Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 682
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SKE    682    SLA

states, in Croatia, situate on the Save, at the in-
flux of the Kulpa, 40 m. E. of Carlstadt. Long.
16. 56. E., lat. 4'5. 33. N.

Sissopoli, a town of Romania, and an archbish-
op’s see; seated on a peninsula of the Black Sea,
25 m. S. of Mesembria. Long. 28. 9. E., lat. 42.
30 N.

Sisteron, a town ofFrance, department of Lower
Alps, with a citadel on ihe top of a rock, which
was the prison of Casimir V., king of Poland. It
is seated on the Durance,45 m. N. E. of Aix and
407 S. E. of Paris. I ong. 5. 56. E., lat. 44.12. N.

Sisterville, p.v. Tyler Co. Va. on the Ohio.

Siston, a village in Gloucestershire, Eng. It
has manufactures of brass and saltpetre. 7 m. E.
of Bristol.

Sistova, a town of Bulgaria, where a peace was
concluded between the Austrians and Turks in
1791. It is seated on the Danube, 25 m. E. of

Sitia, a town on the N. coast of the isle of Can-
dia, on a bay of the same name, 58 m. E. S. E. of
Candia. Long. 26. 29. E., lat. 35. 0. N.

Sittard, a town of Belgium in the province of
Limburg, seated near the Meuse, 12 rn. N. of

Sittingburn, a corporate town in Kent, Eng. 40
m. E. S. E. of London.

Sittivacea, a village of Ceylon, the chief place
of intercourse between the Candians and their
European neighbours, 28 m. E. of Colombo.

Sivas, a city of Asia Minor, and the see of a
bishop, with a castle. It is noted as the theatre
of the great contest between Timur and Bajazet,
in which the latter was finally defeated and taken
prisoner, 180 m. W. S. W. of Erzerum and 210
m. E. N. E. of Cogni. Long. 38. 40. E., lat. 38.

55. N.

Sivray, or Civray, a town ofFrance, departinjgat
of Vienne, seated on the Charente, 27 m. S. of

Sicry, a town of Belgium, in Hainault, with

2,500 inhabitants, 18 m. S. W. of Charleroi.

Siwah, a territory of Africa, on the confines of
Egypt and Barca, mentioned by the ancients un-
der the name of the Oasis of Ammon. The fer-
tile part is about 20 m. in circumference, contain-
ing several villages, besides the capital. It af-
fords abundance of vegetable productions, with
corn and oil; and is well supplied with wafer
from small streams, but none of them flow be-
yond its territory, being either evaporated before
they reach the surrounding desert or lost in the
sterile sand. The capital, of the same name,
contains the ruins of the celebrated temple of Ju-
piter Ammon; and in the neighbourhood are
many catacombs, which were the burying places
of the ancient inhabitants. It is the theatre of
considerable trade, being situate on the great ca-
ravan route, 220 m. E. of Augila and 280 W. by
S. of Cairo. Long. 27. 10. E., lat. 29. 12. N.

Skara, a town of Sweden, in W. Gothland, a
bishop’s see. and formerly the capital of the king-
dom of Gothland. It was totally destroyed by fire
in 1719. The ruins of several churches and con-
vents are still to be seen, and it has a college, a
botanical garden, a medical school, and a large ca-
thedral. It is seated on the Lida, on a morass, 77
m. N. E- of Golheburg. Long. 14. 0. E., lat. 58.
16. N.

Skeen, a town of Norway, in the government of
Aggerhuys, noted for its mines of ijor and copper;
seated near a lake, 26 m. S. W. of Rongsburg.

Sftaneateles, a lake of Newyork in Onondaga,






















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Cayuga and Cortland Cos. It is 15 m. long and
1 1-2 wide: it discharges its waters into L. Ontario.

Skaneateles, p.v. Onondaga Co. N. Y. on the
above lake 152 m. W. Albany.

Skeensborough. See Whitehdll.

Skiddaw, a mountain in Cumberland, Eng. near
Keswick, above 3,000 feet in perpendicular height
from the surface of the lake Derwentwater, to the
N. of which it is situate. It is not difficult of ac-
cess, and is almost covered with grass, which grad-
ually grows coarser in the ascent. _ The whole top
is covered with a loose brown slaty stone.

Skilskuer a town of Denmark, in the island oi
Zealand, situate on a bay of the Great Belt, 52 m.
S. W. of Copenhagen. Long. 11. 27 E., lat. 55.

16. N.

Skippack, ph. Montgomery Co. Pa.

Slcipton, a town in W. Yorkshire, Eng. The
river Aire and the Leeds and Liverpool canal pass
through the town, and near it are some cotton
works. It is seated in the midst of a rough moun-
tainous district, called Craven, well adabted to the
grazing and feeding of cattle. 211 m. N. N. W.
of London.

Skye, an islsnd of Scotland, one of the largest
of the Hebrides, being 54 m. long and from 3 to 30
broad. The S. E. end Is separated from Inver-
ness-shire (to which it belongs) by a channel call-
ed the Inner Sound; in the narrowest part of
which, named the Kyle, cattle are made to swim
across. This side of the island swells gradually
from the shore, in a verdant slope, over which are
seen the naked hills of Strath; and above these
rises the rugged top of Cullin or Cuchullin. To-
wards the S. W. are rude mountains, black and
red, as if discolored by fire; and on the E. a long
extent of lofty hills. There is, notwithstanding, a
great portion of level ground, with excellent pas-
turage; and it has numbers of deer and different
kinds of game. It abounds with limestone, mar-
ble, &c., but the basaltic columns, resembling the
Giants’s Causeway in Ireland, are its greatest cu-
riosity. A cave in this island afforded an asylum,
in 1746, to the disappointed Pretender and his
faithful guide, for two nights. Many thousands
of beeves and sheep are annually exported hence.
Some small horses are bred, and a great quanity of
kelp is manufactured here. Pprtree is the princi-
pal town. The S. extremity is a peninsula, ter-
minating in a rugged promontory called the Point
of Slate. Long. 6. 12. W., lat. 57. 12. N.

Slagelse, a town of Denmark, in the island of
Zealand, 45. m. W. S. W. of Copenhagen.

Slagum, a town of Prussian Pomerania, seated
on the Wipper, 10 m. E. by S. of Rugenwald.

Slaithwaite a village in W. Yorkshire, Eng. on
the Huddersfield canal, with manufactures ofthe
various Manchester goods. 5 m. S. W. of Hud-

Slatersville, p.v. Providence Co. R. I. 12 m. N.
W. Providence. Here are large manufactures of

Slaterville, p.v. Tompkins Co. N. Y.

Slatina, a town of European Turkey. in Wal-
achia, on the river Alaut, 50 m. W. of Bucharest.

Slave coast, a name given to a maritime tract of
Guinea, between the Gold coast and Benin, com-
prehending the kingdoms of Ardra, Popo, and

Slave lake, a lake of N. America, 250, m. In
length from E. to W., and 60 to 100 in width. It
is full of wooded islands, and its outlet at the W
extremity, in long. 119. 30. W., lat. 61 30. N.
flows N. W. into the Arctic Ocean.


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