Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 754
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palace, and the hospital, are handsome structures.
The inhabitants, estimated at 20,000, are chiefly
employed in the manufacture of silk. It is seat-
ed at the conflux of the Cerva with the Cesia, 40
m N. E. of Tufin. l^ong. 8. 24. E., lat. 45.

Vereholensk, a town of Russia, in the govern-
ment of Irkutsk, seated on the Lena, 120 m. N.
of Irkutsk. Long. 105. 35. E., lat. 54. 0. N.

Verchotura, a town of Russia, in the govern-
ment of Perm, and a bishop’s see. This was the
first town the Russians built in Siberia. It is sit-
uate near the river Tura, 120 m. N. of Catharinen-
burg. Long. 60. 15. E., lat. 58. 45. N.

Verde, Cape, a promontory on the W. coast of
Africa, 145 m. N. W. of the mouth of the Gambia.
Long. 17. 31. W., lat. 14. 44. N.

Verde Islands, Cape, islands in the Atlantic,
ab<Jve 300 m. VV. of the coast of Africa, between
13. and 19. N. lat. They were discovered in
1446, by Anthony Noel, a Genoese in the service
of Portugal, and received their general name from
their situation opposite Cape Verde ; but they are
said to have been known to the ancients, under
the name of Gorgades. They are ten in number,
lying in a semicircle. The names are St. Anto-
nio, St. Vincent,St. Lucia, St. Nicholas, Sal, Bon-
avistu, Mayo, St. Jago, Fuego, and Brava. St.
Jago is the principal.

Verden, a duchy of Hanover, 28 m. long and
nearly as much broad ; bounded on the W. and
N. by the duchy of Bremen, and E. and S. by the
duchy of Lunenburg. It consists chiefly of heaths
and high dry lands; but there are good marshes
on the rivers Weser and Aller. It was formerly
a bishopric, which, at the peace of Westphalia,
was secularised, and ceded to Sweden ; in 1712
it was taken by the Danes, who, in 1715, ceded it
to the electoral house of Brunswick, which session
was confirmed in 1718 by the Swedes. The in-
habitants are Lutherans.

Verden, the capital of the foregoing duchy, con-
tains four churches, and is seated on a branch of
the Aller, 18 m. E. S. E. of Bremen. Long. 9.
20. E., lat. 52. 58. N.

Verdun, a strong town of France, department
of Meuse, and a bishop’s see. The citadel, which
is a regular fortification, was constructed by Vau-
ban, who was a native of this place. Besides the
cathedral there are a collegiate church and nine
parish churches, and it is divided into the Upper,
Lower, and New Town. Verdun surrendered to
the Prussians in 1792, but was retaken soon after.
Here Bonaparte confined those Englishmen whom
he detained after the rupture of 1803. It is seat-
ed on the Meuse, 28 m. N. by E. of Bar le Due
and 140 E. by N. of Paris. Long. 5. 23. E., lat.

49. 9. N.

Verdun, a town in the department of Saone-et
Loire, seated on the Saone, at the influx of the
Doubs, 30 m. E. by. S. of Autun.

Verdun, a town in the department of Upper
Garonne, seated on tbe Garonne, 20 m. N. N. W.
of Toulouse.

Vcrea, a town of Macedonia, 48 m. W. of Sa-

Vereria, a town of Russia, in the government
of Moscow, 56 rt W. S. W. of Moscow.

Vergennes, ph. Addison Co. Vt. on L. Cham-
plain at the mouth of Otter Creek. 21. m. S.
Burlington. Pop. 999. This place baa been in-
corporated with city privileges. It has many iron
foundries and mills, and manufactures of woolen.

Verinu, a town of Terra Firma, in Cumana,
celebrated for its tobacco. It is situate on a gulf
of the Atlantic, 45 m. E. of Cumana. Long. 63

44. W., lat. 10. 8. N.

Vermandois, a territory of France; in Picardy

Vermanton, a town of France department of
Yonne, 14 m. S. S. E. of Auxerre.

Vermejo,,a river which rises in Tucuman, on
the borders of Peru, flows S. E. to the Paraguay,
and enters that river a little above its junction
with the Parana.

Vermilion, a county of Illinois. Pop. 5,836.
Danville is the capital. A county of Indiana.
Pop. 5,706. Newport is the capital.

Vermilion, ph. Huron Co. Ohio. 133. m. N. E.
Columbus. Pop. 505; ph. Richland Co Ohio.
86 m. N. E. Columbus. Pop. 1,451.

Vermont, one of the New England States,
bounded N. by Canada, E. by N. Hampshire, S.
by Massachusetts and W. by N. Y. from which it
is separated from the west part by Lake Cham-
plain. It extends from 42. 44. to 45. N. lat. and
from 71. 33. to 73. 26 W. long, and contains
10,212 sq. miles. The eastern limit is washed by
the Connecticut, and the whole State is traversed
from N. to S. by the Green Mountains, from
which numerous small streams flow East and
West into Lake Champlain and the Connecticut.
The chief of these streams arc Onion River, Otter
Creek, the Missisque, the Pasumsic, Wliite Riv-
er and West River. Lake Memphremagog lies on
the northern limits of the State. A remarkable
eruption of one of the small lakes of this state
took place in 1810.
Long Lake, a beautiful sheet
of water, a mile and a half in length, and three
fourths of a mile in width, was situated in the
town of Glover in the N. part of the state, and
communicated by a small stream with lake Cham-
plain. About 200 rods from Long Lake, was a
smaller lake on much lower level, the outlet of
which was Barton River, flowing in an opposite
direction into Lake Memphremagog. The land
separating these lakes was a steep declivity. The
water being low at the mills on Barton River,
during tbe summer of 1510, it was thought ad-
visable to obtain a new supply by letting out a
portion of thewater of Long Lake into the lake

beneath, by means of a trench down the interven
ing declivity. Accordingly, on the 6th of June
the people of the neighbourhood assembled with
their tools, and began the work of cutting the
trench, when on a sudden the lake burst its bor-
ders, and poured with its whole mass down the
descent, rushing with inconceivable velocity in
an immense column, three quarters of a mile
wide, and 80 feet in depth, across the country 15
miles into Lake Memphremagog. This furious
torrent tore up in its course, rocks, hills and for
ests, sweeping away houses, mills, cattle, &c

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