Tequendama, a cataract near Bogota in Colom- bia, caused by a branch of the Magdalena falling into a narrow chasm among the rocks. The cataract consists of 3 pitches and the whole fall is S67 feet.
Tereeira, one of the Azores, of a circular form about 55 ra, in circumference, and very fertile. It contains several towns and villages, with a number of forts. Angra is the capital.
Terckiz, or Tershiz, a town of Persia in the prov- ince of Chorasan, situate on the borders of the Great Salt Desert, 160 m. W. N. W. of Herat. Long. 57. 25. E., lat. 35. 5. N.
Terga, a town of Morocco, seated on the Omir- abi, 90 m. N. of Morocco.
Tergovist, or Terms, a town of European Tur- key, in Walachia. Here is a fine palace, belong- ing to the hosbodar, or reigning prince; but he chiefly resides at Buchorest. It stands on the Jalonitz, 35 m. N. N. W. of Buchorest. Long. 25. 58. E., lat. 45. 28. N.
Terki, a town of Asiatic Russia, in the govern- ment pf Caucasus, formerly a frontier place against Persia. It is seated on a river of the same name, near the Caspian Sea, 180 m. S. of Astracan. Long. 47. 30. E., lat. 43. 22. N.'
Termed, a town of Usbec Tartary, capital of a district in Bokharia; seated in an angle formed by the union of two rivers, 150 m. S. of Samar- cand. Long. 65. 35 E., lat. 37. 15. N.
Termini, a town on the N. coast of Sicily, in Val di Mazara, with a strong castle. Its miner- al waters are much celebrated, and it has a con- siderable trade. It is situate on a rocky eminence, near the mouth of a river of the same name, 20 m. S. E. of Palermo.
Termoli, a town of Naples, in Capitanata, seated near the sea, 32 m. S. E. of Lanciano.
Ternate, one of the Molucca islands, lying to the W. of Gilolo,formerly the seat of sovereignty. It abounds in cocoa-nuts, bananas, citrons, oran- ges, almonds, and other fruits proper to the cli- mate. There are also a great number of birds of paradise. It is a mountainous country, and con- tains a great number of woods, which furnish abundance of game. It is in the possession of the Dutch, from whom it was taken by the Brit- ish in 18l0, but restored, with their other Indian possessions, in 1814. The inhabitants are Ma- hometans and very indolent. 100 m. E. of Celebes. Long. 127. 4. E., lat. 0. 50. N.
Terneuse, a town and fort of the Netherlands, in Flanders, on the W. branch of the Scheldt, called the Hondt. It is 8 m. N. of Sas van Ghent and 25 W. N. W. of Antwerp.
Terni, a town of the ecclesiastical states, in the luchy of Spoleto, seated on the Nera, near the influx of the Velino, which has a famous cataract a mile from the town. Terni was the birth-place of Tacitus the historian. It is 15 m. S. S. W. of Spoleto and 46 N. of Rome.
Ternava,a town of Bulgaria,and an archbishops see. It was formerly the seat of the princes of Bulgaria, and a strong place, but the fortifications are ruined. It is seated on a mountain, near the Jenera, 88 m. N. W. of Adrianople and 67 N. E. of Sofia. Long. 26. 2. E., lat. 43.1. N.
Terouenne,a town of France, department of Pas de Calais, seated on the Lis, 6 m. S. of St. Omer. |
Terra del Espiritu Santo, the largest and most western island of the New Hebrides, in the S. Pacific, being 40 leagues in circuit. The land is exceedingly high and mountainous, and in ma- ny places the hills rise directly from the sea. Ex cept tne cliffs and branches, every part is covered with wood, or laid out in plantations. Besides the bay of St. Philip and St. Jago, on the N side of it, the isles which lie along the S. and E. coast from several good bays and harbours. Long. 167 E., lat. 15. S.
Terra Firma, a country cf S. America, bounded on the N. by the Carribbean Sea. It is now in- cluded in the Republic of Colombia.
Terra del Fuego, a large island, separated from the southern extremity of America by the strait of Magellan, and so called, from the volcanoes ob- served on it. The sea intersects it into several islands, all of them barren and mountainous; but on the lower grounds are found several sorts of trees and plants, and a variety of birds. The na- tives are short in stature, not exceeding five feet six inches; their heads large, their faces broad, their cheek-bones prominent, and their noses flat. They have little brown eyes, without life; their haif is black and lank, hanging about their neads in disorder, and besmeared with train oil. They wear no other clothing than a small piece of seal- skin, hanging from their shoulders to the middle of the back, being fastened round the neck with a string. They live chiefly on seals flesh, of which they prefer the oily part. There is no appear- ance of any subordination among them, and their whole character is a strange compound of stupid- ity, indifference, and inactivity.
Terracina, a decayed town of the ecclesiastical states, in Campagna di Roma, with a castle on a rock. Formerly it was called Anxur, and was the capital of the Volsci, and its cathedral was origina-lly a temple of Jupiter. It is seated near the sea, on the frontiers of Naples, 54 m. S. S. E. of Rome. Long. 13. 15. E., lat. 41. 24. N.
Terranova, a sea-port of Sicily, in Val di Noto, seated near the mouth of a river of the same name, 20 m. E. S. E. of Alicata. Long. 14. 10 E., lat. 37. 9. N. xe2x96xa0
Terranova, a sea-port of Sardinia, seated at the bottom of a bay on the N. E. const, 62 m. E. N. E. of Sassari. Long. 9. 35. E., lat. 41. 3. N.
Terrasson, a town of France, department of Dordogne, seated on the Vesere, 28 m. E. of Perigueux.
Terre Haute, p.v. Vigo Co. Ind. on the Wabash 91 m. S. W. Indianapolis.
Terridon, Loch, an inlet of the sea, on the W. coast of Scotland, in Ross-shire, between Gair- loch and Applecross. It has many creeks and bays.
Terriore, a strong town and fortress of Hindoos- tan, in the Carnatic, 25 m. N. of Trichinopoly.
Terryville, p.v. Mecklenburgh Co. Va.
Teruel, a town of Spain, in Arragon, and a bishops see, with a citadel. It is 80 m. S. W. of Sarragossa and 112 E. of Madrid. Long. 1. 0. W., lat. 40. 25. N.
Tervere, or Veere, a fortified sea-port of the Netherlands, in Zealand on the N. E. coast of the isle of Walcheren. It has a good harbour, and a fine arsenal. 4 m. N. by E. of Middleburg, wifb which it commuincates by a canal. Long. 3. 42. E., lat. 51. 36. N. .
Tesehen, a town of Austrian Silesia, capital of a circle of the same name. It is surrounded by a wall, and at a little distance, on an eminence, is the old castle where the ancient dukes resided. The inhabitants carry on a trade in leather, woolen stuffs, and wine; and make excellent fire-arms. This town was taken by the Prussians in 17r" |