Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 785
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E. hy N. of Lubec and 33 W. S. W. of Rostock.
Long. 11. 34. E., lat. 53. 56. N.




Wiston, a town of Wales, in Pembrokeshire,
248 m. W. N. W. of London.

Witepsk, a strong town of European Russia,
with a castle. The French entered it in 1812,
hut evacuated it the same year. It is seated in a
morass, at the confluence of the Dwina and Wids-
ba 65 rn. E. of Polotsk and 80 W. N. W. of
Smolensk. Long. 29. 40. E., lat. 55. 43. N.

lVitgenau, a town of Bohemia, in the circle of
Bechin, on the river Launsnitz, 14 m. E. of Bud-

lVitgenstein, a castle of Germany, which gives
name to a small county belonging to Hesse-Darm-
stadt It stands on a high rock, 13 m. N. W. of

IVitham, a town in Essex, Eng. 38 m. E. N. E.
of London.

IVitlich, a town of Prussia, in the province of
Lower Rhine. It has a castle called Ottenstein,
and in its neighbourhood are many copper-mines.

It is seated on the Leser, 19 m. N. N. E. of

Witney, a town in Oxfordshire, Eng. Here
are manufactures of the finest blankets, and other
thick woolens, called bear-skins and kerseys.
65 m. W. N. W. of London.

Wiistock, a town of Prussia, in Brandenburg,
with celebrated cloth manufactures : seated on
the river Doss?. 17 in. N. N. W. of Ruppin.

Wittenberg, a strong town of Prussian Saxony,
with a famous university and a castle. The cele-
brated Martin Luther began the Reformation here,
in 1517, and is buried in a chapel belonging to
the castle. In 1821 a colossal statue was erected
here to his memory. Wittenberg has suffer-
ed greatly by wars, particularly in the seige
Dy the Austrians in 1760; and in 1813 it was
taken by the allies after a short siege. It
is seated on the Elbe, over which is a bridge, 65
m. N. W. of Dresden. Long*. 12. 45. E., lat. 51.
54. N.

Wittenberg, a town of Prussia, in Brandenburg,
seated on the Elbe, 7 m. S. S. W. of Perleberg.

Wittenberg, a town of Germany, in Mecklen-
burg, 15 m. W. S. W. of Schwerin.

Wittgenstein, a town of Russia, in the govern- *
ment of Livonia, 40 m. S. E. of Revel.

Wittlesey-mere, a lake in the N. E. part of
Huntingdonshire, Eng. 6 m. long and 3 broad. It
is 4 m. S. of Peterborough.

Witlsburg, p.v. Erie Co. Pa.

Witzenhausen,a town of Germany,in Hesse-Cas-
sel, seated on the Werra, 18 m. E. by N. of

Wiveliscomb, a town in Somersetshire, Eng.
with a considerable manufacture of blanketing,
kerseys, and other coarse cloths. 153 m. WT. by
S. of London

Wivenltoe, a village in Essex. Eng. on the Coin
3 m. S. E. of Colchester, of which it is the port.
The Colchester oysters are chiefly barrelled at
this place.

Wtadislaw, a town of Poland, capital of a pala-
tinate of its name and of the province of Cujavia,
with a fort. It stands on the Vistula, 98 m. W
N. W. of Warsaw. Long. 18.50. E., lat. 52. 54.

Woahoo, one of the Sandwich islands, 7 leagues
N. W. ofMorotoi. From the appearance of the
N. E. and N. W. parts, it is the finest i'sland of
the group. A bay is formed by the N. and W. ex-
tremities, into which a fine nver flows, through

a deep valley; but the water is blackish for 200
yards from the entrance. It is supposed to con-
tain 60.000 inhabitants. Lieut. Hergist, who had
been sent from England, in 1791, with a supply of
provisions for captain Vancover, then on a voyage
of discovery, was here surprised and murdered by
the natives, together with Mr. Gooch, the as-
tronomer. Long. 157. 51. W. lat. 21. 43. N.

Wobyrn, a town in Bedfordshire, Eng. It
had an ancient abbey, on the site of which stands
the magnificent building called Woburn Abbey,
the seat of the duke of Bedford. 42 m. N. N. VV.
of London.

Woburn, ph. Middlesex Co. Mass. 10 n N. W.
Boston, on the Middlesex Canal. Pop. 1,377.
Here is a beautiful sheet of water called Horn
Pond, environed by steep woody hills and afford-
ing the most delightful scenery.

Wodnian, a town of Bohemia, seated on the
Bianitz, 12 m. S. of Piseck.

Woerden, a town of the Netherlands, in S. Hol-
land, seated on the Rhine, 10 m. W. of Utrecht.

Wokey, or Okey, a village in Somersetshire,
Eng. on the N. side of the Mendip Hills, 2 m. W .
of Wells. Here is a famous cavern, called Wokey

Woking a village in Surrey, Eng. on the river
Wey, 5 in. N. N. E. of Guilford.

Workingliam or Orkingham, a corporate town in
Berkshire, Eng. 31 m. VV. by S. of London.

Wolau, a strong town of Prussia, Silesia, capi-
tal of a principality of the same name, with a
fine castle, many handsome buildings, and a great
woolen manufacture. It is seated near the Oder,
surrounded by a morass, 20 m. N. W. of Breslau.
Long. 16. 45. E., lat. 51. 18. N.

Wolbck, a town of the Prussian states, in the gov
eminent of Munster, 7 m. S. S. W. of Munster.

Wolcott, ph. t- rleans Co. Vt. 63 m. N. Mont-
pelier. Pop. 492.; ph. N. Haven Co. Conn. 25
m. N. New Haven. Pop. 844. ; ph. Wayne Co.
N. Y. Pop. 1,085.

Wolcotsville, p.v. Litchfield Co. Conn.

Woldeck, a town of Germany, in the duchy ot
Mecklenburg, 21 m. E. N. E. of Strelitz.

Wolfach, a town of Baden, on a river of tne
same name, at its confluence with the Kinzig 19,
m. N. E. of Friburg.

Wolf borough, p A. Strafford Co. N.H. 45 m. N
E. Concord. Pop. 1,928.

Wo/fenvuttel, a principality of Germany, which
constitutes part of the duchy of Brunswick. It is di
vided into two parts the principalities of Helderheil,
Halberstadt: the northern borders on the duchies
of Lunenburg and Magdeburg ; the southern lies
between the principality of Hildesheim, the ab-
bey of Corvey, and the county of Wernigerode.
The N. part produces abundance of grass, grain,
flax, hemp, silk, and various kinds of pulse and
fruit. The S. part is hilly and has little arable
land", but yields plenty of timber and iron, and
has manufactures of glass and fine porcelain, with
a very rich mine and salt works in the Hartz
Forest. The principal rivers are the Weser,
Leine, and Ocker. The established religion is
the Lutheran.

Wolfenvuttel, a strong city of Germany, capi
tal of the foregoing principality. It has a castle,
formerly the residence of the dukes, in which is
an excellent library, with a cabinet of curiosities
relating to natural history. In the principa.
church is the burial-place of the princes, which
is an admirable piece of architecture. Wolfen-
buttel is seated in a marshy soil, on the Ocker, 7
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