Waltham Abbey, a town in Essex, Eng. with a market on Tuesday. It derives its name from a magnificent abbey, founded by king Harold, some fragments of which remain. 12 111. N. by E. of London.
Waltham, Bishop, a town of Hampshire, Eng. 65 m. W. by S. of London.
Walthamstow, a village in Essex, Eng. 5 m. N. E. ofLondon.
Walur, a town of Hindoostan, in Mysore, with a castle, and manufactures of cotton cloth and coarse blankets. It stands in a fertile country, 20 m. E. by N. of Bangalore.
Wandiicash, a town of Hindoostan in the Car natic, noted for a victory obtained by the British over the French in 1760. 27 m. S. of S. E. Arcot and 38 N. N. W. Pondercherry.
Wandsworth, a village in Surrey, Eng. with manufactures for bolting cloth, the printing of calicoes and kerseymeres, and the whitenning and pressing of stuffs; also oil, iron, and white lead mills, vinegar works, and distilleries. In Garret Lane, near this place, a mock election was formerly held, after every general election of par- liament, of a Mayor of Garret; to which Foots dramatic piece of that name gave no small celeb- rity. It is seated on the Wandle, near its conflu- ence with the Thames, 5 m. W. S. W. of Lon- don.
Wandfried.a town of Germany, in Hesse Cas- sel, situate on the AVerra 15 m. W. of Mulhausen and 36 S. E. of Cassel.
Wangara, a fertile country of Negroland, lying to the S. of Bornou. It is watered by the Niger, which here divides into several branches. Gha- narais the capital.
Wangen, a town of Germany, in AVurtemberg. with a great trade in wine, fine paper, linen, and hardware. It is seated on the Overarg, 18 m. N. E. of Lindau and 21 W. of Kempton.
Wangen, a town of Switzerland, in the canton of Bern, capital of a Bailiwic. It is seated on the Aar, 10 in. E. of Soleure and 23 N. N. E. of Bern.
Wangen, a town of France, department of Low- er Rhine, seated on the side of a hill, and sur- rounded by a wall, 12 m. W. of Strasburg.
Wanlockhead, a village of Scotland, in Dum- frieshire, to the northward of Sanquhar, and near the lead mines. It has a considerable number of smel ting-houses.
Wanstead, a village in Essex,Eng. 6 m. N. E. of London.
Wantage, a town in Berkshire, Eng. 60 m. W. of London.
Wantage, a township of Warren Co. N. J.
Wantzeneau, a town of France, department of Lower Rhine, 6 m. N. of Strasburg.
Wantzleben, a town of Saxony, in the govern- ment of Megdeburg, 12 m. W. S. W. of Magde- burg.
Wara, a town of Negroland, capital of the coun- try of Bergoo. 320 m. S. S. E. of Bornou. Long.
25. 25. E., lat. 15. 30. N.
Warangle, a ruinous town of Hindoostan, the Arinkill of Ferishta, once the capital of Golcon- da. The site of it is still evident from the old ramparts, which are amazingly extensive. A modern fortress is constructed within it, and is in the possession of the nizam of the Deccan. 62 m. N. N. E. of Hydrabad. Long. 79. 30. E., lat.
13. 6. N.
Warberg, a sea-port of Sweden, in Holland, with a castle at the msuth of the harbour, on a rock surrounded by winter. It is seated near the Cate- 97
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gat, 34 m. S. S. E. of Gothburg. Long. 11. 56.
E., lat. 57. 12. N.
Warburg, a town of Prussian Westphalia, in the principality of Paderborn, seated on the Dy- mel, 17 m. S. S. E. of Paderborn.
Ward, ph. Worcester Co. Mass. 50 m. S. W Boston Pop. 6S0.
Warde, a town of Denmark, in N. Jutland, npar the mouth of a river of the same name, 15 m. N. of Ripen.
Wardien, Great, a strong town of Hungary, cap- ital of a county of the same name, and a bishops see, with a citadel. The town 'itself is not large, but has three suburbs of very considerable extent It was taken by tbe Turks in 1660, but the A us trians retook it in 1692. It is seated on the Keres, 117 m. N. E. of Peterwardein and 150 E. S. E. of Buda. Long. 21. 50. E., lat. 47. 5. N.
War dein, Little, a strong town of Croatia, cap- ital of a county ofthe same name, seated on tbe Drave, 34 in. N. by E. of Agram and 50 S. E. of Gratz. Long. 15. 55. E., lat. 46.40. N.
Wardhuys, a sea-port of Norway, capital of a district of its name. It stands on a small island of the same name, near the continent, and has an old fort, where the governor resides. 120 m. E. S. E. of the N. Cape. Long. 31. 7. E., lat. 70. 23. N.
WardsborougA,ph.Windham Co. Vt. Pop. 1,148.
Wardsbridge, ph. Orange Co. N. Y.
Ware, ph. Hampshire Co. Mass. 70 m. W. Boston, with large manufactures of cotton and woolen. Pop. 2,045.
Ware, a town in Hertfordshire, 21 m. N. by E. of London.
Waree, a town of Guinea, capital of a country ofits name, in the kingdom ofBenin, 70 m. S. S. W. of Benin. Long. 6. 0. E., lat. 5. 38.N.
Wareham, a borough in Dorsetshire, Eng. 112 m. W. by S. of London.
Wareham, ph. Plymouth Co. Mass. 39 m. S. E Boston. Pop. 1,885. Here are manufactures of cotton.
Warendorf, a fortified town of Prussian, West- phalia, in the government of Munster, with good linen manufactures; seated on the Ems, 12 m. E. by S.of Munster.
Warka, a town of Poland, in the palatinate, of Masovia, on the river Pisa, 45 m. S. by E. of Warsaw.
Warkwortk, a town in Northumberland, En*.
5 m. S. E. of Alnwick.
Warminster, a town of Whiltshire, Eng. 96 m. W. by S. of London.
Warminsier, ph.. Bucks Co. Pa.; p.v. Nel- son Co. Va-.
Warm Spring, Buncombe Co. N. C.; p.v. Warm Spring Co. Arkansas, on a small creek flowing into the Washitaw. Here are some tepid springs of a medicinal quality.
Warm Spring, a county of Arkansas, Pop. 458. - Warm spring is tiie capital.
Warntmunde, a town of Germany, in the grand duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 9 m. N. N. W. ofRortock.
Warner, p.v. Merrimack Co.N. H. Pop. 2,221.
WarnersviUe, p.v. Hardeman Co. Ten.
Warneton, a town of the Netherlands, in W. Flanders, 8 m. N. W. of Lisle.
Warren, a county of New York. Pop. 11 ,795. Caldwell is the capital. A county of the W. Dis. of Pennsylvania. Pop. 42,860. Washington is the capital. A county of N. Carolina. Pop. 10,916. Warrenton is the capital. A county of Georgia. Pop. 10,846. Warrenton is the capi- 3 T |