I- g province, noted for its silver mines ; seated
o.. a river of the same name, 100 m. E. of Lima.
Xavier, or Sabi, the capital of the kingdom of Whidah, in Guinea. It is populous, and a great market is held every Wednesday and Saturday at the distance of a mile from the town. The mar- ket place is surrounded by sutlers booths, which are only permitted to sell certain sorts of meat, as beef, pork, and the flesh of goats and dogs. Here slaves of both sexes are sold, as well as ox- en, sheep, dogs, hogs, fish, and birds; also the various commodities of Whidah manufacture, and every thing of European, Asiatic, or African production. Xavier is seated near the river Eu- phrates, about 7 m. from the sea. Long. 2. 30. E., lat. 6. 40. N.
Xavier, a town of Spain, in Navarre, noted as the birth-place of the celebrated Romish saint and missionary of that name. It is 35 m. S. E. of Pamplona.
Xavier, St., a town of Paraguay, in the province of La Plata, 200 m. W. of Rio Janeiro.
Xenia, ph. Greene Co. Ohio near the Little Miami, 56 tn. S. W. Columbia. Pop. 4,175.
Xenil, a river of Spain, which rises in the E. part of Granada, and flows by Granada, Loxa, and Ecija, in the Guadalquivir.
Xeres, a town of Guatemala, in Nicaragua,seat- ed on a river that flows into Fonseca Bay, 70 m. N. W. of Leon. |
Xeres de la Irontera, a large and well built town of Spain, in Andalusia, famous for that ex- cellent wine corruptly called Sherry. It is seat- ed on the small river Guadalete, 15 m. N. E. of Cadiz and 38 S. S. W. of Seville.
Xeres de la Frontera, a town of Mexico in the
S. part ofthe province of Zacatecas, SO m. N. hy E. of Guadalajara. Long. 103. 35. W.,- lat. 22 22. N.
Xeres de Guadiana, a town of Spain, in Anda- lusia, seated on the Guadiana, 26 m. N. by E. o. Ayamonte.
Xicoeo, an island of Japan, between Niphon and Ximo, 250 m. in circumference.
Xilotopec, a town of Mexico, capital of a dis- trict of its name, 60 m. N. of Mexico.
Ximo, an island of Japan, the second in size and eminence, situate to the S. W. of Niphon, from which it is divided by a narrow channel. It is 450 m. in circumference.
Xixona, a town of Spain, in Valencia, with a castle, seated among mountains, in a country that produces excellent wine and the valua- ble drug called Kermes. It is 15 m. N. of Alieant.
Xucar, a river of Spain, which rises in the N E. part of New Castile, passes by Cuenza, and, enterin* the province of Valencia, runs into tiie gulf of Valencia, at the town of Cullera.
Xudnogrod, a town of Croatia, 17 m. N. of Se- benico and 37 E. of Kzara. |
YACHT A, a fort of Russia, in the govern- ment of Irkutsk, on the borders of Chinese Tar- tary 48 m. S. S. W. of Selenginsk.
Yadkin, a river rising in North Carolina and flowing into South Carolina, where it takes the name of Great Pedee.
Yakutsk or Jakutskoi, p. town of Russsia, capi- tal of a province of the same name, in the gov- ernment of Irkutsk, with a wooden fort. It is seated on the Lena, 960 m. N. E. of Irkutsk. Long 129. 48. E., lat. 62. 2. N.
Yale, the capital of a province ofthe same name, in the island of Ceylon, 56 m. S. E. of Candy.
Yamburg, town of Russia, in the government of Petersburg, situate on the Luga, 20 m. E. of Narva.
Yamina, a town of Negroland, in Bambarra, near the river Niger, 66 m. S. W. of Sego.
YaneeyviUe, p.v. Louisa Co. Va. 60 m. N. W. Richmond.
Yang-lcheou, a city of China, of the first rank, .n the province of Kiang-nan. Its district is in- tersected by a number of canals; and it carries on a great trade, particularly in salt, which is made on the sea-coast of this jurisdiction. It stands on the left bank of the Kian-ku, where the imperial canal crosses that river, 485 m. S. by E. of Pekin. Long. 118. 54. E., lat. 32. 26. N.
Yao-gan, a city of China, of the first rank, in the province of Yun.nan. Its territory is inter- mixed with mountains, fine forests, and fruitful valleys, and produces abundance of musk. Near the city is a salt spring, which produces very white salt. It is 100 m. W. by N. of Yun-nan. Long. 100. 45. E., lab 25. 12. N.
Yao-tcheu, a city of China, of the first rank, in Kiang-si, on the W. side of the lake Poyang, 700 m.S.oxc2xa3Pekin. Long. 116. 40. E., lat 29. 8 N. |
Yarc, a river in Norfolk, Eng. formed by the confluence of several streams that rise in the heart of the county. It passes through Norwich, whence it is navigable to Yarmouth, where it enters the German Ocean.
Yarkan, or Irken, a town of Tartary, in the country of Cashgur, with a large palace, where the khan of the Eluth Tartars generally resides. It has a considerable trade, and stands in a fertile country, on a river of the same name, 100 m. S. E. of Cashgur. Long. 79. 4. E., lat. 38. 40. N.
Ya.rm, a town in N. Yorkshire, Eng. 239 m. N by W. of London.
Yarmouth, a sea-port and borough in Norfolk, Eng. xe2x96xa0 It is seated at the mouth of the Yare, and enjoys the export, and import trade of various places in Norfolk and Suffolk. The harbour is convenient for business, the vessels lying in the river along a very extensive quay. Its foreign trade is considerable, and it also sends ships to the Greenland fishery. A great number of her- ring are cured here, and under the name of red herrings, are either consumed at home or export- ed to foreign countries. Yarmouth contains about
18,000 inhabitants. Off the mouth of the harbour is a bar, which prevents the entry of ships of large burden : and the many sand-banks off the coast from the Yarmouth Roads, so noted for frequent shipwrecks. Yarmouth is 23 m. E. of Norwich and 124 N. E. of London. Long. 1.45. E., lat. 52. 38. N.
Yarmouth, a borough in Hampshire, Eng. on the N. W. coast of the Isle of Wight, with a for titled castle, and a convenient quay It is 10 m. W. of Newport |
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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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