Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 790 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 790 Left Column
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Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States (main entry)
    Cape Cod
    Boston (directional)
Yaruqui, Peru (main entry)
    Quito (directional)
    French mathematicians
Yates County, New York, United States (main entry)
    Penn Yann, Yates County, New York, United States
    Yates, Genesee County, New York, United States
Yaynan-gheoum, Birmah (main entry)
    Irrawaddy River
    Shillahmew (directional)
Yazoo River (main entry)
    Mississippi, United States
    Mississippi River
Yazoo County, Mississippi, United States (main entry)
    Benton, Yazoo County, Mississippi, United States
Yea, Lima, Peru (main entry)
    Pisco (directional)
    Lima (directional)
Yell (Island), Shetland Islands (main entry)
    Mainland (Island), Shetland Islands
Yellow River (main entry)
Yellow Sea (main entry)
    Leao-tong (Gulf)
    Pe-tche-li, China
    Chang-tong, China
    Corea (Peninsula)
Yellow Springs, Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States (main entry)
    Yellow Springs, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, United States
    Yellow Springs, Green County, Ohio, United States
Yellowstone Branch (main entry)
    Missouri River
    Rocky Mountains
    Missouri River
Yellow Water River (main entry)
    Pensacola Bay
    Florida, United States
Yemen, Arabia Felix (main entry)
    Red Sea
    Indian Ocean
    Beit el Faki
    Macha, Yemen, Arabia Felix
    Sana, Yemen, Arabia Felix
Yenikal (main entry)
    Yenikal (Fortress)
    Kertch (directional)
Yenisei River (main entry)
    Jenisa River (synonym for Yenisei River)
    Frozen Ocean
    Oby (Bay)
Yeniseisk, Tomsk, Russia (main entry)
    Jeniskoi (synonym for Yeniseisk, Tomsk, Russia)
    Yenisei River
    Tomsk (directional)
Yenne, Savoy, Sardinian States (main entry)
    Rhone River
    Chambery (directional)
Yen-ngan, Chen-si, China (main entry)
    Yen River
    Pekin (directional)
Yen-ping, Fokien, China (main entry)
    Minho River
    Pekin (directional)
Yen-tcheou, Chang-tong, China (main entry)
    Pekin (directional)
Yen-tcheou, Tche-kiang, China (main entry)
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