naked, except where they are covered with snow, but the land bordering on the sea-coast is thickly clothed with wood, almost down to the waters edge. The northernmost island, called Eaheino- mauwe, has a much better appearance. It is, in- deed, not only hilly, but mountainous; yet even the hills and mountains are covered with wood ; and every valley has a rivulet of excellent water.
The soil ot these valleys, and the plains, of which there are many overgrown with wood, is in general light, but fertile ; and it is supposed that every kind of European grain, plants, and fruits, would flourish here with the utmost luxu- riance. The whole extent of the two islands is estimated by Mr Nicholas, who visited them in 1814 and 1815, at 62,160 sq. m. or 39,782,400 sq. acres. The winters are milder than in England, and the summers not hotter, though more equally warm. There are forests of vast extent, full of the straightest and largest timber, fit for building of any kind. The only native quadrupeds are dogs and rats : the former are domestic, and for food ; the latter, though not numerous, are also eaten. The birds, like the vegetables, are almost entirely peculiar to the country. The creeks swarm with fish, which are equally delicious with those of Europe. The rocks are furnished with great quantities of excellent muscles, one sort of which measures above a foot in length, and with great variety of other shell-fish. The men are stout and fleshy, but not corpulent, and are ex- ceedingly vigorous and active. The women in general are smaller than the men, and are chiefly distinguished by the softness of their voices. The bodies of both sexes are marked with black stains, called amoco, which is the same as tatooing at Otaheite. Their dress is also the same with that of the natives of that island. Their houses are miserable lodgings ; and their only furniture con- sists in a few small baskets, in which they put their fishing-hooks and other trifles. Their food consists chiefly of fish, with which, instead of bread, they eat the root of a kind of fern, which they scorch over the fire, and then beat with a stick, till the bark or dry outside falls off. Be- sides their dogs, they also contrive to kill birds ; and in most parts of the northern island they have sweet potatoes, cocoas, and yams; but in the southern nothing is raised by cultivation. Their cookery consists wholly in roasting and baking, which last is performed in the same manner as at Otaheite. The women eat in common with the men, and but little subordination or distinction of rank is observed among them.
From Cape Kidnappers, in lat. 39. 43., for up- wards of 80 leagues to the northward, the people acknowledge one sovereign, called Teratu, and under him several subordinate chiefs, who proba- bly administer justice ; but whether his authority oe hereditary or delegated is uncertain. This part of the coast is by far the most populous ; til- lage, weaving, and the other arts of peace, being here best known and most practised. The canoes are more decorated, the plantations more numer- ous, and the clothes and carving finer, than any where else. In other parts the inhabitants are scattered along the coast, in single families, or in large tribes, in a state of perpetual hostility with each other. For such continual wars, and the in- human banquet that is the consequence of victo- ry, among people in other respects mild and gen- tle, perhaps no better reason can be assigned than that what at first originated in necessity has been perpetuated by habit, and exasperated by revenge |
In the year 1814 several missionary stations were established in New Zealand, for the purpose of civilizing the ignorant natives, and instructing them in the Christian religion. In 1819 the set- tlements were visited by Mr. Marsden, when a tract of land, consisting of 13,000 acres, was purchased from one of the chiefs, and the mis sionaries were settled on it. According to the latest accounts, they still continue to struggle against the obstacles opposed to their progress from the ferocity and superstition of the natives. Among other enterprises they have succeeded in reducing the language of NewZealand'lo writing, and have constructed a grammar for the benefit of such new missionaries as may be inclined to enter on this field of labor. Several New Zea- landers who were brought to New Holland, and had there an oppotunity of witnessing the arts and improvements of civilized life, have since rendered great service to the missions.
Zebid, a city of Arabia, in the province of Ye- men. It was once very considerable, but its walls are demolished, and the present buildings scarcely occupy the half of its ancient extent. It is seated on a river, 16 m. from the Red Sea. and 140 N. of Mocha. Long. 44.28.E.,lat.l5.10. N.
Zebu, or Selm, one of the Philippine Islands between those of Leyta and Negros. It is 149 m. long and 30 broad, and has a town of the same name, on the E. c.ast. Long. 122. 30. E., lat. 10.
36. N._
Zedic, a town of Barbary in Tripoli, seated on a bay of the Mediterranean, 120 m. S. E. of Tri poli.
Zegedin, or Szeged, a strong town of Hungary, with a trade in salt, tobacco, wool, and corn; situate on the Theisse, opposite the influx of the Maros, 65 m. N. W. Temeswar and 98 S. E. of Pest. Long. 20. 25. E., lat. 46. 20. N.
Zegzeg, a kingdom of Negroland, to the N. of Zanfara. between Cassina and Bornou. The cap- ital is ofthe same name, 380 m. N. E. of Cassina. Long. 16. 0. E., lat. 20. 45. N.
Zehaenick, a town of Prussia, in Brandenburg, noted far a large foundry, 30 m. N. of Berlin
Zeil, a town of Bavarian Franconia, seated on the Maine,10 m. N. W. of Bamberg.
Zeila, a sea-port of the kingdom of Adel, and a place of considerable trade ; seated on a bay oi the Arabian Sea. Long. 44. 22. E., lat. 11. 9. N
Zeitoun, Gulf of, a hay on the eastern coast ol Greece, opposite the northern extremity of the island of Negropont. It is the boundary between Independent Greece and Turkey.
Zeitoun, a town of European Turkey situated at the bottom of the above gulf, in Janna, and an archbishops see, with a castle. It is seated on a gulf of its name, 50 m. S. S. E. of Larissa and 62 N. of Corinth.
Zeitz, a town of Prussian Saxony, with a mag nifieent castle, and a collegiate church. It has good cloth and stuff manufactures, and is seated on the the Elster, 23 m. S. S. W. of Leipzig.
Zell, a town of Hanover, formerly the capital of a duchy of the same name, in the principality of Lunenburg. It is surrounded by ditches and ramparts, on which are planted chesnut and lime trees. The high courts of appeal for all the territories of the electoral house of Brunswick, Lunenberg were held here ; and also the diets foi the principality. The castle was repaired by George II. of England, for the residence of his unfortunate sister, the queen of Denmark, who died here in 1775. Zell is seated on the A Jler, |