Had not America been discovered and a tract upon our continent reserv¬ ed for English colonization;—nay, further, had it not been precisely such an uninviting spot as furnished no temptation to men of prosperous fortunes, the world would have lost that noble developement of character which the fathers of New England exhibit. A tropical climate would have made it uninhabitable to Puritans; or rather would have filled it up with adventurers of a different class. A gold mine would have been a curse to the latest generation. Had the fields produced cotton and sugar, they would not have produced the men whom we venerate as the founders of the liberties of New England.
Puritanism sprang up in England, but there it could not develope itself with vigor or consist with happiness. The conflict with the hostile in¬ stitutions of society was too sharp, and admitted of the cultivation of none hut the militant or patient elements of character. To struggle with temporary success and to bow in permanent subjection was the necessary fate of the persecuted sect. So it was wisely ordained. Had Puritan¬ ism permanently mastered the church and the throne in England, it would have beep corrupted. It would have picked up and worn the trampled diadem : it would have installed itself in the subjected church. Regarding Cromwell and the Rump Parliament as the gift of Puritanism to English liberty, it is a bequest at which we know not whether most to sigh or smile. The seed sown in England fell by the way side and the fowls came and devoured it up. The cause of political and social reform, which was conducted with self-denying wisdom and moderation jp the outset, by sipgle-hearted, hoqest men, degenerated as it prospered. In the moment of its triumph it sunk under the corruptions of selfish* ness, as a noble vessel which has braved the tempest in mid-ocean some¬ times goes to pieces on the rocks as it approaches land.
But the precious seeds of liberty, civil and religious, which were sown in New England, fell upon a genial soil, and brought forth worthy and abiding fruit. Undertaking the same work which was undertaken by their brethren in England, our fathers conducted it through the days of j small things, through hardships, trial, and disasters, to a triumphant issue. It is true there were greater obstacles to be encountered in England, in the resistance of established institutions. Deep rooted errors were to be torn up ; the towers of feudal oppression, which had stood for centuries, were to be overthrown. But the influence of these formidable institutions was not limited to Old England. The rod of arbitrary power reached across the Atlantic. The little colonies had to struggle with the crown and the hierarchy, with the privy council and with special commissions, with writs and acts of parliament; and they had besides to struggle with the
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