WH1 779 WIH
range, is here cloven quite down to its base, open- ing a passage for the waters of the Saco. The gap is so nanow, that space has with difficulty been found for the road. About half a mile from the entrance of the chasm, is seen a most beau- tiful cascade, issuing from a mountain on the right, about 800 feet above the subjacent valley, and about 2 miles distant. The stream passes over a series of rocks almost perpendicular, with a course so littleffiroken as to preserve the appearance of a uniform current, and yet so far disturbed as to be perfectly white. This beauti- ful stream, winch passes down a stupendous preci- pice, is called by Dwight the Silver Cascade.
' It is one of the most beautiful in the world. At the distance of three fourths of a mile from the entrance of the chasm is a brook, called the Flume, which falls from a height of 240 or 250 feet over three precipicesxe2x80x94down the two first in a single current, and over the last in three, which unite again at the bottom in a small basin formed by
the heart of the mountains, are the little meadows inhabited by the Crawfords, the Notch, and Wil ley Meadows; and there the interval of warm weather is so short in the year, that few vegeta bles can arrive at maturity, with all the rapidity of growth which distinguishes such cold regions. To those who are fond of field sports, the forests and rivers afford every advantage, during the brief summer which visits the valleys. Various kinds of wild birds and game are to be found in the woods, besides bears, wild cats, and deer The moose and buffalo were formerly abundant among the mountains; ar.d it is scarcely thirty years since they w-ere killed in great numbers, merely for their hides and tallow ; as the latter still are in the deserts beyond the Mississippi. Deer are common in the woods, and frequently are killed by the hunters. Sometimes they come boldly down into the little meadow before Craw- fords house, and quietly graze with the cattle. The black bears are occasionally seen in the more
the hand of nature in the rocks. The water is unfrequented places; but they will always en-
pure and transparent, and it would be impossible deavour to avoid a man. A large species of elk,
for a brook of its size to be rnoddled into more here known by the name of the Cariboo, has
diversified or delightful forms. made its appearance in the White Mountains
The more elevated parts of these mountains within a few years ; but they are still very scarce
are occasionally subject to avalanches, or slides in this part of the country,
of earth, which sweep suddenly d6wn their sides White Oak, p.v. Rutherford Co. N. C.
and occasion great damage. ^ A serious calamity White Plains, p.v. Westchester Co. N. Y. 30
of this sort occurred at the Notch in August 1826, in. N. New York. Pop, 759; p.v. Jackson Co.
to a family of the name of Willey, who occupied Ten.
a dwelling in the narrowest part of the defile White Post. p.v. Frederick Co. Va.
many miles from any other human habitation. White River, a stream falling into the Wabash
At midnight during a furious storm of rain, the fr()ln the S. E. A river of Arkansas falling into
mountain broke loose above them, and poured the Mississippi a little above the mouth of the Ar-
down in a torrent of earth, rocks, and trees. The kansas.
family, aroused by the noise, immediately fled White Sand, p.v. Lawrence Co. Mississippi.
W'nhe&horougk, p.v. Oneida Co. N. Y. lV/titestown, t. Oneida Co. N. Y. Pop. 4,410. WhitrsriUe, p.v. Columbus Co. N. C.
White Water, a branch of the Great Miami in Infliana and Ohif ; a township in Hamilton Co Ohio; p.v. Learbon Co. Ind.
W/dteing, ph. Addison Co. Vt. Pop. 653. Wluteingham, p.v Windham Co. Vt. Pop
Whiteley, a township of Green Co. Pa. Wiutepaine, a township of Montgomery Co. Pa.
Whitted.viUe, ph. Buncombe Co. N. C.
xe2x96xa0White Sea, a large bay of the Frozen Ocean on the N. part of Russia, on the E. side of which from the house, but were overtaken by* the aval- stands the town of Archangel,
anche and swept to destruction. The roads and Whitehaven, a sea-port m Cumberland, Eng.
bridges alone* the valley were destroyed, the It is seated on a creek of the liish Sea, on the streams choked up, and heaps of earth, rocks and N. end of a great hill, washed by the tide on the trees exhibited a frightful picture of desolation. W. side, where there is a large whitish rock, and Till within a few years these mountains were aT strong stone wall that secures tbe harbour, seldom visited except by a few hunters and an Near it are excellent coal mines, some of winch occasional traveller, and the beauties of these run a considerable tvay under the sea, and aie wild and sequestered spots were as little known the chief source of its wealth. It is 41 in. S. W. to the world as those of the Vale of Chamouni, of Carlisle and^320^N. N. W. of London. Long before the discovery of that unrivalled spot in the 3. 3o. W., lat. 54. 25. N.
last century. Latterly, the fame of the White W/ntehorn, a borough of Scotland, in W igton-
Mountain scenery has drawn the attention of all shire, near the bay of Wigton. It is a place inf the lovers of the picturesque in our country, and great antiquity, haying been a Roman station the mountains are now* visited every summer by and the first bishopric in Scotland. 8 m. W of travellers from all parts of the United States. xe2x80xa2 Wigton. v
Tolerable accommodations may be found at Craw- Whitesable, a village on the coast of Kent, Eng. fords. Visitors who wish to view the sunrise 7 m. N. N. W. of Canterbury,
from Mount Washington, pass the night at the _ Whitsuntide Island, one of the New Hebrides
Camp, 7 miles above, where the steepest ascent in the S. Pacific, 30 m. long and 8 broad, diseov of the mountain begins. ered by captain Wallis, on the Whitsunday, 1767
The only places susceptible of cultivation in Long. 168. 20. E., lat. 15. 44. S.
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