may move to different parts of the lake. From this lake issues a whitish stream, which emits vapor of a sulphureous smell, till it reaches the Teverone. The water of this rivulet has a petri- fying quality, which increases in strength the further it has flowed from the lake. Fish are found in the Teverone, both above and below Tivoli, till it receives this lake; after which, dur- ing the rest of its course to the Tiber, there are none.
Solfatara, a mountain of Naples, in Terra di Lavoro, surrounded by other mountains, in the form of an amphitheatre. It has a kind of cavity, above am. in diameter, which was no doubt the crater of a volcano now extinct. The earth here is warm and white; and if opened to some depth is insupportable from the heat and exhalations. The ground is almost every where hollow, and is supposed to have a subterraneous communication with Mount Vesuvius. Here are manufactures, of sulphur, vitriol, and alum.
Soliman, a sea-port of Africa, in Tunis, 20 m. E. S. E. of Tunis.
Solingen, a town of Prussian Westphalia, in the county of Berg, with manufactures of cutlery and all kinds of iron work; seated near the Wipper, 15 m. E. S. E. of Dusseldorf.
Solkamsk, a town of Russia, in the government of Perin, famous for its salt-pits and good horses; seated on the Ussolka, which flows into the Kama, 430. m. N. E. of,Kasan. Long. 57. 26. E., lat. 59. 16. N.
Sollapour, a town of Hindoostan, in Visiapour, capital of a district celebrated for mines of dia- monds. It is seated near the Kistna, 130 m. S. E. of Visiapour. Long. 77. 10. E., lat. 16. 23. N.
Solms, or Salms, a county of Germany, in Wet- teravia, formerly a principality, but deprived of that rank in 1815. It is subject in part to Hesse- Darmstadt and in part to Prussia. The decayed castle of Solms, the seat of the ancient counts, is seated on a hilt 1 m. E. of Braunfels, the present capital.
Solomon Islands. See Danger, Isles of.
Solomon Toicn, an Indian settlement in Ohio, near the head of the Great Miami, 17 m. S. Fort Me Arthur.
Solon, ph. Somerset Co. Me. on the Kennebec, 18 m. above Norridgewock. Pop. 768 ; p.t Cort- land Co. N. Y. 132 m. W. Albany. Pop. 2,033; a township in Cuyahoga Co. Ohio.
Solor, an island of the E. Indies, 70 m. in cir- cuit, to the S. of Celebes and W. of Flores. Long. 123. 53. E., lat. 9. 0. S.
Solre le Chateau, a town ofFrance, department of Nord, 7. m. S. E. of Maubeuge.
Solserma, a town of Italy, in the province of Mantua, 17 m. N. W of Mantua.
Solsona, a town of Spain, in Catalonia, and a bishop's see ; seated at the foot of a mountain, 51 m. N. N. W. of Barcelona.
Soltau, a town of Hanover, on the river Bohme, 28 m. N. N. W. of Zell.
Sollcamp, a town of the Netherlands, in Gron- ingen, with a large fort, at the mouth of the river Hunse which is called Groningen Deep, 17 m. N. W. of Groningen.
Solway Frith, an arm of the sea, between Cum- beiland in England and Dumfriesshire and Kirk- cudbrightshire in Scotland. It is navigable for vessels of 100 tons within 6 m. of its extremity; and the fisheries, especially of salmon, are very considerable. At its head on the Cumberland side, near the river Esk, is Solway Moss. This was d level tract, above 2 m. long and 1 broad, but, in 1771, being swoln by rains, it burst out at the eastern extremity, and spread over a neigh- bouring valley; by this means the surface of the moss was reduced 24 feet, and sunk into its pres- ent hollow form.
Sombrere, one ofthe Nicobar Islands, in the In- dian Ocean, 30 m. N. of Nicobar. It gives name to a channel nearly in the middle of those is lands.
Sombrero, a cluster of uninhabited islands in the W. Indies, belonging to the English. The most remarkable of them is a league long, and consists of an eminence, to which the Spanish discoverers, finding some resemblance to a hat, gave the name of Sombrero. It is 80 m. N. W. of St. Christopher. Lon. 63. 37. W7., lat. 18. 38. N.
Somers, ph. Tolland Co. Conn. 25 m. N. E. Hartford. Pop. 1,439; ph. Westchester Co. N. Y. Pop. 1997. A township of Buckingham Co. L. C.
Somerset, a county of Maine. Pop. 35,778 Norridgewock is the capital. A county of New Jersey, Pop 17,689. Somersville is the capital.
A county of the W. District of Pensylvania. Pop. 17,441. A county of Maryland. Pop. 20 155. Princess Anne is the capital.
Somerset, a township of Windham Co. Vt. Pop. 245; ph. Bristol Co. Mass. 42 m. S. Bos- ton. Pop. 1,024; p.v. Somerset and Washington Cos. Pa. Perry, Belmont and Franklin Cos. Ohio and Pulaski Co. Ken.
Somersetshire, a county of England, 65 m. long and 45 broad; bounded on the N. W. by the Bristol Channel. The chief manufactures are those of woolen, coarse linen, stockings, &c Uchester is usually considered the county town
Somerton, a town in Somersetshire, Eng, 13 m. S. of Wells and 123 W. by S. of London.
Somersworth, ph. Strafford Co. N. H. on the Piscataqua 12 m. above Portsmouth. Pop. 3,090 Here are large manufactures of cotton and wool en cloth and carpeting, employing a capital of abov# 1,000,000 dollars.
Somerton, p.v.-Nansemond' Co. Va. 124 m. S. xc2xa3. Richmond.
Somerville, p.v. Somerset Co. N. J. on the Rar- itan, 16 m. above N. Brunswick ; p.v. Fauquier Co. Va. 13 m. N. Richmond ; p.v. Fayette Co. Pa; p.v. Morgan Co. Alab. 50 m. S. Huntsville.
Somma, a town of Naples, in Terra di Lavoro, with a castle. The vicinity annually produces above 7,000 pounds of silk of the hest quality. It is seated at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, 10 m. E. of Naples.
Somme, a department of France, including part of the ancient province of Picardy. Its extent is about 2,400 square miles; its population 500,000 nearly all Catholics. It takes its name from a river which rises in the department of Aisne flows by St. Quentin, Peronne, Amiens, Abbe- ville, and St. Valery, and enters the English Channel. Amiens is the capital.
Sommelsdyck, a town of the Netherlands, in S. Holland, chief place of the island of Overflacken,
5 m. E. S. E. of'Helvoetsluys.
Sommerfeld, a town of Prussia, in Lusatia, with manufactures of fine cloths ; seated on the Lupa. 15 m. S. S. W. of Crossen.
Sommieres, a town of France, department of Gard, with a manufacture of thick serges ; seat ed on the Vidourle, 14 m. W. by S. of Nismes.
Somorrostro, a town of Spain, on the coast ot | |