which is very broad and has a serpentine course through the middle ofthe city. There are nearly 500 bridges in Venice ; but most of them are only paltry single arches thrown over the canals. The Rialto consists also of a single arch, but a very noble one, and of marble, built across the grand ca- nal, near the middle, where it is the narrowest; this celebrated arch is 90 feet wide on the level of the canal, and 24 feet high. The beauty of it is impaired by two rows of booths or shops, which divide its upper surface into three narrow streets. The view from the Rialto is equally lively and magnificent, the canal being covered by boats and gondolas, and flanked on each side by magnifi- cent palaces, churches, and spires. The patri- archal church of St. Mark, one of the richest and most expensive in the world, is crowned by five domes: and the treasury is very rich in jewels arid relics. In the numerous churches and con- vents are the most admirahle paintings ; and in- deed Venice, highly renowned for valuable pain lings, far surpasses, in this respect, even Rome itself. The ducal palace, before the subversion of the republic, contained the apartments of the doge, halls and chambers for the senate and the different councils and tribunals, and an armory, in which a great number of muskets were kept, ready charged, that the nobles might arm them- selves on any sudden insurrection. The arsenal is a fortification of three m. in compass; before it was possessed by the French, it contained arms for 60,000 foot and 20,000 horse, arranged in an ornamental manner ; and 2,800 men were daily employed in building ships, casting cannons, making cables, sails, anchors, &c. The hand- some structure called U Frontica di Tedeschi, con- taining 22 shops and 100 rooms, is that where the German merchants store their commodities. The bank of Venice is supposed to be the first of the kind in Europe, after the model of which those of Amsterdam and Hamburg were estab- lished. In this city a famous carnival is held from Christmas till Ash Wednesday, in all which time libertinism reigns through the city, and thousands of foreigners frequent it from all parts of Europe- The chief divisions are ridottos and masquerades ; and St. Marks Place is the general rendezvous. Venice is included in the provinces called the Do- gado,,and is 125 m. N. N. E. of Florence and 140 E. of Milan. Long. 12. 23. E., lat. 45 27. N.
Venice, Gulf of a sea or gulf of the Mediterra- nean, between Italy and Turkey in Europe. It is the ancient Adrintieum Mare, and is still some- times called the Adriatic Sea. There are many islands in it, and many bays or small gulfs on each coast. The .grand ceremony of the doge of Venice marrying the Adriatic annually on Ascen- sion Day, by dropping into it a ring from his bu- centaur, or state barge, attended by all the nobili- ty and ambassadors in gondolas, was intermitted in 1797, for the first time for several centuries.
Venice, ph. Cayuga Co. N. Y. 174 m. W. Al- bany. Pop. 2,445 ; ph. Huron Co. Ohio, on San- dusky Bay, 110 m. N. E. Columbus.
Venlo, a strong town of the Netherlands, in Guelderland, and a place of trade for merchan- dize coming from the adjacent countries. In 1702 it surrendered to the allies, and was confirm- ed to the Dutch by the barrier treaty in 1715. It was taken by the French in 1794, but ceded to the allies in 1814. It is seated on the E. side of the Meuse, opposite Fort St. Michael, 12 m. N. of Ruremonde. Long. 6. 6. E., lat. 51. 22. N.
Verwsa, a town of Naples, in Basilicata, noted 95
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as the birth-place of Horace ; seated on the river Ofanto, 13 m. N. W. of Acerenza.
Vent a de Cruz, a town of Terra Firma, in the isthmus of Darien, seated on the river Chagre Here the Spaniards used to briijg the merchan- dize of Peru and Chile on mules from Panama, and embark it on the river for Porto Bello, 20 m. N. of Panama.
Venzone, a town of Austrian Italy, in Friuli, situate on the Tagliamento, 18 m. N. N. W. of Friuli.
Vera, a town of Spain, in Grenada, 24 m. N. N. E. of Almeriaand 80 E. of Grenada.
Vera Cruz, a province of Mexico, comprising a considerable part of the eastern coast. It has an area of about 32,000 square miles, with 160,000 inhabitants. The soil of the lower grounds is abundantly productive, but the climate is so vari- ous that in the space of- one day the traveller may pass from the regions of perpetual snow through all the intermediate temperatures to the suffocating heat of the plain near the sea, and within the compass of a few miles the naturalist may range through the scale of vegetation.
Vera Cruz, a city and sea-port of Mexico, cap- ital of the above. The harbour is defended by a fort, situate on a rock of the island of St. Juar de Ulhua, nearly adjoining. This port is the natural centre of the treasure and merchandise of Mexico, and it receives much E. India produce by way of Acapulco from the Philippine Islands. The city is regularly built; its streets broad and strait, and its edifices constructed of'Materials drawn from the bottom of the oceanxe2x80x94for no rock is to be procured in the neighbourhood. It is situated in an arid plain, without running wa- ter, and on which the N. winds blow with dreadful impetuosity from October to April, form ing vast hills of moving sand. People in easy circumstances drink rain water collected in cis- terns, and it is in contemplation to erect public cisterns within the precincts of the city ; but at present the common people are obliged to use wa- ter which preceeds from the filtration of the marshes, and which having been in contact with the roots of vegetables, is of very bad quality The Old Town, 16 m. to the N. W., is famous on account of the landing of Cortez, with 500 Span- iards, when he undertook the conquest of Mexico. Vera Cruz is 200 m. E. S. E. of Mexico. Long 96. 50. W., lat. 19. 5. N.
Vera Paz, a province of S. America,in Guatema- la, bounded on the N. by Yucatan, E. by the bay and province of Honduras. S. by Guatemala Pro- per, and W. by Chiapa. it is full of mountains and forests ; but there are many fertile valleys which feed a great number of horses and mules. There are also many towns and villages of the native Americans. The capital, of the same name, is a bishops see, but is inconsiderable. I* is 120 m. N. E. of Guatemala. Long. 90. 55. W lat 15. 30. N.
Veragua, a province of Terra Firma, bounded on the N. by the Caribbean Sea, E. by the prov- ince and bay of Panama, S. by the Pacific Ocean, and W. by Costa Rica. It is 125 m. long and 40 broad, and is a mountainous and barren country but abounds in gold and silver. St. Jago is the capital.
Verberie, a town of France, department of Oise, on the river Oise, 10 m. N. E. of Senlis.
Vereelli, a city of the Sardinian States, in Pied- mont, capital of a lordship of the same name, and a bishops see. The townhouse. the governor? |