Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 816
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TUY    739    TYC

Turon, a sea-port of Cochin-China, situate on a
bay ofthe same name, which affords a safe retreat
for the largest ships in the most tempestuous sea-
son. In the vicinity are plantations of sugar-canes
and tobacco. Turon is 40 m. S. E. of Hue. Long
107. 40. E., lat. 16. 9. N.

Tarsi, a town of Naples, in Basilicata, on the
river Sino, 8 m. W. of the gulf of Tarento and
30 S. ofMatera.

Turtle Creek, townships in Shelby and Warren
Co. Ohio.

Tuscaloosa, a county of Alabama. Pop. 13,645,
Tuscaloosa is the capital.

Tuscaloosa, the capital of Alabama and of the
above county, on the Black Warrior River, near
the centre of the state 200 m. N. Mobile. 900 m.

S. W. Washington. Pop. 1,600. The university
of Alabama at this place was founded in 1820. It has
6 instructors and 65 students, the library has 1,000
vols. It has one vacation of two months in August
and September. Commencement is inDecember.

Tuscany, a sovereign state of Italy, with the ti-
tle of a grand duchy, belonging to the house of
Austria. It is bounded on the N. by Modena, on
the E. and S. by the pope’s territories, on the W.
by the Mediterranean. It is about 150 m. in
length, and 100 in breadth; and is watered by sev-
eral rivers of which the Arno is the chief. There
are several mountains, in which are found mines of
iron, alum, and vitrol. There are also quarries of
marble, alabaster, and porphyry, besides hot baths
and mineral waters. Many parts of it are fruitful
in corn and wine, and produce plenty of citrons,
oranges, pomegranates, and other fruits. The in-
habitants apply themselves to trade; they .chiefly
manufacture silks, stuffs, fine earthenware, and
gilt leather. They are. much visited by foreign-
ers, on account of their politeness, and because
the Tuscan language is accounted the purest in
all Italy. This duchy is divided into three prov-
inces, Florence, Pisano,* and Sienna, to which
some add the Islands. Upon the flight of the
grand duke, in 1~99, it was erected by the French
into the kingdom of Etruria; but was soon after-
wards transformed into an apendage to the
crown of Italy. In 1814 however, the duchy was
restored to the Austrians, when Ferdinand, the
grand duke, returned to his dominions. Florence
is the capital.

Tuscarawas, a county of Ohio, on a stream of
the same name, flowing into the Muskingum.
Pop. 14,298. New Philadelphia is the capital;
also a village in the same Co. and a township in
Stark Co. Ohio.

Tascarora, ph. Mifflin Co. Pa.

Tascumbia, p.v. Franklin Co. Alab.

Tusis, a town of Switzerland, in the canton of
Grisons, seated near the torrent Nolla, 16 m. S. by
W. of Coire.

Tatucorm, a town of Hindoostan, in the Car-
natic, seated on the gulf of Manara, 29 m. E. by
N. of Palarncotta, and 67 S. of Madura.

Tatlingen, a town of Germany, with a castle on
a mountain, belonging to the kingdom of Wurtem-
ber*. Near it is the celebrated foundry of Lud-
wigsthal. It is seated on the Danube, over which
is a brid*e, 53 m. S. S. W. of Stuttgard. Long. 8.
48. E , lat. 43. 2. N. _    .

Tatura, a town of Russia, in the government of
Irkutsk, situate on the Lena, 160 m. N. of Irkutsk.
Long. 105. 40. E., lat. 54. 40. N.

Tuxford, a town in Nottinghamshire, Eng. 137
bq. N. bj W. of London.

Tuy, a town of Spain, in Galicia, and a bishop’s
see. It is surrounded by walls and ramparts, and
well furnished with artillery, being a frontier town
towards Portugal. It stands on a mountain near
the river Minho, 60 m. S. of Compostelia and 260
W. N. W. of Madrid. Long. 8. 32. W , lat. 42.4. N

Tuzla a to'wn of Asiatic Turkey, in Caramania,
situate at the western extremity of a lake to which
it gives name, 28 m. N. of Cogni.

Tver, a government of Russia, formerly a pro
vince in the government of Novogorod. It was
the first province modelled according to the code
of laws of Catharine II., and comprises an area of

24,000 sq. m. with 1,000,000 of inhabitants. The
country produces abundantly all kinds of corn and
vegetables. Its forests yield the most valuable
timber. The quadrupeds and the feathered race
are the same as in all the N. of Europe. Besides
the fishes common to most lakes and rivers, there
is one peculiar to the waters of these northern re
gions, called the sterlet: it is the acipenser ruth
enus of Linne, and is a species of sturgeon, high-
ly esteemed for the flavor of its flesh, and for its
roe, of which the finest caviar is made.

Tver, the capital of the foregoing government,
and an archbishop’s see, with a fortress. It is a
place of considerable commerce, being seated at
the conflux of the Tyerza, and Volga, along which
is conveyed all the merchandise sent by water
from Siberia and the S. provinces towards Peters-
burg. It is divided into the Old and New Town ;
the former, situate on the opposite side ofthe Vol-
ga., consists almost entirely of wooden cottages;
the latter has risen with lustre from the ashes of
the conflagration of 1763. Catharine II., at her
own expense, raised the governor’s house, the
episcopal palace, the courts of justice, the ex-
change, the prison, and some other public edifices ;
and, to every person who engaged to build a
house of brick, she offered a loan of xc2xa3300 for 12
years without interest. The streets are broad and
long, extending in straight lines, from an octagon
in the centre ; the houses of this octagon, and of
the principal streets, are of brick stuccoed white,
and make a magnificent appearance. Here is an
ecclesiastical seminary, which admits 600 stu-
dents. In 1776 the empress founded a school for
the instruction of 200 burgher’s children ; and in
1779 an academy for the education of 120 of the
young nobility of the province. Tver is 99 m. N.
N. W. of Moscow. Long. 36. 5. E., lat. 56. 7. N.

- Tweed, a river of Scotland, which rises from
numerous springs in the S. part of Peebles-shire,
called Tweedsmuir. It divides that country al-
most into two equal parts, crosses the N. part of
Selkirkshire and Roxburgshire, then forms the
boundary between Berwickshire and England,
and enters the German Ocean at Berwick.

Twickenham, a village in Middlesex, Eng.
adorned with many handsome villas, of which
two are particularly celebrated : that which was
the favorite residence of Pope,and Strawberry Hill,
the elegant Gothic retreat of the celebrated Hor-
ace Walpole, earl of Orford. It is seated on the
Thames, 3 m. S. S. W. of Brentford.

Twiggs, a county of Georgia. Pop. 8,029
Marion is the capital.

Twin, townships in Darke, Ross and Preble Cos.

Twinsburg, ph. Portage Co. Ohio.

Tybee, an island of Georgia at the mouth of the
river Savannah, on which is a lighthouse.

Tyboine, a township of Perry Co. Pa.

Tycokzin, a town of Poland, on the Nrew ,
m. N. W. of Bielsk.




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