Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 781
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WIL    781    WIL

Wilcox, a county of Alabama. Pop. 9,459. Can-
ton is the capital.

Wildbad, a town of Germany, in Wurtemberg
with a celebrated warm bath, seated on the Enz
24 m. W. of Stuttgard.

Wildberg, a town of Wurtemberg, situate on
the Nagold, 19 m. S. W. of Stuttgard.

Wildberg, a town of Prussia, in Brandenburg,
28 rn. N. of Brandenburg.

Wilderness, p.v. Spotsylvania Co. Va.

WUdcs'musen, a town of Germany, in the
duchy of Oldenburg, seated on the Hunte, 20 m.
S. W. of Bremen. Long. 8. 27. E., lat. 52. 53.

Wildungen, a town of Germany, in the county
of Waldek, with a castle. Near it are mineral
sorings, and mines of copper, iron, and lead. 14
in S. S. E. ofCorbach.

Wilhermstein, a fortress of Germany, in the
county of Sachauenburg, on an island formed of
stones sunk for the purpose, in Steinhuder-mere.
It was erected in 17G8 by William, count of
Schauenburg-Lippe, for the improvement of his
new inventions in the art of war. It stands near
the town of Steinhude, 18 m. W. N. W. of Han-

Wilkes, a county of N. Carolinia. Pop. 11,942.
Will sesborough is the capital; a county of Geor-
gia. Pop. 14.237. Washington is the capital.

Wilkcsbarre. p t. Luzerne Co. Pa. on the Sus-
quehannah, 120 m. X. W. Philad.

Wilkesborough, ph. Wilkes Co. N. C. 204 m.
N. W. Raleigh.

WUkeszille, p.v. Gallia Co. Ohio. 104 m. S. E.

Wilkinson, a county of Georgia. Pop. 6,558.
Irwinton is the capital; a county of Mississippi.
Pop. 11,693. Woodville is the capital.

Wilkinsonville, p.v. Chesterfield Co. Va.; v.
Johnson Co. Illinois.

Wilkomiers, a town of Russia, in the govern-
ment of Wilna, seated on the Sweita, 45 m. N.
N. W. of Wilna.

William, Fort, a fort of Scotland, in the county
of Inverness, at the extremity of Loch Linne,
where that arm of the sea bends to the W. and
forms Loch Eil. It is of a triangular figure, and
is 64 m. S. W of Inverness.

William Henry, a town of Lower Canada, sit-
uate. at the conflux of the Sorel with the St. Law-
rence. It has a Protestant, and a Roman Catho-
lic church. The principal channel of intercourse
with this country and the United States is through
this town. It, is 40 m. N E. of Montreal and 120
S. W. of Quebec. Long. 73.22.
W., lat. 45. 55 N.

WiUett, ph. Cortland Co. N. Y. Pop. 894.

Williams, a county of Ohio. Pop. 377. Defi-
ance is the capital ; t. Northampton and Mont-
gomery Cos. Pa.

Wiilia,msborough, p.v. Greenville Co. N. C.
37 m. N. W. Halifax.

Williamsburg, ph. Penobscot Co. Me. Pop.
227; ph. Hampshire Co. Mass. 100 m. W Boston
with manufactures of cotton, linen, and woolen.
Pop 1,225; p v. Huntingdon and Northumber-
land Cos. Pa. Iredell Co. N. C., Mason Co. Ken.
and Jackson and Maury Cos. Ten., Clermont Co.
Ohio. Pop. 1,609.

Williamsburg, a District of N. Carolina. Pop.

9,015. Kingstree is the capital.

Williamsburg, p.v. James City Co. Va. 32 m.
E. by S. Richmond. This town was one# the
capital of the State, but is now much decayed
from its farmer importance. It still contains















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William and Mary College which was founded
here in 1693. lt has 7 instructers and 60 students.
The libraries have 4,200 volumes. It has one va-
cation of nearly 4 months from July to October.
Commencement is in July.

Williamsfidd, p.v Ashtabula Co. Ohio. 242 m,
N. E. Columbus.

Williamsport, p.v. Lycoming Co. Pa. and AVash
ington Co. Pa., Washington Co. Md., Pickaway
Co. Ohio., Morgan Co. Ind.

Williamson, a county of W. Tennessee. Pop.
26,608. Franklin is the capital.

WiUiamstlidt, a sea-port of Holland in N. Bra-
bant. 13 m. N. W. Breda.

Williamstown, ph. Orange Co. Vt. 46 m. N
Windsor. Pop. 1,487.

Williamstown, ph. Berkshire Co. Mass. 130 m.
N. W. Boston. Pop. 2,127. Williams College,
at this place was founded in 1793. It has 7 in-
structers and 115 students. The libraries hare
4,556 volumes. There are 3 vacations in May,
September and December, of 18 weeks. Com
mencernent is in December.

Williamstown, p.v. Oswego Co. N. Y. Pop.
686 ; p.v. Lancaster Co. Pa., Martin Co. N. C.
Grant Co. Ken.

WiUiamsvUle, p.v. Erie Co. N. Y>, Chesterfield
Co. Va., Person Co. N. C.

WiUington, ph. Tolland Co. Conn. 26 m. N. E.
Hartford. Pop. 1,305; p.v. Abbeville Dis. S. C.

Willink, p.v. Erie Co. N. Y.

Williston, ph. Chittenden Co. Vt. 10 m. S. E.
Burlington. Pop. 1,608.

Willis town, a township of Chester Co. Pa.

Willow Grove, p.v. Montgomery7 Co. Pa. and
S'umter Dis. S. C.

Willsborough, ph. Essex Co. N. Y. on L Cham-
plain. Pop. 1,316.

Willsliire, ph. Van Wert Co. Ohio. 130 m. N.
W. Columbus.

WMist own, an Indian village in the Cherokee
country of Alabama. 50 m. E. Huntsville.

Wilmanstrand, a town of Prussia in Finland
100 m. N. W. St. Petersburg, famous for a battle
between ihe Swedes and Russians in 1741.

Wilmington, p.v. Windhatn Co. Vt. 17 m. W.
Brattleborough. Pop. 1.367; ph. Essex Co. N
Y. 160 m. N. Albany. Dop. 695.

Wilmington, ph. Newcastle Co. Del. on Chris-
tiana Creek, near its entrance into the Delaware.
It is the largest town in the state, a port of entry,
and incorporated with city privileges. It is regu-
larly and handsomely built,mostly of brick. In the
neighbourhood are many flourishing manufactures
of cotton, woolen, paper, gunpowder, and a great
number of mills. The town has 10 churches, 3
banks, an arsenal of the United States and a pub-
lic librafv. It has a large trade in flour ; and ves-
sels drawing 14 feet of water can come lip the
creek on which the town is situated 28 m. S. W.
Philad. Pop. 6,628.

Wilmington, p.v. Fluvanna Co. Va. 60 m N.
W. Richmond; ph. New Hanovpr Co. N C., near
the mouth of Cape Fear River 80. m. S. E. Fay-
etteville ; it is a sea-port and has some commerce,
p. v. Clinton Co. Ohio ; p.v. Wayne Co. Ohio.

Willis Isle, a rocky island at the N. end ofthe
island of Southern Georgia. It was discovered
in 1775, and contains the nests of many thousands
in shags. Long. 38.30. W., lat. 54. 0. S.

Willisau, a town and Bailiwic of Switzerland, in
the canton of Lucern, seated among the mountains
on the river Wiger, 16 m. W. N. W. of Lucern.

Wilmanstrand : town of Russia in the overn

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