discovered by Cook. It is not, in any direction, above 6 m. over, but there are hills in it of a con- siderable elevation, covered with herbage, except a few rocky cliffs, with patches of trees inter- spersed to their summits. It is plentifully stock- ed with hogs and fowls, and produces several kinds of fruits and roots. See Society Islands. Long. 210. 23. W., lat. 23. 25. S.
Topel, or Topl, a town of Bohemia, in the circle of Pilsen at the source of a rivulet of the same name, 25 m. N. W. of Pilsen.
of Aggerhuys. It has some commerce in timber; iardsin 1694. It is seated near the mouth of the and near it is Walloe, the most considerable salt- Ter, 19 m. E. by S. of Gironna and 60 N. E. of work m the kingdom. 46 m. S. of Christiania. Barcelona.
Long. 10. 14. E., lat. 58. 50. N. Torgau, a strong town of Prussian Saxony,
Tdnuru, a town of Hindoostan, in Mysore, for- in the government ot Merseburg, with a castle
merly a City of great extent, as appears by some The inhabitants brew excellent beer, and have ruins of the walls. Here are three temples, in manufactures of woolens, leather, and soap. Here good preservation; and near it is an immense the king of Prussia obtained a great victory ovei tank, or resevoir of water, between two rocky the Austrians in 1760. The town was taken by the
hills. It is 10 m. N. of Seringapatam. allies in 1814. It is seated among groves and
Tooboonai. an island in the S. Pacific Ocean, lakes on the river Elbe, 26 m. N. N. W. of
Topetin, a town of Mexico, in the province of Mechoacan, at the mouth of a river, near the Pa- cific Ocean, 55 m. N. W. of Zacatula.
Toplitz, a town in Bohemia, in the circle of Leutmeritz, celebrated for its warm baths. Near this place the Austrians defeated the Prussians in 1762 ; and here the allied sovereigns had their head-quarters a considerable time, in 1813 . It is 16 m. N. W. of Leutmeritz.
Topoltzan, a town of Hungary, 60 m. N. E. of Presburg.
Topsham, a sea-port of Devonshire, Eng. 5 m. S. E. of Exeter, and 170 S. W. of London.
Topsfield, ph. Essex Co. Mass. 21 m. N. E. Boston. Pop. 1,011.
Topsham, ph. Lincoln Co. Me. Pop. 1,564 ph. Orange Co. Vt. Pop. 1,384.
Tor, a sea-port of Arabia, with a. good harbour, defended by a castle. Here is a Greek convent, in the garden of which are fountains of bitter water, pretended to be those which Moses ren- dered sweet by throwing in a piece of wood. It stands on the W. side of the peninsula formed by the two arms of the Red Sea, 150 m. S. S. E. of Suez. Long. 33. 40. E., lat. 28. 10. N.
Torbay, a bay of the English Channel, on the co^st of Devonshire, to the E. of Dartmouth, formed by two canais, called Berry Head and Bob’s Nose. The S. point, Berry head, is in Long. 3. 28. W., lat. 50. 24. N.
Torbia, a town ofthe Sardinian states, in Pied- mont, 7 m. E. of Nice. '
Torbole, a town of Austrian Italy, in the circle ofTreut, 14 m. S. E. of Trent.
Toreello,-a town of Austrian Italy, in a small is- land of the same name, in the gulf of Venice. It is a bishop’s sec, and has several churches and an elegant nunnery. 7 m. N. of Venice.
Torda, or Torrenburg, a town of Transylvania, famous for its salt-works. The Hungarian lan- guage is said to be spoken with the greatest puri- ty in this town. 15 mAV. N. W. of Clausenburg and 48 N. W. of Herraanstadt.
Tordesillas, a fortified town of Spain, in Leon, with a palace, where queen Joan, mother of Charles V., ended her melancholy days. It is seated on the Duero, 15 m. S. W. of Vallado- lid and 75 S. E. of Leon.
Toree, a town of Bengal, 235 m. W. N. W. of Calcutta. Long. 84. 55. E., lat. 23. 33. N.
Torello, a town of Spain, in Catalonia, famous for a battle gained by the French over the Span- |
Meissen and 46. N. W. of Dresden. Long. 13. 3. E., lat. 51. 32. N-.
Torigny, a town of France, department of Manche, with a castle, 7 m. S. E. of St. Lo.
Tormes, a river of Spain, which rises in the mountains of Avilla, in Castile, passes b}7 Alva, Tormes, and SalamanCa, and joins the Duero. below Mirande de Duero. The battle of Salma- naca, July 1812, was fought on its banks.
Toma, a town of Hungary, capital of a district of the same name, with a castle ; seated on an eminence, on the river Sayo22m. W. of Cassovia. Long. SO. 43. E., lat. 48.59. N.
Tornea, a river of Sweden, which rises on the borders of Norway, forms a lake of the same name, and flows S. E. into the gulf of Bothnia, below Tornea.
Tornea, a sea-port of European Russia, in tbe government of Finland, with a good harbour. It is a place of some trade ; for the Laplanders in those parts come and exchange their skins and other articles for what they want. The houses are low, and the cold so severe that sometimes people lose their fingers and toes. In its vicini- ty is an entire mountain of iron ore. It is seat- ed on the river Tornea, at the N. extremity of the gulf of Bothnia, 165 m. N. E. of Umea. Long. 24. 12. E., lat. 65. 51. N.
Toro, a town of Spain, in Leon, capital of a dis- trict of its name, and a bishop’s see. It is seated on a hill, on the river Dnero, over which is a bridge 20 m. E. N. E. of Zamora and 30 N. N. E of Salamanca.
Toron, a town of Macedonia, situate on a neck of land between the gulfs of Monte Santo and Cas- sandra, 90 m. S. E. of Salonica. Long. 24.10. E., lat. 39. 58. N.
Torquay,a village in Devonshire, Eng. near the N. side of Torbay.
Torre de las Salinas, a town of Spain, in Va- lencia, with a great trade in salt, procured from a small lake formed by saline springs. This is the most considerable salt-work in all Spain. The town is situate near the coast ofthe Mediterranean, 20 m. S. E. of Orihuela and 37 N. N. E. of Cartha- gena.
Torre del Greco, a town of Naples, in Terra del Lavoro, destroyed by an eruption of Vesuvius in 1631, and by another in 1794. The present town is built on the lava that covers the former habitations, and stands on the bay of Naples, 5 m. S. E. of that city.
Torre de Moncorvo, a town of Portugal, in Tras os Montes, surrounded by a wall, and defended by a bastion, and a castle. It is 27 m. S. E. oi Mirandela and 42 S. S. W. of Braganza.
Torrejo, a town of Spain, in New Castle, 15 m S. of Madrid.
Torres, a town of Spain, in Granada, seated on the Mediterranean, 45 m. S. W. of Granada.
Torres Novas, a town of Portugal, in Estrema- dura, with a castle; seated in a fertite plain, 58 m. N. by E. of Santarem |