It was our intention to have connected this publication with the Gaz“ etteee ; but it was found that by compressing the matter, sufficiently to unite them in one volume, both would fail of the object contemplated.
A great mass of materials for the Register is already received ; indeed, a considerable portion is now ready for the press; but as we have extend¬ ed our plan, some months will elapse before its appearance.
The work will comprise the rise and progress of all the important lit¬ erary, religious, moral and charitable institutions in New England :— an account of the Churches and Ministers in tire several towns, from their origin, and settlement to the present time :—the rise and extent of internal improvements :—statistics of various kinds : lists of Courts, At¬ torneys at law, Physicians, Literary and Religious Journals, Newspa¬ pers, Banks, Postmasters, &c. &c.: to which will be added brief notices of distinguished men. In short, the Register is designed to comprise all that may be considered important and useful,in a work of this kind, in relation to New England, and which is not contained in the Gazetteer.
The number of eminent men, of every profession, who have kindly tendered the Editor their co-operation, is so great, that we feel confident that the Register will be entitled to a share of public favor.
Q5T’ Ml letters and papers for the Editor, are requested to he left at the Boston Post Office.
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