Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 723
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TIN    723

Prussia, and France and Russia, the three sover-
eigns being here in person. It is situate on the
Memel, 50 m. N. E. of Konigsberg and 95 S. S.
W. of Mittau. Long. 22. 8. E., lat 55. 8. N.

Timana, a town of Terra Firma, in Popayan,
capital of a territory of the same name, which
abounds in fruits and pastures. It is seated on a
river 130 m. E. S. E. of Popayan. Long. 74. 55.
VV., lat. 1. 35. N.

Timeryeotta, a town and fortress of Hindoostan,
in the Carnatic, chief place in the district of Pal-
naud. 72 m. S. E..of Ilydrabad and 82 W. by S.
/ of Candapilly. Long. 79. 26. E., lat. 16. 20. N.

Timon, or Timoan, an island on the E. coast of
the peninsula of Malaya, 30 m. in circumference.
It is mountainous and woody, and produces plen-
ty of cocoa-nuts and rice. Long. 104 . 25. E., lat.
3. 0. N.

Tim.or, an island in the Indian Ocean, to the
W. of the N. W. point of New Holland. It is
200 in. long and 60 broad, and abounds in sandal-
wood, wax, and honey. The Dutch have a fort
here, from which they expelled the Portuguese in
1513. It is situate at Cupan, the principal town,
in the S. W. point of the island. Long. 124. 0. E.,
lat. 10. 23. S.

Timorlaut, an island in the Indian Ocean, be-
. tween Timor and New Guinea It is 60 m. in
circumference, and the S. point is in long. 131.

54. E., lat. 8. 15. S.

Tinevclly, a town of Hindoostan, capital of a
district of its name, at the S. extremity of the
Carnatic. It is seated on a river which flows in-
to the gulf of Manara. 85 m. S. S. W. ofMobura.
Long. 71. 46. E., lat. 8. 42. N.

Ting-tcheou, a city of China, of the first rank,
in Fo kien, 980 m. S. of Pekin. Lon*. 116. 30. E.,
lat. 25. 48. N.

Tinian, an island in the N. Pacific, one of the
Ladrones, 12 m. long and 6 broad. The soil is
dry, and somewhat sandy, but produces abundance
of coooa-nuts, paupaus, guavas, limes, sour oran-
ges, and bread-fruit; also much cotton and indigo.
There are no streams; and the water of a well
supposed to be the same at which commodore
Anson filled his casks in 1742, was found by com-
modore Byron, in 1765, to be brackish and full
of worms. Both these officers speak of the fish
cailght here as unwholesome. Moschetoes and
other kinds of flies are numerous; and there are
likewise many venomous insects, centipedes, and
scorpions. The road is dangerous, for the bot-
tom consists of hard sand and lar*e coral rocks.
Long. 146. 0. E., lat. 15. 0. N.

Tinicum, ph. Bucks Co. Pa. and a township in
Delaware Co. Pa. both on the Delaware.

Tinmouth, ph. Rutland Co. Vt. 26 m. N. Ben-
nington. Pop. 1,049.

Tino, the ancient Tenos, an island of the Gre-
cian Archipelago, to the S. of Andros, from
which it is separated by a channel of a mile in
width. It is 15 m. Ion* and 8 broad, and produ-
ces 16,000 pounds of silk every year. The for-
tress stands on a rock ; and here is a bishop’s see
of the Latin church, though the Greeks have 200
papas or priests. The capital is St. Nicholo.
Long. 25. 10. E., lat. 37.40. N.

Tintagel. a viliage in Cornwall, Eng. noted for
the splendid remains of a castle, on a bold prom-
ontory in the Bristol Channel, said to have been
t{ie birth-place of king Arthur, and the seat of
the ancient dukes of Cornwall. 1 mile W. of

Tintern, a village in Monmouthshire, Eng.


noted for the venerable remains of an abbey, which
is a beautiful specimen of Gothic architecture. It
is seated on the river Wye, 5 m. N. by E. of

Tinto, a river of Spain, which rises in the prov-
ince of Seville, and has its name from the water
being tinged of a yellow colour. Near its springs
it has a petrifying quality, no fish will live in it
nor any plants grow on its banks; these proper-
ties continue till other rivulets enter and alter its
nature ; for when it passes by Niebla it is not
different from other rivers, and 18 m. below it
enters the bay of Cadiz, at Huelva.

Tinzeda, a town of Barbary, in the county of
Darah, on the river Dras. Long. 6.13. W., lat 27
30. N.

Tioga, or Chemung, a river of New York and
Pennsylvania, forming the N. W. brancn of the

Tioga, a county of N. Y. Pop. 27,704. Elmira
is the capital. A county of the W. Dis. of Penn
sylvania. Pop. 9,062. Wellsborough is the capital;
ph. Tioga Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,413; ph. Tioga Co.

Tiorn, an island on the W. coast of Sweden, 25
m. in circumference, and aiboundin* in excellent
pastures. Long. 11. 29. E.,lat. 58. 0. N.

Tipera, or Tipra, a district of Bengal, on the
borders of Birmah. The chief town is Comiliah,
which is the residence of the rajah, and the seat
of the British civil establishment.

Tippecanoe, a branch of the river WTabash from
the north, famous for a battle with the Indians
fought upon its banks in November 1811. A cel-
ebrated Indian chief called the Shawanese Proph-

et had succeeded in stirring up the savages against
the Americans, and collected a body of 600 war-
riors who were supplied with arms by the British
and committed great devastations upon the fron-
tiers. General Harrison was dispatched against
them, and a severe battle was fought here in
savages were totally defeated.

Tippecanoe, a county of Indiana. Pop. 7,167.
Lafayette is the capital.

Tipperary, a county of Ireland in the province
of Munster. It is divided into 147 parishes, con-
tains about 346,000 inhabitants and sends four
members to parliament. The S. part is fertile ,
but the N. is rather barren, and terminates in a
range of twelve mountains, the highest in Ire-
land, called Phelem-dhe-Madina. The river
Suire runs through it from N. to S. Clonmell is
the capital.

Tipperary, a town of Ireland, in the county of
the same name, 9 m. W. S. W. of Cashel and 20
N. W. of Clonmell.

rano, a town of Austrian Italy, capital of a
district of in the Valteline,    It contains severa.


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