Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 765 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 765 Left Column
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Waag River (main entry)
    Carpathian Mountains
    Danube River
Waal River (main entry)
    Rhine River
    Meuse River
Wabash River (main entry)
    Indiana, United States
    Lake Eria
    Ohio River
    Mississippi River
Wabash County, Indiana, United States (main entry)
    Elk Heart Plain, Wabash County, Indiana, United States
Wabash County, Illinois, United States (main entry)
    Mount carmel, Wabash County, Illinois, United States
Wachenheim, Rhine, Bavaria (main entry)
    Worms (directional)
Wachtersbach, Watteravia, Germany (main entry)
    Isenburg-Wachtersbach, Count of
    Hanau (directional)
Wachusett (Mountain) (main entry)
    Princeton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States
Waddington, St. lawrence County, New York, United States (main entry)
    Albany (directional)
Wadesborough, Anson County, North Carolina, United States (main entry)
    Fayetteville (directional)
Willing River, Suffolk County, New York, United States (main entry)
Wadstena, East Gothland, Sweden (main entry)
    Vasa, Gustavus
    Wetter (Lake)
    Nordkoping (directional)
Wadsworth, Madison County, Ohio, United States (main entry)
    Columbus (directional)
Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands (main entry)
    Rhine River
    Arenheim (directional)
Wagram, Austria (main entry)
    Vienna (directional)
Wahren, Macklenburg, Germany (main entry)
    Calpin (Lake)
    Malchin (directional)
    New Stre_ (directional)
Waiblingen, Wurtemberg, Germany (main entry)
    Rems River
    Stuttgard (directional)
Bairisch Waidhoven, Austria (main entry)
    Ips River
    St. Polten (directional)
Bohmisch Waidhoven, Austria (main entry)
    Teya River
    Horn (directional)
Waidsborough, Callaway County, Kentucky, United States (main entry)
    Frankfort (directional)
Waigatz (Island) (main entry)
    Vaigatch (Island) (synonym for Waigatz (Island))
    Nova Zembla
    Waigatz (Strait)
    Vaigatch (Strait)
Wainfleet, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom (main entry)
    London (directional)
Waitsfield, Washington County, Vermont, United States (main entry)
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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