Segovia, Nsw,a town in the isle of Luconia and a It has an area of about 260 sq.m. with 780,000
bishop’s see, with a fort. It is seated at the N. inhabitants. The surface is level, and the soil
end of the island, near the mouth of the Cagayan, fertile in corn and wine ; also fruits and vege-
245 m. N. of Manilla. Long. 120.56. E., lat. 18. tables for the supply of Paris, which is the capi-

39. N.    _    _    tal.

Segra, a river of Spain, which rises in the    Seine Lower, a department of France, including

Pyrenees, and runs S. W. through Catalonia, the N. E. part of Normandy. It has an area of
passing by Puicerda, Urgel, Belaguer, and Leri- 2,500 sq. m. with 660,000 inhabitants. Rouen is
da, to Mequinenza, where it joins the Ebro.    the capital.

Segre, a towin of France, department of Maine-    Seine-et-Marne, a department of France, includ

et-Loire, 20 m. N. W. of Angers.    the western part of Champagne. It has an area

Segura, a river of Spain, which rises in the of 2,300 sq. m., with 310,000 inhabitants. Melun
mountains of Segura, in Murcia, crosses that    is the capital.

province and the S. part of Valencia, and enters Seine-et-Oise, a department of France, compris-
the Mediterranean at Guardaman.    ing the district of Paris, under the name of de-

Segura, a town of Spain, in Murcia, seated partment of the Seine. Exclusive of that distrct
among mountains, 34 m. N. E. of Ubeda and 96 it contains 2,200 sq. m., with 440,000 inhabitants
W. N. W. of Murcia.    Versailles is the capital.

Segura, a town of Spain, in Arragon, 35 m. S.    Seinshcim, a town of Bavarian Franconia, in a

E. of Calatajud and 38 N. of Teruel.    lordship of the same name, with a castle, IS m.

Segura, a town of Portugal, in Beira, with a S. E. of Wurtzburg.
fort on a mountain.' It stands on the frontiers of    
Seissen, a towin of France, department of Gers,

Spain, 15 m. W. N. VV. of Alcantara and 35 E. S.    9    m. S. of Auch.

E. ofCastel Branco.    Seislan, an extensive and independent prov-

Sehauranpour, a town of Hindoostan, in Dehli, ince of Persia, bounded on the N. by Korasan,
capital of a district of the same name, between and Balck, E. by Candahar, and Sablestan, S. b}7
the Jumna and the Ganges. 86 m. N. by W. of Mackeran, S. W. by Kerman, and W. by Covhes-
Dehli. Long. 77.15. E-, lat. 30. 4. N.    tan and Farsistan. The country is in general moun-

Seidenberg, a town of the Prussian States, in tainous. The valleys are the only habitable parts:
Upper Lusatia, with manufactures of cloth and for the plains are barren, and covered with fine
stockings 8 m. S. S. E. of Gorlitz.    sand, which is sometimes raised by whirlwinds

Seiks, a powerful nation in the N. W. part of to such a degree as to overwhelm whole caravans.
Hindoostan, consisting of several small independ- Dooshak is the capital.

ent states, that have formed a kind of federal Selam, a town of Mexico, in Yucatan, near the
union. The founder of their sect was Nanock, sea-eoast, 45 m. N. W. of Merida,
who lived in the beginning of the 16th century ;    
Selbosoe, a town    of Norway, in the province    of

and they are the descendants of his disciples ;    Drontheim, 18 m.    S. E. of Drontheim.

the word seiks, in tne Sanscrit language, Signify-    Selby, a towin in W. Yorkshire, Eng. It is the

ing disciples. They are in general strong and    birth-place of Henry I., whose father, William

well made, accustomed from their infancy to the the Conqueror built an abbey here : a canal
most laborious life, and hardest fare. A pair of passes from this place to Leeds, and large ships
long blue drawers, and a kind of chequered plad, are built here. It is seated on the Ouse, over
a part of which is fastened round the waist, and which is one of the completest timber bridges in
the other thrown over the shoulder, form their the kingdom. 14 m. S. of York and 177 N. by
clothing and equipage. The chiefs are distin- AV. ofLondon.

guished by wrearing some heavy gold bracelets    Selenginsli, a fortified town of Russia, in the

on their wrists, and sometimes a chain of the government of Irkutsk, with a fort and 3,000 in-
same metal round their turbans ; and by being habitants. The adjacent country is mountainous,
mounted on better horses; otherwise no distinc- but yields a great quantity of rhubarb. It stands
tion appears among them. The government of on the Selenga, at the influx of the Chilok, 160
the Seiks is a military aristocracy. Their army m. S. E. of Irkutsk. Long. 107. 28. E., lat. 51.
consists almost entirely of horse, of which a 16. N.

Seik will boast they can bring 300,000 into the    Selenti, a towin of Asia Minor, in Caramarua,

field; and it is supposed they might bring 200, at the mouth of a river of the same name,50 m
000. They have commonly two, some of them W. S. W. of Selesk.

three horses each. They indeed consider this    Selesk, anciently Seleucia, a town of Carama

animal as necessary to their existence ; and while nia, seated on a river, 5 m. from the sea and 80
it is customary with them to make merry on the S. S. E. of Cogni.4 Long. 34. 36. E., lat. 36. 40
demise of one of the brethren, they mourn for N.

the death of a horse. The Seiks are tolerant in    Seligenstadt, a town of Germany, in Hesse

matters of faith, and require only a conformity Darmstadt, with a Benedictine abbey, seated at















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