Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 768 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 768 Left Column
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    Blue Mountains
    Lachlan River
    Macquarrie River
    Sydney, New South Wales
    Paramatta, New South Wales
    Windsor, New South Wales
    Bathurst, New South Wales
    Liverpool, New South Wales
    Coal River, New South Wales
    Newcastle, New South Wales
Wales, Lincoln County, Maine, United States (main entry)
    Wales, Erie County, New York, United States
    Buffalo (directional)
Walet, Bergoo, Negroland (main entry)
    Sego (directional)
    Tombuctoo (directional)
Waldheim, Caldwell County, Kentucky, United States (main entry)
Walhof, Courland, Russia (main entry)
    Gustavus, King of Sweden
    Mittau (directional)
Walker, Centre County, Pennsylvania, United States (main entry)
Walkertown, King and Queen County, Virginia, United States (main entry)
Wallabout Bay (main entry)
    Long Island
    New York, United States
    United States Navy Yard
Wallajapetta, Carnatic, Hindoostan (main entry)
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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