Wheeler, ph. Steuben Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,389.
Wheeling, ph. Ohio Co. Va. on the Ohio, 95 m. below Pittsburg. It stands at the mouth of a creek on a high bank, and consists principally of one large street, parallel to the river. The great Cumberland road strikes the Ohio at this place and makes it a great thoroughfare for emigrants from the Atlantic states. The town is well built and nas a very flourishing trade and considerable manufatures. Pop. 5,221.
Wheeling, townships of Belmont and Guernsey Cos. Ohio.
Wheelock, ph. Caledonia Co. Vt. Pop. 834.
Wheraside, the highest mountain in England, situate on the N. W. part of Yorkshire, amid other mountains, and about 6 miles to the N. of that called Ingleborough. Its summit is 4,050 feet above the level of the sea. Near the top are four or five tarns or small lakes. Its base con- tains several spacious caverns, of which the prin- cipal are Yordas, Gatekirk, and Greenside caves.
' Whidah, a country of Guinea, on the Slave Coast, extending about 10 miles along the Atlan- tic, and 12 miles inland. Europeans who have been in this country extol it as the most beauti- ful in the world, and assert that spring and au- tumn reign perpetually in alternate succession. The country is so populous that one single vil- lage contains as many inhabitants as some entire kingdoms on the coast of Guinea. The people, in their manners, have been compared to the Chinese ; the same persevering industry, ceremo- nious civility, joalous affection for their women, thievish inclinations in trade, prevail in both countries. Bows, arrows, assagays, and clubs, are the principal weapons of the Whidanese. They have no distinction of hours, days, weeks, or stated periods ; and yet, without pen, ink, or the assistance of artificial arithmetic, they calcu- late any thing with great accuracy. They are said to have a faint idea of a Supreme Being, to whom they attribute omnipotence, and consider him as the Creator of the universe. He is, they say, too higHy exalted to have any concern about his creatures ; and the government of the world he leaves to the fetiches, to whom, therefore, they apply as the mediators between God and them. These fetiches are divided into three classes : snakes, tall trees, and the sea; and sometimes they add a fourth, namely, the chief river of the kingdom, the Euphrates. The dei- fied snakes are about a yard long, amazingly tame and familiar ; and no insult or injury can be of- fered to them by a native, under pain of death. Here are oxen, cows, goats, sheep, hogs, turkeys, ducks, and hens ; also elephants, buffaloes, tigers, several kinds of deer, and a sort of hares. The fruits are citrons, lemons, oranges, bananas, tam- arinds, &c., and there are vast numbers of palm- trees. from which much wine is made. The trade consists chiefly of elephants teeth, wax and hon- ey ; and the principal manufactures are cloths, umbrellas, baskets, pitchers for pitoorbeer, plates and dishes of wood, gourds finely ornimented, white and blue paper, &c. In 1727 the king of Dahomev reduced this country to the state of a dependent province. Xavier, or Sabi, is the capital.
Whitby, a sea-port in N. Yorkshire, Eng. It is seated on the German Ocean, at the mouth of the Esk, 43 m. N. N. E. of York and 243 N. of London.
Whitchurch, a borough in Hampshire, Eng. 98
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with manufactures of shalloons, serges, &c. 56 m. W. by S. of London.
Whitchurch, a town in Shropshire, Eng. 160 m N. W. of London.
White, a county of W. Tennessee. Pop. 9,967 Sparta is the capital; a county of Illinois. Pop 6,091. Carmi is the capital.
White Chimneys, p.v. Caroline Co. Va.
White Clay Creek, a hundred of Newcastle Co Del.
White Creek, ph. Washington Co. N. Y. 36 m, N. E. Albany. Pop. 2,448.
White Day, p.v. Monongahela Co. Va.
White Deer, p.v. Lycoming Co. Pa.; a town- ship of Union Co. Pa.
White Eyes, ph. Coshocton Co. Ohio.
Whitejield, p t. Lincoln Co. Me. Pop. 2,020. A township of Coos Co. N. H. Pop. 685.
Whitehall, ph. Washington Co. N. Y. formerly Skenesborough. lt stands at the mouth of a creek flowing into the S. end of Lake Champlain. The Northern Canal from the Hudson here passes in- to the lake. Sloops, steamboats and other lake craft come up to the town, and the trade of the place is very active. A steamboat plies regular- ly between Whitehall and St. Johns, L. C 70 m. N. Albany, 170 N. W. Boston. Pop 2,883.
Whitehall, A*, and 5. two townships in Lehigh Co. Pa. on the Lehigh p.v. Columbia Co. Pa., Frederick Co. Va., Mecklenburg Co. N. C. and Abbeville Dis. S. C.
White Haven, ph. Somerset Co. Md.
White House, p.v. Hunterdon Co. N. J.
lVhite Lake, p.v. Sullivan Co. N. Y.
Whiteland, E. and W. two townships in Ches- ter Co. Pa.
W/iitely, a county of Kentucky. Pop. 3,807.
Whitelysburg, p.v. Kent Co. Del. 22 m. S. E. Dover.
Wkitemarsh, p.v. Montgomery Co. Pa.
White Mountains, p.v. Coos Co. N. H. 117 m N. N. E. Concord.
White Mountains, a range of mountains in the norhern part of New Hampshire, nearly in the centre of the county of Coos. They are the highest in the United States, east of the Rocky Mountain chain, and are celebrated for their grand and beautiful scenery. These mountains extend about 20 m. from S. W. to N. E. being the more elevated parts of a range extending ma- ny miles in that direction. Their base is 8 or 10 m. broad ; and situated about 25 m S. E. from Lancaster, 70 N.of Concord, 82 N. by VV. from Portsmouth ; and in lat. 44. 15, long. 71. 20. W. Although distant more than 60. m. from the near- est part of the coast, their snow-white summits are distinctly visible many leagues at sea, and along the coast of Maine. Their great elevation has always rendered them interesting, both to our ancestors, and to the aboriginal inhabitants of the country. As early as 1632, they were vis- ited by Neal, Jocelyn and Field, who gave ro- mantic accounts of their adventures, and of the extent and granduer of the mountains which they called the Crystal Hills. Since that time, these regions have been repeatedly explor- ed by hunters, and by men of science. Mount Washington is 6.428 feet above the level of the sea, 5,850 above the river at Lancaster, and 4,781 above Crawfords, the nearest dwelling to the summit. This mountain is easily known by its superior elevation, and its being the southern of the three highest peaks. The heights of the otb |