Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 20
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There are several items in this volume which do not strictly pertain
to the general character of the work. Some of them are here noted.

Routes to the White Mountains,    -    See    White Mountains.

Distances on Long Island Sound and Hudson river, Long I. Sound.
Saratoga and Ballston Springs, -    -    White Mountains.

Lake George, N. Y.,    -    “

Whitehall, N. Y.,    -    <<

The North Eastern Boundary Question briefly stated,    Maine.

Confidence in God, -    -    -    -    Sharon, Ct

Troy, N. Y.,    -    -    -    Long Island Sound.

New Lebanon Springs, N. Y., -    -    -    Hancock,    Mass.

Firmness of mind, -    -    -    Stamford,    Ct.

Catskill Mountains, N. Y.,    -    -    Long Island Sound.

A venerable minister, -    Hartford, Ct.

Curious Courtship,    -    -    -    .    Lyme, Ct.

Bay of Ftmdy,    .....    Fundy, Bay

St. John’s, N. B.,    -    -    -    -    “

A Congregation made Prisoners, -    -    Darien,    Ct

Brave Women, Dustan’s Island, Gorham, Me., and Dorchester, Mass
A good shot,    -    -    -    Dalton, N. H

Goffe and Whalley, -    «    Hadley,    Mass.,    and Woodbridge, Ct,

Peddling,    -    -    Alexanders’    Lake, and Berlin, Ct.

The “Old Black Bull,” -    -    -    •    Colchester,    Ct.

Prices of sundry articles in 1750,    -    -    Gorham,    Me.

Faithful Missionaries,    -    Roxhury,    Mass.,    and Haddam,Ct.

Burning of Fairfield, ...    Fairfield,    Ct.

Mount Auburn Cemetery, -    -    Cambridge, Mass.

Transplanting fish, -    -    Fairlee    and Whiting, Vt.

Ohookiah, ...    -    Cornwall, Ct.

Large Apple Tree,    -    -    -    Duxbury, Mass.

Thermometrical observations,    -    -    *    Epping,    N.    H.

Fortunate Stageman, -    -    Belchertown, Mass.

Tribute to female character,    -    *    -    -    Ledyard,    Ct.

Large Pines, -    -    Liberty    and    Norridgewock,    Me.

Generals Allen and Stark,    Litchfield,    Ct., and Manchester, N. II.

General Putnam and the Wolf,    -    -    Pomfret,    Ct.

Tornadoes, Warner and New London, N II., and Winchendon, Mass.



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