Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 700 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 700 Left Column
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    Bruck    Gratz    Marchburg    Cilley    Enns River
    Muhr River
    Drave River
    Save River
    Judenburg, Styria, Austria
Suabia, Germany (main entry)
    Lower Rhine
Suakem, Abex, Suakem (main entry)
    Red Sea
    Suaquam (synonym for Suakem, Abex, Suakem)
Subiacco, Campagna di Roma, Papal States (main entry)
    Teverone River
    Rome (directional)
Succadana, Succadana, Borneo (main entry)
Success, Coos County, New Hampshire, United States (main entry)
Success Bay (main entry)
    Terra del Fuego
    Cape Success
Suckasunny, Morris County, New Jersey, United States (main entry)
Suczava, Moldavia, European Turkey (main entry)
    Jassy (directional)
Suda, Isle of Candia (main entry)
    Suda (Gulf)
    Canea (directional)
Sudbury, Suffolk, United Kingdom (main entry)
    London (directional)
Sudbury, Rutland County, Vermont, United States (main entry)
    Windsor (directional)
    Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States
    Boston (directional)
Suderhamn, Gefleborg, Sweden (main entry)
    Gulf of Bothnia
    Gefle (directional)
Suderkoping, East Gothland, Sweden (main entry)
    Nordkoping (directional)
Sudermania, Sweden Proper (main entry)
    Baltic Sea
    Nykoping, Sudermania, Sweden Proper
Sudertelge, Sudermania, Sweden (main entry)
    Stockholm (directional)
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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